Death's Sweet Embrace ~ Chapter 16

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Your POV

My eyes flitted open and I smiled, remembering last night. Yeah, we had to deal with Sasha, but... we stole lolly pops. I climb out of bed, and notice that Garroth is gone. I heard some voices, that I assumed to be Garroth and Zane. I walked into my closet, glancing at Garroth's hoodie. I pick it up, and slide it on a hanger. Then I put on a black tee with some grey sweatpants, and sneakers. I walk out, brushing my hair as I go.

"Morning." Garroth greets me as I walk into the kitchen. "Hey (f/n)." Zane adds. I smile warmly. "Morning you two."
With every step I take, a large squeal escapes the creaky wood floors. I found a plate of pancakes on the counter. "Garroth! Are these for me?" I ask. "Oh, sorry no. They're actually just for my imaginary friend, Billy." He replies sarcastically. I roll my eyes, "Thanks." He gives me a curt nod before walking into the bedroom. I eat the pancakes slowly, savoring the lingering taste of syrup. So sweet.

After I finish, I brush my teeth, shave, put on some deodorant, all that stuff. Then, after double-checking everything in my bag, I follow Garroth out the door. While we were walking, Laurence came up to us. "What do you want?" I sneered. He looked pained though, now that I notice it. "I.." He took a deep breath. "I want to say.. I'm sincerely sorry.. I never wanted this-this feud between us. I don't..." He sighed and blinked hard. "I don't deserve forgiveness... but I do want you to know that I.. I'm sorry." He said. I swallowed, and opened my mouth to speak. But he just walked off. I looked at Garroth, who shrugged. We continued our trip.

"See you at sixth period." I said. "You too." He replied. I smiled slightly, and started for class. I was in the long corridor, and nobody else was there. Kind of.. Creepy. I kept walking, and Laurence caught up to me somehow. "(f/n)," I noticed the watery pools in his eyes. "I'm sorry for this." And without warning, he grabbed my arm. I tried to shake off his grip, but it was so hard my skin was turning red. "L-Laurence! You-You're hurting me!" I said with a pleading voice. He swallowed hard and crashed his lips into mine. This was nothing like Garroth's kisses. His was rough, and he tasted bitter. I tried to pull away, but he held me tighter. Then I heard shuffling, and what sounded like a.. cry.

He's.. here.

Garroth's POV

"(f/n).." I yelped. Pain stabbed my chest, and my throat seemed to close. I felt tears swimming on the glossy surface of my eyes. No. I will not let her bring me so far down..

I shook my head, and turned on my heel, walking away swiftly. Questions raced like cars through my head, and I was feeling so many things at once, I think I might go insane.

Your POV (Sorry Garroth's was so short xD)

I ripped myself from Laurence, who's eyes were rimmed with red. He was crying. Then, he howled pained sobs. "I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry!" He cried. I shook my head in disgust, and the situation then occurred to me. Garroth..

I felt tears streak my own face. I shrieked.. my screams filled the hallways. They were cries for help, only they come out more like "GARROTH! PLEASE NO GARROTH.." Soon, I broke into cries I've never heard. Pained, heavy sobs. I got up from my knees, and sprinted home. I found Garroth on the way, and he wasn't even crying. Did he even care?

"GARROTH! I'M S-S-SOO SORRY! I-I-I CAN EXPLAIN!" I shrieked. He shook his head. "I don't want to talk to you." He said, his voice cracked and raspy. "Please.. please Garroth.." I begged. He didn't reply. "GARROTH!" I screamed. No reply. I screamed his name again, but this time as I ran home.


I lunged on to my bed, ignoring Zane. I screamed, and cried, and shrieked. I yelled, I yelled his name, my pleads, my sins... I yelled for my father. I remembered the hoodie. I pulled it out and pressed it to my face.

"It smells of you."
"Oh, sorry. Must smell pretty bad, eh?"
"It smells like lemon juice and freshly cut grass, just like you."

Tears stung the back of my eyes like cuts, and I wailed into the hoodie, before folding it and placing it at the end of the bed. I cried until I had to catch my breath, and  then I continued to cry. I reached for my phone to look for a picture of him. Instead, I found a video.

It was him.

"Hey! You aren't awake yet, and neither is Zane." Garroth said. It's from this morning.
"So, I'm making pancakes. And, I have my ways.." I wonder what he's talking about.
"And I found out tomorrow is your birthday." Oh yeah. I forgot.
"So, consider this your present. If you find it." I don't think I found it, Garroth. In fact.. I just lost it.
"This is a song.. I'm going to sing for you." Oh god.. (Play music)

"I've been alone with you inside my mind..
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times...
I sometimes see you pass outside my door..
Hello? Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes. I can see it in your smile.
You're all I've ever wanted, and my arms are opened wide.
'Cause you know just what to say. And you know just what to do.
And I want to tell you so much..
I love you." 

What a sweet song.. It was comforting, hearing him sing. But at the same time, it made my heart ache. It made me feel like that sweet taste of syrup was the last nice thing I'd ever have. It was. Tears silently fell, one after the other, down my face. I pressed the record button on my phone, and weakly tried to smile, the taste of salty tears falling onto my tongue.

"H-Hey G-Ga.." My breath staggered. "Nevermind. I just.." I let out a soft sob. "I'm sorry.. he hurt me.. Laurence did.. he grabbed me so hard..I tried.. I'm sorry I just.." I burst into tears, so loud that I'm sure everyone in the hotel heard me. I shrieked, "I'm sorry! I just want you back.. I don't deserve such a luxury as love.. I just want you to know that I love you. When you see this.. I won't be here. If you see that, I mean." I whimpered. "Goodbye." I stopped recording, and walked out of the apartment. I climbed to the roof.

This time.. there will be no countdown.

I pushed myself off. I felt myself falling.. the wind heaved me up and down, the people looking up at me.. I felt my stomach leap into my throat as I winced, preparing for it all to go dark. The ground was getting closer. And closer. And closer. I closed my eyes and smiled. As I felt the ground closing in, I prepared for death to take me hand-in-hand. But it didn't.

I felt a warm embrace, but the height, the darkness swallowed me whole. The last thing I saw was a pair of eyes. Of icy, tear-brimmed eyes. I heard the soft whisper of my name, sending chills through my body. Then I was disconnected from the world. Completely. 

Don't kill me! If you kill me now, there will never be another chapter, and you won't find out if you died or not! So put down your swords, flamethrowers, torches, stakes, crossbows, regular bows, shovels, pitchforks, and kitchen knives, and wait for the next chapter!

P.S The song is Hello by Lionel Richie, and Adele ripped him off. He played the music, wrote the lyrics, and sang it, when Adele was only five (I did my research).


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