Chapter 6

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A/N to avoid confusion, Liam is dad, Louis is Daddy. Zayn calls his dad's by their first names

Zayn's POV

Do I like my brother?
Do I regret what I did?

What if Niall never wakes up? It would be all my fault. I would've killed someone but I can't find a heart in myself to go and visit him. I remember when we were younger, I accidentally pushed Niall and that day, I promised I would never hurt him purposely and that I would protect him forever. I broke a promise, a promise that I intended to keep. Niall will never forgive me, never ; and to be quite honest, I don't deserve to be forgiven. I'm a disgrace to the Paynelinson family. My late grandpa Geoff would be terribly disappointed in me, and I loved Geoff. I cried more than Liam at his funeral because I was so close to him. What's happened to me? I'm not a bad person, I swear. I smoke now, Geoff said that smoking was a horrible habit and that he hopes none of us ever take to tobacco. But i don't smoke only tobacco, but weed as well. I'm so ashamed of myself, I really am.

I'm gonna be a dad in a while. And I set a bad example for it. Me and Ariana discussed whether it would take the surname Paynelinson or Grande, we decided that it would take my surname and now we're dating. Ariana's not a slut like Perrie, thank god, and I will change my attitude for my baby

Liam's POV

The doctor said I can hold Niall because his cuts and stuff are all healed, and as he laid there, I swear I saw his eyelashes flutter. Then his hand moving. Then he was awake. I screamed.

Niall's POV

Why am I in dads lap? Daddy swept me up as I looked fit cute little green eyes and adorable curly hair. There he is. I screamed, "HAZZA" as I was put down so I  my could carry Harry. I asked where my girlfriend was and apparently she was on her way. When she appeared 10 mins later, I kissed her like there was no tomorrow. She's not my first love and I'm not hers, but I think that she is the one. One day, I think we will get married and have kids. Well I hope so.

I have to stay in hospital for one more night, and my family and Olivia can stay. Me and Olivia will sleep in one bed, Harry with LILO on the sofa bed. I love my family, but I swear I have another brother. Oh yeah he wants to kill me. No big deal. Note the sarcasm. Well I'm gonna be an uncle and Zayn better take good care of my niece/nephew. I don't want it to get hurt like I did and I hope Zaynie changes. Yup, I still call him Zaynie, don't judge. Zayn was there for me with my first crush, weirdly enough she was Olivia. 3 girlfriends layer and she was my girlfriend but that's not the point. The point is that Zaynie was always there for me and he doesn't care any more. Can you believe that it hurts if your bff and bro turns on you. Believe me, it hurts bad.

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