Chapter 2

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Louis POV
"Liam the kids are gone now. Time for work!"
"No i need some LiLo time" he replied in an attempted sexy voice
"Yeah that's our ship name. I made it up."
"K then let's cuddle and watch films!"

Niall's POV
Zayn was bullying me. I'm his brother not to mention one of the most popular boys. I never thought he would go THAT low. I've got so many bruises... Oowwww! What's dad and daddy gonna say...

My girlfriend Olivia interrupted my thoughts.
"Hey babe, have u got any concealer or foundation or pigmented stuff?"
"Of course why?"
"I need to borrow some..."
"Kk sure...if you're sure..."
"Thanks babe. R we still going out this afternoon?"
"Sure babe. Txt me where to meet u."
I kissed her for about a minute before the bell rang. I suppose we can text in calculus.

To: Olivia <3
Hey baby

From: Olivia <3
Sup Nialler

To: Olivia <3
Meet me under our tree after school

From: Olivia <3
Sure bby

At least I've got one good thing in my life... And my little Hazzabear... And LiLo. Man LiLos catching on!

Zayn's POV
Grrrrr I hate Niall with a burning passion. I'm gonna tell LiLo that he has a girlfriend then he's gonna be dead. They freaked out when I started dating Perrie and that was when I was like 14. He's mega popular but I Zayn Malik have hardly any friends and the only ones I have are total rule breakers. Am I jealous? No! I've got a perfect life:girlfriend, friends, family. But I hate my family.

"Hey Louis, Liam, I've got something to tell u...."
"What is it?"
"Nialls dating a girl called Olivia"
"Why did u start dating a girl without telling me! Now tell me, what's she like, can u invite her round now!" Louis was sorta fangirling ove his own son's relationship, but he grounded me when I dated Perrie. Talk about unfair!

Liam's POV
How lovely, Niall has a girlfriend. I never trusted Zayn around girls but I'm fine with Niall. I know he's sensible and he probs actually loves Olivia but Zayn just wanted to get into Perries pants. Yet they're still dating. That amazes me.

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