Chapter 5

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Louis' POV

"Niall!" I yelled as the ambulance whisked my baby away. Liam was riding with Niall, because he was calmer.

"Niall! Come downstairs, I've got Nando's!" Normally I would've heard footsteps and a cheerful reply but I hear nothing. "Erm Nialler, are you coming?" Still no reply. I summoned the love of my life, Liam to find out what was wrong with our beautiful blonde son.
I see Liam dialling 999 and realisation dawns on me. I let out pained screams and Harry, who has been watching, bawls his eyes out. As I hold Harry, my youngest baby, I realise that Zayn is nowhere to be seen. He might be spending time with his daughter, Sophia but blood is coming from some of Nialls wounds. I piece together the puzzle. Zayn must've beat Niall up when me, Liam and Harry visited the local store. Grrrr. Normally I would call Zayn my son, but today he is just Zayn Javadd Malik, my adopted son. We didn't bring him up like this!
***flashback over***

"I'm here for Niall Horan." I impatiently explained to the lady at the hospital
"Are you related to him Mr Paynelinson?"
"Duh! I'm his effing dad."
"No his dad is in there with him."
"I'm gay for gods sake! Now let me see my son."

That b*tch! She directed me to room 1309(a/n see what I did) and there I saw something that will give me nightmares. My Nialler connected to wires and machines. And he was in a coma.

Niall's POV

It is weird being in a coma. I can hear my family sobbing but I can't console them. I can hear Harry and my dads but not Zayn. Of course Zayn wouldn't come, he was the one who put me in this mess.


"We're gonna go to the shop for some food Niall." Liam explained as he shut the door and locked it. Great, alone with Zayn.

He sweetly coaxed me into my room with Nando's. I should've gone into my room normally and I would, except for the fact that Zayn was accompanying me. He beat me up badly. Of course i fought back and i probably gave him some bad bruises. Eventually, I ran out of energy so that gave Zayn a window to get me to slip into a coma.

***end of flashback***

Poor Louis. His sobs are the most hearty, Liam I can tell is just as hysteric as Louis but he puts on a brave face. He did that when Harry had a horrible allergic reaction. My poor Hazza, I can hear him crying my name. But what if I never wake up, my family would be broken. I heard the doctor saying I've got a broken rib and a load of other things that I couldn't be bothered to discern. I've watched '24 hours in A&E' and there was this girl in a similar situation as me. She didn't make it.

It is now midnight and all my family(excluding Zayn) are still by me but the cries have finally died down. Louis is talking to me, he said that he loves me so much and that its not my fault and that Zayn will be punished. I love my family but I wonder why my brother nearly killed me. We were so close when we were younger, and I knew he didn't like me but did he really want me dead.

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