Want You To Love Me ~ Chapter 15

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Garroth's POV

"Well, isn't that sweet?"

I turned around, afraid of what I might find. The voice sounded.. feminine.

"W-Who are you!?" I heard (f/n) demand.
"Me? Who am I? The name, is Sasha."

Sasha. Sasha. Rings a bell. Sasha..
Holy shit it's Sasha.

"OH YOU HAVE SOME NERVE.. I WANT TO MURDER YOU RIGHT NOW!" I screamed furiously. (f/n) grabbed a hold of my shoulder. "It's okay, she just crashed our date, that's all.." She said warmly. I shook my head, my body tense with anger. Hatred. Every negative thing you could feel. But yet, she still seemed invincible. What could I do to her to make her feel the pain she inflicted on me?

"No." I said to (f/n) through gritted teeth. "No. That is NOT all that she has done." Sasha let out a giggle with a mischievous hint to it. "Sh, honey, what did she do?" (f/n) asked softly. "S-She.. " I lowered my furious voice to a whisper. "She killed my brother."
I never told anyone about Vylad, and neither did Zane. "No, Garroth, Zane's s-" I broke into her sentence. "Zane isn't the brother I was referring to. I'm talking about the youngest of the three of us. And she knows it. She killed Vylad." 

Sasha let out another ear-piercing laugh. Her purple eyes shined with the light pouring down from the sky. He snow white hair bounced as she blew a big, pink bubble with the gum she's been chewing quite obnoxiously. "Vylad, such a sweet boy!" She chirped. It took me everything not to punch her in the jaw. Her high-pitched school girl voice was annoying me. "Garroth, Garroth, he is upset! He is upset because of Saaasha," She sang. "Garroth, Garroth, he is mad! He is mad at Saaaasha!"  my fists were clenched so hard that my knuckles turned white. 

"I-I'm so.. I'm so confused.." (f/n) said. Sasha spun in a circle, and her skirt twirled. "Garroth, Garroth, he is sad. He is sad 'cause of Sasha, Garroth Garroth, he is sad, 'cause I, murdered Vylad!" She continued to sing. "We should call the cops." (f/n) suggested, as if Sasha wasn't there. "Call the cops!" She made a loud chewing sound with her bubble gum, and giggled. "That's a silly idea!" 
"Garroth, she just admitted to murder." *(f/n) said. 
"We called them last time, they dismissed our case because Sasha is 'A Friend'." I explained. "Sasha used a knife, Sasha used a knife, Sasha used a knife to kill Vylad!" 

She is such a twisted being. "Sasha, Sasha, spilled his blood! She got her hands all red!" She continued. "Go away!" (f/n) shouted. Sasha stopped, and frowned. "I don't believe I know you. Care to introduce yourself?" She asked. "No. Get away from here." (f/n) demanded. "Aw, I just wanted to play.." Sasha purred playfully. As they continued arguing, well, (f/n) was arguing, I sneaked behind Sasha. Nobody noticed. I picked up a large, heavy rock, and nailed Sasha in the head with it. She collapsed with a yelp, before losing consciousness and becoming a heap on the ground. I swallowed hard. 

"Garroth..." (f/n) whispered. I gestured for her to sit down. "Vylad.. he was my brother. We took him in. He was the youngest. He was six months when we got him, and Irene.. he was such an amazing boy. He was killed when he was six, just before my mother had Zane." I explained.

"Garroth.. I'm-" She started. I shook my head. A lump was paining my throat, and my eyes were stinging as I tried to fight off the tears. Without warning, (f/n) trapped me in here warm embrace, her fingernails lightly tracing over my arms. I wrapped my arms around her. We didn't say a word for a while.

"What do we do now?" I ask. She pulled away. "We go have fun." She replied. 

Your POV

He adorably scrunched his nose, and I smiled. "Come on." 
We walked back to the apartment so I could change into something warmer, and better for the occasion. I didn't tell him what we were doing. Instead, I just kept telling him "You'll see" when he asked what we were doing.

I fastened my knee-length leather boots, and put on a (f/c) top under my leather jacket. I also put on some skinny jeans. I left Garroth's hoodie on the closet floor. "I'm coming!" I said as I walked to the door.
"Breathtaking as per usual." Garroth said when he saw me. I felt a blush creeping up on my cheeks. "It's on of my many talents to look amazing." I joked. "Believe me, I know." He replied. I playfully shoved him. We walked out. "Where are we going?" He asked. "Follow me!" I laughed, pulling him up to the roof. I've done this once before, and it was amazing. "Why are we coming up here?" He asked. "Shhh hush child, just watch." I pointed to the roof of the building next door. "See that building?" He nodded. "Come on." 

I didn't look at the good twenty story drop. I just leaped over the five-foot gap between the buildings, landing with a roll into the gravel on my side. I rubbed my shoulder, and tried to scrape the gravel out of my hand and face. I thought Garroth was gonna be like 'What the hell? Why would you do that? I'm not doing that!' but before I could turn around he landed with a thud and a somersault, landing more gracefully than me. "Have you done this before?" I asked. He breathlessly replied, "No." I shrugged. "Let's keep going."

We climbed carefully down a ladder. Inside was a candy shop, so we both plucked a lolly pop from the jar on the shelf. "Aren't we breaking and entering?" He whispered. I let a tiny giggle escape my lips. "No. We didn't break anything, we just entered." I said mischievously. He rolled his eyes. "Come on, I hear someone!" I whisper-yelled, and we ran up the ladder as fast as possible. We sat at the second floor, and I clamped my mouth with my hand to keep from laughing. "H-Hey! There are two lolly pops missing!" I hear a raspy voice yell, "Whose there!?" 
I mouthed "GOGOGO!" and we climbed up the ladder to the roof, and without thinking, I jumped to the next roof. A good eight foot gap. I landed just like Garroth did before. He followed. My adrenaline was pumping, and I ignored the fact that I almost didn't make the jump. 

"This is fun!" Garroth laughed. "I know. Like Assassins Creed!" I replied, smiling sincerely. The wind breathed into my face, blowing my hair back. The chill of the night air enveloped me, and I let it. I looked around, admiring the bright city and the stars. I laid down on my back, and Garroth did the same. "Mars." He said, pointing at an especially bright star. "How do you know?" I asked. He began explaining some scientific stuff, and I half listened. I craved a warm, soft kiss from his lips. I wanted him to hold me, and use his thumb to rub circles on my cheek, and push back some strands of my hair. I really want him to tell me he loved me. I want him to love me.

U mad bro? I hope not because I gave you a bit of lovey dovey to make up for the cliff hanger! Alright, bye guys! Hehe!

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