Two Can Play At That Game ~ Chapter 4

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Your POV

I woke up the same as always, after seeing my.. Dad..

I got up and showered, did the usual, all that. My face was still tear-streaked, and I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday. I walked into the kitchen, partially hoping to see Garroth there. Nope, no Garroth. But, next to the pile of bills, there was a small paper.

Hey, when you see this, it's probably morning. So.. good morning? I just wanted to let you know, that what happened on the roof.. yeah, that.. don't tell a soul. If you do, I swear I will.. ugh, I don't know. Just, don't tell anybody, okay? Please?

- Garroth

Oh.. he means the singing, doesn't he? But.. he's SO good! Gah, I suppose I can respect that. Maybe he'll sing for me.. probably not. I combed out my hair, and put a (f/c) headband in. I wore a grey short-cut top that says DON'T go with the flow, and dark red jeans. I stepped into a pair of grey converse, and put on a (f/c) bracelet. Ready to go.

I opened the door, ready to leave open, and hit someone. "Oh my Irene! A-Are you oka- Garroth!" I was surprised to see the one and only on the other side of the door, rubbing his head. "Ow.. Don't tell me I'll have to wake up earlier now!" He groaned. I rolled my eyes, and we started walking. "Why do you keep avoiding me?" I asked. "I don't avoid you." He replied. "Yes you do. Why?" I repeated. "Because," He said with a bored tone. "I'm independent." "I hate you, Garroth." "I hate you, (f/n)." I started shivering, it was freezing outside! "You cold?" Garroth chuckled. "N-No!" I said shakily. "Here, wear this till we get to school." He said, taking off his hoodie. I smiled at him, putting it on. "I've never seen you without this on." I said. He looked at me, and looked back down at the sidewalk. "Well, enjoy it. 'Cause it's not gonna last." He said. "Why don't you want people knowing you can sing?" I ask. "I see you got my note." He said. "Why?" I repeated. "Because... I just.. I can't answer that question right now." He said quietly. "Oh. Um... you know you can trust me, right?" I ask uncertainly. I can see his eyes widen. "No, no no no! That's NOT why! I know that I can trust you, (f/n)." He said quickly. I smiled, and looked at the sidewalk like him. "Why are you so mysterious?"  I ask. This has become some sort of I ask and he answers game. "Because, that's just how I am." He answered without even glancing at me. "Why?" "I just wanted to know.." I replied. We stayed silent until we got to school. I hadn't seen Laurence.. strange. I gave him the hoodie.

"Well, I'll see you third period." I said walking away. I walked to my locker, shocked to see Laurence. Making out with that blondie. Fighting back the tears, I ignored it, and got my books from my locker. "Oh, hey (f/n)!" Laurence called, jogging over to me. "Hi." I said. "What's wrong?" He asked. Oh that little bee was trying to make me jealous! Ha, like that would work. "Nothing, I was just wondering why you weren't there when I was coming today." I said. "Oh, I got here early. Sorry you had to walk alone." He said. "I didn't. I walked with Garroth. You know, he's super nice!" I said coolly.  Ready for a taste of your own medicine, Laurence? "Well, I better get going. See ya!" I said, walking away.

Take that, Laurence.

"Oh, good morning , (f/n." Miss Emmalyn said kindly. "You, as well." I replied, walking to my desk. "Oh, (f/n), can you come here, please?" She called. I walked to her table. "Yes?" I ask. "Well, do you want to go on the field trip?" She asked excitedly. "Of course!" I replied. "Well, I need your parent or guardian to sign this." She said handing me a slip of paper. I frowned. "Everything alright?" She asked, noticing my expression. "Well.. I don't exactly have either of those." I said truthfully. "No parents or guardian?" She asked to clarify. "My.. my dad died... and my mom is always drunk and only shows up about twice a year for a few minutes.." I said. She covered her mouth with one hand. "Okay. Then, I'll sign it." She finally said, a hint of sympathy in her voice.


It was the end of third period, and I caught up to Garroth. "Hey." he said. Then, I heard Laurence's voice from around the corner. "Trust me!" I whispered urgently, and grabbed his hand. I fake-giggled. When Laurence turned the corner, I could only imagine the look on his face! "Why are we doing this?" Garroth asked. "Laurence.." I whispered. "He keeps trying to make me jealous, but two can play at that game.." I answered. He shrugged. 

Garroth's POV (IKR!?)

She grabbed my hand, and I could feel a blush rise up on my cheeks. I looked down at the white and blue tiles. "So, when can we stop?" I asked. "What, you don't like it?" She asked mockingly. I rolled my eyes. "Ready... 3...2...1.. let go!" She whispered. I did just that. Laurence jogged up. "H-Hey!" He said. I couldn't help but smirk a bit, he was jealous. "Oh, hey Laurence." She said calmly. "So.. I better get going, Sarah wants me to sit with her. Bye!" He said, before turning around. "Tsk, he's so stupid." She giggled. "I can't believe he's doing this. Don't tell me you're jealous of that Sarah girl, though." I chuckled. "As if. Don't you know me better than that?" She remarked. We sat down and talked for the rest of lunch period.

"Hey, we should hang out some time." I said. She smiled at me. "Okay, I'd like that."


(sorry this was so short and bad, just getting something out there!)

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