Starting Confusion

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I heard Jake's truck pull up and the door slammed. I waited for Jake to burst through the door with ignorance but he didn't. I looked out the window and saw him talking to Ms. Annie. The nosey, lonely ass cat lady that nobody in the neighborhood could stand.

"Hey Jake! How are you today?" Ms. Annie said with a smile. "I'm okay just a little tired I had to fly to three cities in 5 hours earlier. But luckily the airlines got me off the next couple of days" Jake said yawning. "Oh dear well that's the life of a pilot. I don't want to overstep my boundaries and start confusion in your home but I noticed Toni and the handsome guy next door are always together" she said calmly. "What do you mean always together" I asked suspiciously. "I mean he's always being nice and friendly and its likewise with her. I asked him to help me, and he did. But I was flirting with him and he looked past me. But I'm sure I'm wrong these old eyes aren't what they use to be" she chuckled and walked off.

"Toni! Bring your short ass here now" Jake yelled slamming the front door. "Baby what's wrong with you" I asked surprisingly. "Bitch don't act all innocent! "What's going on with you and that motherfucker next door" he yelled at me in my face. "Nothing. He brought us some cream then the other day the washer was making a strange sound and I asked him to check it out" I said slightly raising my voice.

"Who the fuck you think you yelling at" Jake punched the wall beside my head. "Bitch I will kill you if you ever fuck me over" Jake pulls out a 9 millimeter beretta and aims at my head. "No Jake please don't" I screamed in fear.

Jake walked off and went to take his shower. "Toni come her" Jake yelled from the bathroom. "Yes Jake" I said looking around. "I'm horny. Get naked" Jake said sternly. "Jake I thought you were tired" I asked innocently. "Aww that's so thoughtful of you. Now hurry your ass up and get undressed" he yelled. Jake walked up to me and began to kiss me and then he picked me up.

For the next 2 hours Jake did whatever he wanted to do to me. He eventually rolled off of me got in the shower and got dressed. "I'm going to the bar for a while baby" Jake said calmly pecking me on the forehead. "Okay Jake" I said strangely.

I walked into the bar and saw the neighbor Kenneth sitting at the bar. "What's up man? Long time no see" I said happily. "Yo what's good Jake" Kenny replied. "It's been okay just got back from flying planes all day. As soon as I got home Toni pounced on me man" Jake said sipping his beer. "Oh really. Must be nice" Kenny said rolling his eyes. "You don't have a lady? I mean a guy like you suppose to have a couple women" Jake said stunned. "I have a friend but we're taking it one day at a time" Kenny said.

"So your striking out huh. No pussy for Mr. Smooth aye" Jake said laughing. "Don't worry about my pussy rate. Everything over here is good" Kenny said sternly. "I heard the funniest thing earlier today. One of our neighbors said that you and Toni had been spending time together" Jake said laughing. "Whoever told you that exaggerating like a motherfucker. I'm just a neighbor that has no problem helping a nice woman" Kenny said calmly.

"She don't need no help man she got it. So don't let me catch or hear that you and Toni around each other without me around" Jake slightly yelled. "Boy calm your insecure ass down" Kenny said chuckling. "Insecure? Who me? Never. Look Toni is a weak minded little bitch and sh" Kenny cut Jake off. "You know belittling your woman like that shows that you don't care about yourself that much. Maybe if you treat her the way you know she deserves to be treated you may gain some confidence. I got to go...give Toni my best if you can" Kenny gets up and leaves the bar.

Jake sat in the bar and just stared at the counter. "I can't believe that fool just said that to me. How is he going to try to tell me how to treat Toni? He doesn't know her the way I do? He just met that bitch some months ago now he knows what's good for? But I can beat his ass at his own game. I think it's time for Toni to meet the man she feel in love with before she started fucking everything up" Jake thought to himself.

"Beautiful I'm home and I brought you something" Jake sang happily through the house. "Huh? What's wrong with you" I asked in amazement. "What do you mean? A man can't cater to his woman without it being weird" Jake grinned. "No but when you left, you were so upset. Now you have a new attitude got a reality check or something" I slowly said.

"Baby I've been thinking and I've just been very selfish. I promised your mother and father I would take care of you...and I haven't. I know I haven't made anything easy for you or made it easy to love me. I want to have a bunch of kids with you but I know this isn't the right time. And the reason is because I keep acting like a damn fool" Jake said softly with tears in his eyes.

"Jake I don't know what to say. You've really hurt me over the years so much" I cried. "Let me make it up to you. I promise I'll do right by you" Jake lifted my chin and softly pecked my lips.

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