Chapter 3

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Niall POV
Dring Dring!
I'll get it, it's probably Olivia! I yelled. There she stood prettily so I kissed her. Of course I would, who wouldn't?
"LiLo, Olivia's here!"
"Niall I need to tell u a secret" Zayn spoke menacingly but I decided to follow him to the attic. The attic!!! Only Harry goes there.
As soon as we reached there, Zayn shut the door and slapped me instantly. my cheek throbbed but I stood my ground. Then blood drew from my arms. A peek of light entered my eyes then I heard a cry, then footsteps, then shouting.
"Niall r u ok?!" Everyone except Zayn and Harry(who was to busy crying) exclaimed
"Niall lets go to ur room. Don't worry LiLo I'll make sure he's alright, just make sure u punish that idiot well." Olivia half comforted and half snarled.
I have bandages all over my arms and the pain was undescribable. I'm so glad I'm not dead. Zayn, my (ish) brother nearly killed me. Not only do I have physical pain, but also phsological. "Am I not a good brother, am i really that ugly and fat"
"Ni baby, you're thinking out loud. And of course you're not ugly or fat, don't let that idiot get to u. Your my Nialler and I love you so much. Your blonde hair and blue eyes are stunning and I wouldn't want to date anyone else."
"Can u stay the night and cuddle me all night, so I feel safe?"
"Of course babe, I'd do that for you every night."
"Thanks babe. I'd do the exact same for you and more."
"Nice to know. And Niall, remember, nothing can drag you down coz baby you're perfect, baby I'm perfect for you."
I then held her tightly and we drifted off into a peaceful slumber

Zayn's POV
Why would you hurt Niall? What's wrong with you? Why aren't you like Harry or Niall? Question were asked, answers weren't told. I didn't even care."Zayn are you listening!?" Liam asked sternly. I ignored him. What I gathered from the whole thing is that I won't be going to any parties or social events till my grandchildren have grandchildren. Oh well... I can always sneak out... I've never seen Louis, the cheery, happy guy so distressed and angry. Whenever he looked at me, his glare was strong as steel and I was actually afraid. I Zayn Malik was afraid of Louis Tomlinson. Liam Payne is obviously the boss, don't mess with him. But I can mess with Niall. That's what I thought. Even though I can't beat him up at home, I can still torment him at school. If only he wasn't so popular. Then I would have a much better chance to kill him. Even though I hate him I don't want to kill him, or do I?

Liam's POV
ZAYN ALMOST KILLED NIALL...IN FRONT OF HARRY, THAT BOY IS MESSED UP. I KINDA HATE MY OWN SON! Calm down Liam, he's grounded. What did Niall do to deserve that. He's always nice and kind and that's why he's popular AND he has a lovely girlfriend. Wish I could say the same about Perrie and Zayn. I really hope Harry takes after my Ni-Baby.

A/N I updated!!!

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