No More Mr. Nice Guy

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1 Month Later


"I'll see you later on tonight baby". Kenny pecked my lips. "Okay have a great day you two"! I happily waved to Kenny and Adrian. "Bye mommy love you"! Adrian yelled while Kenny put him in his car seat. "Oh I almost forgot". Kenny came back running to me. "What is it Ken"? I asked suspiciously.

Kenny bent down and kissed my stomach. "I love you guys". Ken whispered in my ear hugging me tightly. "Ken I don't think there's anything there yet". I chuckled. "After all we've been doing there might be 3 of them in there". Ken laughed.

After Kenny left with Adrian I went upstairs and took a long, hot bathe. After I moisturized my body and went and drunk 5 bottles of water.

"Well here goes nothing". I whispered to myself. I looked at the test in complete shock. "I'm going to be a mommy"! I screamed out in tears.

As I was going downstairs the last thing I wanted to see stood there staring me in my face.


"Hey baby long time no see. Why are you looking so scared baby seen a ghost or something"? I asked walking towards her.

"Jake how did you get in my house"? Toni asked me nervously. "You haven't seen me in 5 years and you asked me that. How about how are Jake? Has your broken heart mended? Do you forgive me Jake"? I asked semi- yelling.

"Jake look I had to do what I had to do". Toni softly spoke. "What? Leaving me and taking my son then raising him with the next door neighbor is something you had to do! I yelled scaring Toni.

"You could had left me and ran off with Kenneth but you could has left my son"!

"No the hell I couldn't have! Toni raised her voice. "Oh I see Kenny boy has made you bold. I like this new you its sexy". I say smirking. "Hurry up and put some shoes on baby". I nudged Toni in her back.

I left a note on the fridge and Toni and I left.

"In case your fine ass wants to get crazy". I handcuffed Toni.

5 Hours Later


"Toni where are you"? I yelled through the house. I went to the bathroom and in the counter I saw a positive pregnancy test.

My heart stopped as joy filled it. I stood in the bathroom crying.

"Daddy wasn't wrong"? Adrian peeked around the corner. "Nothing's wrong little man I'm just happy". I wiped my face. "Oh where's mommy"? Adrian asked me. "I don't know champ. Go watch tv while I find out".

I went down to the gym and saw no trace of Toni. Then something caught my eye.

"Kenneth how are you doing man? You know my first plan was to kick in the door and shoot you dead in the head. But no motherfucker I want you to suffer! You took my family from me and now I'm going to take them back. But honestly I want you bitch. Toni is in good hands so don't worry about nothing. Just make sure when you find us you bring your best game playa.

P.S. Don't bring no damn cops. You started this trying to be a man and upstanding citizen now finish it the same way.

"Adrian pack some clothes you're going to the babysitter". I yelled.

I dropped off Adrian and immediately called Amber.

"Amber where is Jake"? I asked angrily. "He's in....California". Amber whispered. "You know where he is don't you"? I asked. "Yeah I do he's at the house". Amber said crying. "Why"? Amber asked quietly. "He has my woman and I'm going to get her". "Please don't he's dangerous Kenny". Amber whined. "I got this you just relax okay".

The Next Day

"Well well fellas look who it is"! Hector laughed. "What's up you guys". I walked around dapping everyone's hand.

"The question is what's up with you Mr. Ivy League. You haven't been to the hood in a minute now all of a sudden you need help". Carlos took a shot of Tequila.

"Shut up fool this is really serious. I need some major heat". I drunk some of my 40.

"Oh so your going to war! Well you know the hood got your back". Do Dirty yelled. "Thanks". I said dapping everyone off and leaving.

"I said I would never go back to the old Kenneth but I have no choice. K-Dawg is officially back and he's not leaving without Toni and until Jake is dead". I thought to myself while I drunk the rest of my beer.

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