Chapter 10 part one...

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Niall's POV

YASSSSSS! I'm outta hospital and now I'm gonna go see Ed Sheeran with Olivia! I'm mega excited and I like pie and I like Ed Sheeran MOREEEEEEEEE! Don't tell me to calm down, I'm just way too excited to be outta that free NHS dump and into my lovely homely home. Although I'm really happy to be home and with my girlfriend, Harry is getting bullied so badly that once he came home with a bloody black eye! Oh and get this, he's not even in secondary school yet!  Just because he like princesses, it doesn't mean that he's not cool to play with. As well as Disney princesses and Barbie, it just so happens that he really likes The Toy Story triology, like Dad, and other boy(ish) things. He's not weird (though it is VERY flattering to be weird) he's normal and that's what makes him beautiful (in a brotherly way)

Zayn... he is just something else. I think we are getting along right now, but he is hard to predict as he nearly killed me :(. What if I accidently say something Zayn doesn't like then he kills me for it? I'm sure Liam would be on my side as he now seems to hate Zayn like a LOT. Our family should so go on the Jeremy Kyle Show, we would be perfect, never running out of drama or problems.


We were both in the crowded underground carriage on our way to Wembely Stadium where we're going to see THE ED SHEERAN! Somehow me managed to get VIP tickets to meet Ed backstage, and when I asked the tour advisor if I could sing for Ed, he said I was welcome to! This could be my only chance to make it in music. Yeah I'm 14 but age is no match to talent (if I have any) and also Ed started out when he was way younger than me. And not only do I have a chance to be famous, I am able to do it with the girl I love, Olivia. She was the one who boosted my confidence. And Dad and Daddy and Zayn and Harry.

When we reached the right station, the speaker was like, 'please mind the gap between the train and the platform' and I was just thinking, 'yeah I effing know I'm not a dimwit like whoever recorded that. Anyway, after the short and sweet stroll through the busy streets of London, we arrived at the Stadium. Because we have VIP tickets, we get to meet Ed before the concert then we will be escorted to the front row where we might meet other celebs, then we get to go on Ed's tourbus where we will hang out together until the tourbus starts moving at 12 midnight. It will then start the long drive to drop us back in Doncaster. this is gonna be the best night ever, so I made a plan to stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun. Quite literally.

OMG OMG OMG! we're being escorted backstage right now. Did I mention that we were the only people to get VIP tickets on this night? No?  Must've slipped my mind. Soon enough I see a mop of bright red almost ginger hair. Could that be... OMG that's Ed Sheeran. OK time to fanboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Breathe in then out... Keep calm and carry on....

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