Stomach-Lurching Tools ~ Chapter 18

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Your POV

I wake from my nap to a high-pitch voice. "(f/n)! Oh my Irene... Are you okay!?" She yells. "Aphmau?" I ask. "Hehe! Yeah!" Another visitor. "Well, in that case, I am fine and dandy. Best day ever." I roll over to see her wide, copper eyes looking at me with sorrow. "S-Sorry.." She says sadly. I didn't mean to make her sad! "No, I was just joking. How are you?" "Well, I was good, but then I found out about what happened and rushed over here as quick as possible!" She explained. "I'm glad to know you care." She sat down on the bed. "Of course I do! We're best friends, remember?" She giggled. I nodded, slightly smiling. "So, what about Garroth?" She asked. "Eh?" 

"You know, I saw him push your hair out of your face, so are you guys a couple, friends with benefits, like, what are you?" She chirps, a mischievous smile planted across her face. "Um.." I haven't really thought about that, I guess. I mean, are we a couple? We basically just broke up and then got together, but we never announced what we were..."You could say.. love interest?" I blushed. "OMI! My OTP! Hehe, sorry, but MY SHIP HAS SAILED!" She squealed. And just then- Garroth walked in. "Woah, what is happening..?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I chuckled. "Well.. Aphmau here, is really into ships. Like, the Titanic, and the Lusitania, and the Mayflower, and all those. Oh, can't forget the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria!" I nervously laughed.

"You told her about.. us, didn't you?" He asked. "Heh... maybe.." He rolled his eyes. "Hey, uh, can I get a but of a demonstration..?" Aphmau asked wiggling her eyebrows. "No! That is a craz-" I was cut off by Garroth's lips on mine. My eyes widened, but I kissed him passionately back. I could hear Aphmau fangirling in the background. Soon, Garroth pulled away. "EEEK! OMI MY OTP! I JUST-WHOOOOPY!" She screeched. "Garroth and (f/n), sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" She sang. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but laugh. "Well, I wanna get out of here. Not because I don't want to see you! Just because- I um, have had some bad experiences in hospitals.." She shudders. "Forgive me, but.. bad experiences?" I ask uncertainly. "I um.. I was diagnosed with lung cancer when I was three.." She explained. I let a small gasp escape my mouth.

"C-Cancer?" I repeated. She nodded, looking at the floor. "I'm.. just glad you're okay now." I said reassuringly. "Well, bye guys." She said getting up. "Bye.." I waved. "See, she hasn't had a perfect life. Not even close." I whispered to Garroth. He sighed, "Yeah.. I never would have guessed that. She's so happy now though, as if nothing ever happened." I nodded in agreement. 

"Well, now that we're alone.." He started. I feared the worst, and hoped for the best, like always. When someone says that it can go terribly wrong or amazingly right. "I want to apologize." Phew, we got the good. Not the absolute best, but the great. "F-For what?" I stammer. "I should have listened to you... I should have known your apologies were sincere. It's all my fault we're here right now.." he whispered. I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "No, it's mine. For being stupid enough to jump. Please, don't take the blame for this." I replied. His jaw clenched as he spoke again. "Fine.."

"One other thing, though." He said. I gestured for him to continue. He opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it. He appeared to be pondering on something. Then he leaned closer, and closer. His lips brushed against mine. He pulled away shortly after. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "No need.." I replied before colliding our lips once more.


"I have to go, but I'll visit you again soon." Garroth said as he walked towards the door. "Goodbye." I said. "Bye." He smiled. I grinned to myself after he left, but the pleasure was soon taken away. Donna walked in. "Hiya again!" She said cheerfully. "Yeah." I replied. "The uh, the surgery is going to take place in thirty minutes.." She said, this time sadly. I swear my throat dropped into my stomach. "What!?"
"I'm sorry to do this on such a short notice, but we need to do the surgery TODAY. As soon as possible." I frowned. Panic swallowed me whole. I hate even the idea of surgery. It's just a scary thing by itself. She must have seen my upset expression, because she spoke again, "It won't hurt one bit. And, if you really must, Dr. Doctor might break the rules and allow Garroth to watch." I slightly smiled a very fake one. "T-Thanks.." I said quietly. She gave me a curt nod and left the room. I sighed. Surgery.

Before I knew it, my bed was being wheeled out from my bland, totally white room into a room with pale blue walls and bright lights. Like, really bright. SUPER BRIGHT.
The nurses left the room, and I looked around. Next to me was the most horrifying thing ever. It was a tray, full of knives, all different shapes and sizes, scissors, and all these disgustingly, stomach-lurching tools. That they would use on my body. The door swung open, and I saw Dr. Doctor, Donna, and Garroth walk in. Garroth sat on a stool that was placed next to me, and I gripped his hand. Dr. Doctor put on some blue gloves, and so did Donna. "Okay, we're gonna put you on some medication first." He said. He put a strange-smelling mask on my face. "Soon, you'll be a bit woozy and everything will sound like a good idea, okay?" He explained. I nodded. Soon, it was like every nervous thought in my head was replaced by unicorns and rainbows. Garroth squeezed my hand, and I giggled. "Hehe, is this gonna.." I paused for random dramatic effect, "TICKLE!" I began laughing my head off at my own sentence. I think I heard Garroth chuckle, he must thing I'm sooo funny. Ah, you know what would taste good right about know? Some cheese juice. "Hehehe, Dr. Doctor," I giggled, "Can I gest some cheeeeese juice? Hahaha!" 

Then, everything went all fuzzy and black. Maybe a big black dog was blocking my vision! Hehehe! I like puppies...

I had so much fun writing that last part. Next chapter will be fun too! No, wait, story time children! This is 100% true.

So, my mom had to get this surgery thingy done, and she absolutely HATES IVs. So, she asked for laughing gas. They gave it to her before they put in the IV. The doctor doing it, tried her right forearm and couldn't get it, and then tried her right wrist and still didn't get it correctly, so blood was spewing everywhere, and my mom was just like, quote, "Haha, what medical school did you go to? Your such a bad doctor, I could do better than that!" and she made fun of him the whole time. So then, he was about to do the left wrist and he goes, "If I can't get this vein, I'll have to go to your feet, which will be VERY painful." And my mom's exact response was, quote, "Don't take my shoes off though! Haha, my feet SMELL BAD!" And it was hilarious. Alright, the end.



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