Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

Today was a little bit different. Thomas had an owie today so he couldn't be my ninja. Stan Lucas said that my Daddy and his Daddy were friends but then he said that he doesn't like me. I asked him why and he called a fag? I don't know what that means but I don't think its a very nice word. Then he gave ME an owie with his hand. Zaynie calls it a fist but I think hand is a betterer word.

More big girls who wore heels to make them look a bit taller and tops that were too small came to me and asked for NiNi but I told them that I need to go potty. I would do lots of things to get away from the scary people. Its not my fault that NiNi is popular with girls.  

Niall's POV

I feel so sorry for my little Hazza. If I knew that girls would harass him, I would never have signed that contract. I just want my family to safe and sound. Olivia has gotten quite a big amount of hate from jealous teens, tweens and young adults. She deals with it really really well. To back her up more, I tweeted: How would  you feel if your boyfriend's friends said mean things about you? Not nice is it. Olivia is a sweet girl and she doesn't deserve this from my 'fans'. If you were true fans would you hate on the best thing that's happened to me? Thank you to all of my true fans.

I really hope that people are going to start taking notice of my tweet. Of course there are lots of people who ship Nilivia, I've seen lots of fanfictions, some slightly corrupted... Slightly, more like completely. It was very uncomfortable reading those and now I have retired from Wattpad. Well, if I feel like it, there's always Tumblr.

The news is pretty much full of interviews from me, Zayn and Olivia. Seems that Zayns also gonna make his mark, only in the modelling industry. The modelling agency is also showing interest in Dad

Liam's POV

The  modelling agency want both Zayn and me. I wonder how Louis' gonna react, you know, he is quite possessive. Its true, he once punched a bartender for asking for what drink I wanted. I don't drink and anyways, Louis was very drunk. Like super drunk.

'Babe, LOUIS!!!'


'How would you feel if I became a model.'

'Does that mean more Instagram followers?'

'Errr yeah I suppose..'

'Liam, I would never stop you from modelling. Anyways, that means more pictures of my husband and more Instagram followers.'

Well, that was easy.

A/N hello people of this world. I hope you liked this story. Please vote and comment


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