Get. Out. ~ Chapter 21

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Your POV

I sprint through the hallways of the hospital. Rushing through, even pushing people out of the way. I need to go see him. "Dr. Doctor! Where is Garroth!" I ask anxiously. "He's in room 398, but-" He couldn't finish because I zoomed off in the direction of Garroth's room. I heard Dr. Doctor calling my name, but I ignored it. I finally found his room, and there was Garroth. All bruised and bloodied. Tubes sticking out of him. I nearly fainted.

I didn't, though.

Instead, I sat next to him. "Garroth?" I ask softly. "Garroth.. Garroth?" He stirs. "Hey.." I whisper gently as he begins to wake up. "Um, two things." He said. I nodded for him to continue. "First, why am I here?" He asks. "They found you really hurt and took you here." I answered, my eyes brimmed with tears. "Okay... two, who are you?" The color drained from my face, and my mouth went dry. I opened my mouth and tried to speak, but nothing came out. Before I could help it, tears streamed down my face. I got up and ran out of the room, salty drops pouring from my eyes like rain.

"(f/n)... I tried to tell you.." Dr. Doctor spoke quietly as he saw me. I was bawling by now, ignoring the odd looks people were shooting me. "H-H-He doesn't r-r-remember me!" I wailed. He took me into his embrace. "I know.. but you can't tell him about any of his memories. He must learn on his own." He told me upon releasing the hug. I nodded, attempting to swallow my tears. I wiped underneath my eyes. "Do you think that.." I sniffled, "That, um, he'll remember soon?" I asked, wiping my eyes again. "Only time will tell.." Said the doctor. I nodded, and turned to visit him again.

As I was entering, I gulped, trying not to cry anymore. "Are you okay? What happened?" Garroth questioned. "Nothing, I just.. you um, don't remember me?" I said shakily. "Uh, no. But you're really pretty. Were you my girlfriend?" He asked. I blushed a little. Even when he doesn't know who I am, he seems to have that effect on me. I took a deep breath. I don't want to overwhelm him, and I don't want to talk about our relationship. "N-No. Just a friend." I said. "Oh. Can you tell me a story. Like, to get my mind off things?" He asked. I stiffly shook my head and sat down.

Five minutes after I got home from the hospital, I got a call saying now Garroth was here. And here he is. "So, once.. there was this girl. Her dad was just killed, and he mom was always drunk, and rarely around. They had just moved, and the girl had no friends." I said, swallowing hard. "She only knew she hated her life, and one day, she's had just about enough. So she went to the roof of her apartment building. And she tried to jump." He gasped. "But a guy, grabbed her. She was angry. She wanted to be down there. She screamed at him, but he was calm. He made her promised she wouldn't die that night. She finally promised, and they both left." 

"The next day, was the first day of school. She saw the boy at lunch, and yelled at him. He was still perfectly calm and collected. She sat down with him, and they talked. But the girl wasn't quite his friend. A few days later, she was asked out on a date. She accepted. The other boy was excited, and head over heals for her. Before the date, the boy who saved her stopped by, and they talked. Then he left, and her date came. Not even 10 minutes into the date, another girl kissed him." Garroth gasped again. Oblivious to the fact that all of this happened. That he was her savior. Her hero.

"She ran to the roof. Not to commit, she just liked it there. She heard an angelic voice singing, singing a song about how he loved someone, but couldn't find a way to tell her. The girl stepped out, and it was her savior. The boy who saved her life. She told him about the date. They went to her apartment, and he comforted her. It turned out, that the whole thing was a misunderstanding, and that girl was a jealous wannabe from school. But I- the girl didn't get back together. Then one day, her savior took her somewhere."

"A pond. A beautiful pond. Their little secret. Now, earlier that day, someone told her that both her savior and the boy liked her. She didn't believe that the savior liked her. But she felt so conflicted about it. So when they saw a shooting star, she wished that she knew which one. The boy asked what she wished for. After some convincing, she told him. She asked what he wished for. He said, for you to be mine." Garroth cocked his head. "She asked, what? And he sang a continuation of the song, only this time about how he finally found a way to tell her. They fell in love." I finished. "Wow, so they lived happily ever after?" He asked. "No. The boy.. the boy went missing. He disappeared. Never to be seen again." I said. It may end up being true, though.

"Oh.. that was.. some story." He said."Y-Yeah.. I-I'm gonna go now!" Before he could respond, I ran out the door. Right next to his door, I leaned on the wall and sobbed. I sunk to the floor, bawling my eyes out. I felt arms around me. A part of me hoped it was Garroth, but the rest of me hoped it wasn't, because I can't bare to see him now. It, of course, wasn't. I looked up through the salty tears, to see a familiar pair of hazel eyes. "The doctor told me... sh.." She said soothingly. "He d-d-d-doesn't remem-member!" I yelled. She placed my head gently on her shoulder, and ran her fingers through my hair. "Why? Why me? Haven't I suffered enough?" I whisper as I cry. "You've suffered more than you should have... more thank the normal person should... but life isn't rational." She whispered. "Aphmau... I'm sorry.." I whispered. She shook her head. "Don't be.."

"Um.." a voice interrupted. It was a familiar blonde. "G-G-Go away!" I sobbed. "I-I'm sorry, I just... what's wrong?" He asked innocently. My breaths were shaky, my bloodshot, my cheeks were all blotchy, my eyelashes were all clumped together, pearl-shaped tears left wet tracks down my face, falling into my open and quivering mouth. My emotions were swirling like an ocean current. How could he have such an effect on me? Why did I let him in so far, so far into my heart that he could break me down from the inside?

I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran up to him, and kissed him.

I don't mean like a peck on the lips, I mean I basically took him into a headlock, and kissed him as passionately as I could.

I bet you think it was like one of those cheesy movies or books, where the kiss triggers his memories. Well, it wasn't.

He pulled away. "Look, I don't know what we used to be, but.. I'm not the same person right now. I'm sorry.." He said awkwardly. I swallowed hard. "N-N-No, s-sorry... I s-shouldn't have d-done that.." I stammered, trying to keep back the wave of emotions and flood of tears. I guess I would just have too shove all of these feelings into the back of my head, and put on a mask so that nobody could see them. I would hide behind the mask for as long as I could, so he wouldn't see me. So Garroth wouldn't see me.

He nodded awkwardly and walked cluelessly back into the room. "Love you, too.." I muttered. At some point, Aph slipped away. Now I was on my own. I walked back to the apartment, and flopped onto my bed.

The noisy sobs echoed through the empty rooms.

A door opened, and Zane's voice could be heard. But his voice was raspy and shaky. He came into my room. "S-S-So you heard about it t-t-too?" I cried, noticing his tears streaked face. "Heard about.. what?" He asked. I sniffled, and used the back of my hand to wipe my tears. "Garroth has a-amnesia... he might not ever remember me.." I whispered. Zane stumbled onto his knees, silent tears steadily trailing down his cheeks. "I did it," He kept repeating. "I did it." 

"Did what?" I ask for the tenth time. "I'M THE REASON HE HAS AMNESIA! I TRIED TO KILL HIM!" Zane finally screamed. I stepped backwards, and my eyes found the floor. "You what?" I asked quietly, without glancing up. 

"I.." He took a deep breath. "I tried to kill h-" Before he could finished I cut him off. "Get. Out." I pointed to the door. "(f/n), I-" "GET. OUT." He obeyed. Walking out of my room. 

Get out.

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