Chapter 1

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Louis POV
Oh man. Monday. I have to deal with a grumpy husband, a terrible teen, a sad Niall and a toddler. I just wanna sleep!
"Liam! You've got work!"
"Meh, I can be late." Was the grunt reply
"Fine then. Zayn, Niall, Harry, breakfast!"
" F of Louis. I don't even care. C ya, well I wish I didn't have to see ya..."

Niall came bouncing along happily because i was serving food! Then Harry followed, crying because it was his first day at school. "Put on your princess thing then let me brush your beautiful hair." I told Harry gently
"Ok daddy!"
"And oh yeah Niall, when's your match again?"
"6 o'clock and daddy you don't have to come, it's just the qualifying match."
"I would never miss it. Have a good day at school!"

Niall is so talented-he plays guitar wonderfully, he sings like an angel and he is great at football. I just wish Zayn had the ambition that Niall has. Liam and I also used to have lots of ambition when we were young but now the kids have taken over our lives. Zayn has rock bottom results, he doesn't care about the fact that he has lots of talent and potential, he just wastes his life on cigarettes and tattoos. Me and Liam have tattoos but every one tells a unique story although Zayn just chooses a meaningless tat that 'looks cool.'

Harry's POV
Daddy said no one would be mean to me. He was a little bit wrong. Well a lot a bit. A boy called Ben said I was a stupid girly boy and I should go till another school. I cried then he called me sissy. I dunno what that means but I don't think that's a good thing.
I wanna go home! At home Daddy and Dad and Niall said I will be okay and Niall said he will beat up Ben. I don't think that would be a good idea.

Niall's POV
No one hurts Harry physically or mentally. I will beat up that Ben guy even thought he's only 3 and I'm 12 nearly 13. I'm so glad I have such nice parents a lovely little brother. I definitely left out Zayn on purpose. He's horrible to me because I think he's jealous-I a achieve a lot and my Dads are proud but he doesn't achieve anything. If only he knew that he could achieve more than me. I'm gonna help my big bro to win or even participate in something productive.

We won the footie game 3:0- a massive win. I shot 2 of those goals and my dads and Harry were right there cheering for me . I couldn't have done it without their support. My coach said I should try out to get into a more famous team but to be quite honest I would only want to play for Ireland (my home country). But I don't actually want to be a footballer, I want to be a singer: Niall Horan, member of a band or a soloist. That is my dream. I've never told anyone, not even Daddy because if I don't achieve my goal they would be disappointed with me. Sometimes I wanna be at home in Mullingar but ever since my parents abandoned me there, I can't make any more happy memories. Liam and Louis adopted me, thank god, and they even took me home for a holiday. They meant well but the bad memories haunted the place. I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to return to Mullingar, as much as I want to

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