Tagged as well!

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The other day, FangirlLovesNewt tagged me in a thing where I have to answer the 13 questions she asked then make up 13 of my own and tag some people to tag on to mine. If you are tagged below this whole thing, you MUST answer my questions and make up 13 more of your own for some other people. Oh and you can tag back...So anyway, let's get started!

1) if you were a food, what would you be?
Well honestly, I would probably be Nando's peri peri chicken so Niall can eat me😜

2) what's your favourite Hunger Games movie?
Don't know... Not a huge fan but maybe Catching Fire???

3) how long does it take you to get home from school?
Same as you FangirlLovesNewt around 30 mins

4) do you want kids, if so, how many?
2 boys called Niall Liam and Louis Harry. (Harry and Liam are middle names BTW)

5) favourite Ed Sheeran song?
Erm... If you can count Over Again and Little Things coz it's written by him then those two. But other than that, Bloodstream or Sing or Thinking Out Loud obvs.

6) which celebrity (same gender of you) would be your sister?
Come on. Where's the brothers! Erm maybe Phoebe, Daisy, Lottie, Fizzy, Ernest and/or Doris Tomlinson so I would still be related to Boobear.

7) do you have any siblings?
Nope. Ich bin einzelkind: if you speak German you will understand.

8) look around, what's the first thing you see?
Weirdly enough, the kettle.

9) how did you find out about Wattpad?
My good friend FangirlLovesNewt and my other friend Ava(what's her username?)

10) French or German
French all the way but I prefer English...🤑

11) do you procrastinate

12) happiest day of January 2016
Maybe the day I ate pie😝

13) favourite accent?
Duh. Doncaster or Mullingar obvs...

My questions

1) what's favourite song ever?

2) who's favourite member of One Direction?

3) what's favourite emoji?

4) do u live in America or England or elsewhere (just coz apparently there's a lot of Americans here)?

5) do u love pie like me or am I just weird?

6) opinions on Justin Beiber🙄...?

7) what's your favourite subject EVER

8) what would be the best way to die (in your opinion)?

9)  do you feel like your school is torturing you with homework and tests?

10) what's your favourite place in Ireland ***nudge nudge wink wink***?

11) what is your most commonly used nickname?

12) have you had your first kiss and if you have, who was if with?

13) OTP?

People that now have to do it within a week if possible:



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