Sound Proof ~ Chapter 24

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Your POV


I'm at the gun range.


Right between the eyes of the dummy. I've been practicing all day, and I have finally perfected my accuracy. "Wow.." A voice from behind me said. A familiar voice. "Mike?" I ask as I turn around. "Call me Kenmur." He smiled. (All of you that guessed he was Kenmur were correct!) "Wait- Kenmur? As in Emmalyn's HUSBAND" I ask, a shocked expression on my face. "Ex-husband, that is," He corrected. "I used to be an inventor, and a good one, too. Then I lost my job, and started making weapons. She divorced me.. but I still love her." I slowly nod. "And may I say, that is a fine job at shooting." He commented. "Thanks." A smile played on my lips. "Is that the bad boy you got from me?" He gestured to the gun.

"Yeah, actually." I glanced at the pistol in my hand. A deadly machine. It could kill in seconds. But, I heard someone say once, that you don't need to be faster than the bullet, just smarter than the one shooting. I smiled to myself, when I remembered it was my dad who said that. "Well, I'll leave you be. I just wanted to see who this remarkable shooter was. Turns out, it was you! Funny that. See you later, kid." He said. Before I had the chance to say bye, he left. It was as though he vanished into mid-air. I looked at the gun for one more second before aiming and shooting. Straight between the eyes. Again.

I decide that I had enough practice, and begin my walk home. I sigh as I hold onto the edges of my leather red leather jacket, slipping my gun back into my boot. I suddenly hear footsteps behind me, but I don't draw my weapons. I turn around, and nobody is there. I look around, and slowly turn back around. I cautiously continue walking, straining to hear any other sounds. As I slowly step through the city of towering sky-scrapers, I grow more and more worried. I can shake the feeling of someone watching me, and for all I know they are going to ambus-

"MMPPPFHT!" I yell as someone throws a hand over my mouth. I elbow them in the stomach, making them let go. I start sprinting away, but I can hear footsteps following behind me. I don't want to reveal any weapons just yet. I turn around, ready to punch, but instead see a hair bow that looks a lot like the ones at Kenmur's- wait.. I turn to run but I hear a loud crash, and blackness overwhelms me.


My eyes flutter open, and I panic as I recollect the events of earlier. I try to scream, but I realize I am gagged. This is not a normal situation for a high-schooler. My hands are tied together, as well as my ankles. "She's woken up.." I hear someone whisper. My eyes dart around, but I can't see much. The room I'm in is dark and damp. Suddenly, bright lights turn on, causing my vision to temporarily go white. When I can see again, there is a camera in front of me. I look around, and see a tall feminine figure. Looking closer, she has blonde hair with pink-dyed ends, and vibrant pink eyes. She also has goggles on her head and a white lab coat. "Polly! Is it recording?!" An all too familiar voice says. I grit my teeth. Sasha.

"Um.. 3..2..1 ACTION!" The girl who I presume to be Polly shouts. She grins as she walks up next to me. "Hey, Garroth!" My eyes widen when I realize they are using me as a hostage. "See this girl? This pathetic girl?" She asks with a smug smirk on her lips. "If you don't come here.. you know where... then you don't get to ever see her again. NOBODY DOES!" She cackles. My knees are tucked up to my chest, and my wrists are tied underneath them, not permitting me to move positions. But it does give me access to my knife, I soon realize.

I try to speak, but it comes out muffled. "Oh, what was that?" She taunts. I glare daggers at her. Get it? Daggers? No? Okay. Now is NOT the time for that. Definitely not. "Gah, fine." She removes my gag. I look directly at the camera. "Garroth, trust me. I have this all under control. Please do not come, I beg that you trust me. I know it looks like I don't have anything under control, but I do. Please, just trust me. Please. They will kill us both if you come. But, if you don't, we'll both survive." I order. "Pfft, whatever you say, princess." Polly laughs as she puts my ball gag back in. 

"Well, bye, Garroth." She said with a smirk before turning off the camera. I tried to talk again, and she removed my gag. "This is a sound-proof place, so screaming won't do any good." She said. "Then why do you even have this gag?" I ask. "To shut you up. Make it quick." She said, clearly bored. "Fine. Come here." I say. As she takes a few steps forward, I slowly reach for my knife. "Closer." I instruct. I pull out my knife, but she can't see it. "Closer.." I say again. I slowly cut the rope tying my wrists. She was now inches away from me. "Sorry." I whisper in her ear. "Sorry? For wha-" She was cut off when I stabbed her in the lower stomach. I made sure to stab her where she wouldn't die. "That's for kidnapping me. And for being stupid enough not to search me." I said as I walked out of the room. "And where do you think you're going?" Sasha asked. I turned around to see her right behind me. "Me? I'm not sure. But you... Are going to hell." I laugh as I whip out my gun and aim it at her. "You w-wouldn't kill me!" She nervously says. I smirk, and shoot her in the leg. "Kill you? No. Shoot you? Yes." She collapses, clutching her leg. "This place is sound proof, so you can shriek as loud as you'd like!" I call as I run off to the exit.

After I finally find a sturdy, metal door, I walk out, slipping my gun in my boot. And, then I ran into straight into Garroth. "(f-f/n)?!" He asked, pulling me into a hug. I pulled away though. "Now is not the time. We'll talk after we get home. Come on!" I pull him with me, running as fast as I can. They could have backup. We finally got back to my apartment.

"H-How did you.." Garroth's words trailed off. "I told you not to come." I said simply. "(F/N)! You couldn't expect me to leave you there. What if whatever you did didn't work? I would rather die than live without you, (f/n)!" He yelled. "I love you way too much to leave you behind!" I look at him sympathetically before taking him into a hug. His arms easily wrapped around mine. I burrowed my face into his jacket. (Something like Finn's jacket in the force awakens) "I love you, too, Garroth." I whisper. He smiled as he pulled out of the hug.

"Now, how did you escape?"

Hai kru! That is Hi people in trigedasleng, lol. I don't know why I like writing in trigedasleng so much xD. Hope you enjoyed this! Bye my pups!

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