That Was Close

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I was leaning over Ken ordering what I wanted from Starbucks. Then out of no where he just pushed my head in his lap.

"Ken what the f..." I attempted to yell. "Baby shhhh don't say anything or move until I tell you to". Kenny said through his teeth.

"Damn man every time I come to New York I run into you"! Jake yelled laughing.

"Yeah what a coincidence"! Ken yelled back.

As I heard Jake's voice my heart started to beat very fast. I stopped breathing and closed my eyes and said a silent prayer.


I finished ordering and I could tell that Jake was a little suspicious. The way he looked at me when I ordered what Toni wanted gave me a weird vibe. I started to pull up when out of the blue Adrian woke up.

"Mommy"!! Adrian yelled at the top of his lungs. "Mommy are you okay"? Adrian questioned crying. I quickly rolled up the window. Toni removed her head from my lap.

"Yes baby, daddy and I were playing a game". Toni said looking at Adrian. We paid and went on our way. Toni was nervous so I decided to take the long way home so she could feel a little bit secure.


"Did you see that"? I questioned Amber. "If you're talking about that cute guy in the truck yeah". Amber smiled and blushed. "No no no he ordered what Toni normally gets"! I said getting excited. "So"? Amber rolled her eyes and smacked her lips. "So bitch I think he knows where my family is".

2 Days Later

"Hi. I'm Jake you must be Carlos" I shook the mans hand. "Yes sir, now tell me what brings you here". Carlos said leaning back in his chair. "Awhile ago my wife left me and took our son. I believe she's here with this guy named Kenneth Edmonds. I was hoping you could investigate and find my family". I softly said looking down.

"Sir I have to ask why did she leave? I deal with people looking for people that they've hurt and abused. I'm not trying to put anyone's life in danger". Carlos strongly spoke. "Oh no I would never put my hands on a woman especially my wife. She's my soulmate and the mother of my child I couldn't even raise my voice at her". I said sounding sincere.

"Okay in that case I'll see what I can do. I'll call you in a couple of days around this time". Carlos said getting up and shaking my hand.


"Harder! Harder! Come on Tone you can do it"! Ken yelled at me. "Ken I need a break". I whined out of breath. "No you don't. Toni the only break you get in fights are bones now come on! Just 5 more minutes and we'll be done for today". Ken smiled while holding the punching bag.

"Come on slow poke you're walking like a turtle". Ken said walking upstairs. "I'm coming! You should be carrying me anyway"! I stopped and pouted. "Aww is the baby tired, wait right there I'll be right back". I watched Kenny quickly disappear.

"Ken hurry up and come get me"! As soon as I said that Ken came running around the corner. "Woman calm your nerves". Ken grinned then picked me up.

Ken carried me into our bathroom and stood me up in front of the tub filled with bubbles, rose petals and candles lit around.

"Relax while I go get Adrian. Then when I come back I'll cook dinner". Ken whispered softly in my ear.


"Daddy! Daddy! Look I made a heart for mommy"! Adrian said shoving the paper in my face. "Cool she's going to love it. Lets go so we can go pick up some flowers for mommy".

"There's so many flowers. Adrian which ones should we get". Adrian pointed to some roses. "Great choice Tone is going to love them". I gave Adrian a high five.

"Tone where are you"! I yelled as I walked in the house. "Tone where are you"! Adrian yelled too. "I'm in the theater"! Toni said giggling.

Adrian took off towards the theater with the flowers and his picture in his arms. "Here you go Tone". Adrian smirked while giving Toni the items.


"What have I told you about calling me that"? Toni narrowed her eyebrows at Adrian. "Don't". Adrian smiled and giggled causing Ken and I to giggle also. "He's so goofy". He said leaning down to peck my lips.

"Thanks for the roses". "No problem let me go get dinner started". Ken winked at me then walked into the kitchen with Adrian.


"Meet me at my office in 15 minutes". I looked at the text Carlos sent me smiling. "What are you so happy about"? Amber asked with an attitude. "Mind your damn business". I quickly grabbed my keys and left.

"Well I followed this Kenneth fellow and I found where he works and lives". Carlos looked through papers then up at me. "Really where"? I asked.

Carlos handed my some of the papers he was looking at and explained them.

"What about my wife? "I haven't seen a woman but I've seen a little boy. Oh and today he brought roses". Carlos leaned back in his chair.

"Thank you so much Carlos. Here's your money you have been a lifesaver". I grabbed all the papers and left with a huge grin on my face.

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