Chapter 15

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Louis' POV

Now I might seem very shallow with my question: will I get more Instagram followers. I don't really care about how famous me and my family are, all that counts is if we are happy. My self confidence is quite low. Liam is so good looking yet he's married to a piece of trash like me. Look who they asked to be the model- I'm not jealous though. I don't want to hold Liam back.

Yesterday he modelled for the first time. He modelled with Cheryl Fernandez-Versini or whatever her name is. She was flirting like crazy with him, and he didn't object. Niall and Olivia were staying in London (they're young but I trust them), Harry was sleeping but Zayn saw me, crying my eyes out.

'Daddy, what's wrong?' OMG Zayn called me Daddy again. Awwww.

'Nothing Zayn, don't you have some homework to do?' I asked him. I don't want him to see his father falling apart. 

'I know somethings wrong. And no, I finished all my homework' Zayn stubbornly stated.

I showed him the new clip Modeltastic (A/N I completely made that up) posted about their new model. With Cheryl. I just cried even more.

'I'm gonna kill Liam.' Zayn said quite aggressively.

'No Zayn, love your other Dad too. He's done nothing wro-' I pause when I see Liam kissing Cheryl on the cheek. 'No its fine, you can murder Liam if you wish.'

Harry came out of his room rubbing his little eyes with his little fists.

Harry's POV]

'Daddy, why you cryie?' I asked Daddy, 'Have you got an owie? I can fix it!!! I'm doctor Hazza!'

'No its fine Harry. Daddy just...' daddy stopped and then Zaynie said 'No Dad was a little bit mean to Daddy today'

I gasp, 'Can I spank Dad?'

Zaynie said yes but Daddy said no. I think I'm going to do what Zaynie said.

My luck is pretty good, Dad walked right in so I ran up to him and spanked him.

'HARRY EDWARD STYLES PAYNELINSON! YOU MAY NOT DO THAT TO YOUR FATHER!' Dad shouted but before he could spank me, Daddy said 'He can spank you if he wants to. Its not like you've been behaving well enough to get a gold star is it?'

Liam's POV (Sorry about all the POV changes :/)

I told the kids to go upstairs.

'Did you have fun with your Grandma? Louis asked

'What?' I asked, perplexed.

'Oh sorry, I meant Cheryl.' He'd already seen that.

'She means nothing to me.' I argued. The he brought up Sophia.


Louis and I have been dating for around a year now. We've been together since we were 16. Both of us were going to Normandy of PGL but unfortunately, we were put in different adventure groups. Sophia was in mine. We had to go in pairs so I went with Sophia. We kissed. That night I told Louis that we should have a break. I asked Sophia out seconds after. I left him crying in his dorm room. During our 2 year break, he dated someone called Eleanor but he never liked her, I could see it in her eyes. I wanted to stay with Sophia all my life but she broke it off with me. I then went back to Louis who was single.

***flashback over***

' Go out with Cheryl. See if I care. Consider it done. I'll sign the divorce papers and you can come back to me if Cheryl dumps you.' I shook my head 'No, well you seemed quite happy doing that with Sophia. Pack up Liam, go move in with your grandma. I won't miss you. Don't forget to say goodbye to our children though.' Then Louis just went to chat to Harry and Zayn leaving me speechless.

A/N. Ok nobody, NOBODY saw that coming. anyways, Aftermath Tour... So excited if its real (don't burst my bubble). Me, kamsi_ajoku and a friend from school are already planning everything! Anyway, please vote and comment. Byeee


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