Great New Life

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7 Months Later

"Welcome to Party Center! If you need any help don't hesitate to ask!" Said this overly excited blonde at the register. "Thanks! Will do." Ken said smiling.

"Okay let's split up. You go get the forks, spoons, napkins, plates and table covering. I'll go look for games and other fun things for Adrian's party" I said to Ken.

I watched as Ken walked away and then I proceeded with my shopping. I was on an isle looking for party games when I felt someone staring at me. I looked far down the isle and saw this person looking at me. The individual quickly turned there attention to the shelves.

I put my items in the buggy then went on the next isle. I looked around 5 minutes later and the same exact thing happened.

I quickly turned the corner at top speed while looking behind me. BOOM! "Ahh shit Tone! Ken groaned in pain while bending over the buggy. "Baby I'm so sorry I didn't see you. Are you okay?" I asked rubbing his back.

"Yeah I'll be okay. The question is are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost" Ken said leaning up.

"I'm okay baby I just wasn't paying any attention. I thought I saw someone following me" I whispered. "What? Someone is following you? Where are they?" Ken questioned sternly. "Down the isle I just came off of but baby please don't.." Before I could finish Kenny had turned the corner.

I slowly walked behind him and no one was there. "Let's get out of here I'm starting to get creeped out" I said. "Okay let's pay" Ken said going to get the buggy.

We paid packed up the truck and then headed home. I felt very uneasy the whole ride. The thought of Jake finding us still crosses my mind a lot. 3 or 4 times out the week I have the same terrible dream of him finding us and killing us.

"Baby, we're home." Ken said snapping me out of my thoughts. We went in the house and hid all the stuff for Adrian's party. Then I went next door to pick up Adrian from Brittany's house. Brittany's son was in the same class as Adrian at their preschool.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Adrian said running full speed to Ken. "How's my favorite little man doing"?Ken said tossing Adrian in the air. They went and sat down and watched tv. I went in the kitchen to start dinner.

"She's beautiful, smart, fine and can cook I'm surely blessed". Ken said wrapping his arms around me. "You always say the sweetest things". I said blushing and grinning extra hard.

"I checked on the cake it'll be here at 1. I can't believe our little man is one already. I still remember holding him in the hospital the day he was born". Ken said smiling.

It's amazing to me how Kenny has stepped up as Adrian's father. The two are practically inseparable.

Back In California

"I've searched high and low and I can't find them anywhere. I can't believe after all I've done for her she's just going to leave me! Then on top of that take my son! I said punching a hole in the wall.

"I don't understand what you see in her she's so basic looking." Amber said rolling her eyes. " Shut up you crazy thot don't you ever talk about her!" I said choking Amber. "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry Jake please don't hurt me" Amber cried getting her breathing together.

"I'm sorry Amber I didn't mean it but you need to learn to shut up sometimes" I say softly. "You're right. Have you thought anymore about meeting my family"? Amber said quickly trying to change the topic. "Baby I don't want to go to no damn New York"! I yelled. "Please I'll do anything" Amber said smirking and moving her eyebrows up and down.

Well I guess Amber and I are going to New York to meet her parents.

Back in New York

"Baby Adrian is full, bathed and in the bed". Ken said proudly. "I don't understand how he corporates with you  and not with me"? I said shocked. "I'll let you in on my trick one day." Ken said smirking.

The Next Afternoon

"Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday Adrian Happy Birthday To You"! Everyone screamed. "How Old Are You?! How Old Are You?!" Adrian smiled and looked at Kenny who put up one finger. Adrian turned to everyone and did the same and smiled. " Yay"! Everyone yelled.

Kenny and I thanked everyone for coming then watched Adrian make a complete mess with his little personal cake. We opened gifts and continue to chat and finally the long day was over.

"I'm so tired it seemed like today would never end". Ken said coming out of his closet. "Next year we are definitely having Adrian's party at some type of resturant or Chuck E.Cheese".I laughed.

"You know since Adrian had some fun today I think I deserve a little also". Ken said turning the tv off. "Baby I'm not really in the mood tonight". I said turning the tv back on. "Did I do something wrong? It seems like you never really want to do anything any more"! Ken said semi yelling.

I turned the tv off and turned my back to Ken. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. It's just I feel like you're shutting me out. Talk to me tell me what's going on with you". Ken said softly.

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