Thats Odd

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Kenny has been gone for 1 week now and I'm about to loose my mind. Adrian barely eats or sleeps all he does is cry for Ken. Kenny's lawyer is working day and night on this case and that's good. The problem is the prosecutor is the best ever. He once sent a man to prison for speeding fines to 2xs life in prison. The guy went from paying like $800 to 256 years in prison.

The phone rang and it was Kenny. I quickly accepted all the charges.

"Hey baby. How are you doing"? Ken asked surprisingly happy. "I've been better. Why are you so happy"?I suspiciously asked. "Because I'm innocent. I'm not going to let this bother me at all and neither should you. It's just a test and I won't loose my faith just because it's getting a little rough". Ken replied.

"Have you been reading "The Autobiography of Malcolm X"? I asked chuckling. "Yeah actually I have. I have to do something in here until my trial. How's Adrian"? Ken sighed.

"He's a handful. He won't listen to me at all. All he wants is you". I weakly sighed. "Put him on the phone". Ken said sternly.

Adrian finally came downstairs and talked to Kenny. I don't know what was said but Adrian was on his best behavior after that.

"Daddy told me to tell you he'll call you tomorrow and that he loves you". Adrian kissed my cheek and ran off.


Detective O'Reilly

"Detective we have a problem. The fingerprints on the gun doesn't match the suspects fingerprints". Officer Stevens said confused. "What the fuck do you mean"? I angrily replied.

"Okay but what about the fact that we found the rag drenched with her blood in the house"? Detective James chimmed in. "Damn now we are back at square one on this case". I replied frustrated.

"So are we releasing the suspect"? Everyone asked at once. "Nope. Lets bring his girl down here and see what she knows". I say while tapping my finger on my head.


I got asked to come down for questioning. Whatever I have to do to get my baby out I will.

The detectives asked me easy questions at first but before I knew it they were throwing hard ones at me.

Have you ever suspected Kenny of having an affair?

If so with who?

Have you ever had an affair?

Where did you live before you moved here?

Was Kenny acting suspicious leading up to this incident?

I really wanted to answer those questions but all of them would had made Kenny somewhat guilty.

I sat there in complete disbelief of everything being thrown at me. Eventually they realized that I was blown away and let me go.


It's like hell in here. I've had to fight everyday just to be left alone. The food is horrible and I'm away from my family. If this what happens to the innocent I would hate to know what happens to he guilty.

"Edmonds! Edmonds! Front and center! Edmonds!" The guard shouted out.

I quickly got up and walked towards the door of the cell. The guard handcuffed me and led me back to an interrogation room.

"Damn"! I thought to myself. "Why did you do it"! The detective asked getting into my personal space. "I didn't do anything". I calmly spoke. "Brittany was a beautiful woman how could that not temp you"? The other detective chuckled.

Hours went by and they finally left me alone.

Detective O'Reilly

"How in the hell could this be fucking possible? This seemed to be the easiest case we had now we're completely lost"! I yelled.

"Obviously he's innocent. Lets just let him go". Captain James spoke annoyed.

"Yeah let him go but keep your eye on him. Release to the press that he's no longer a suspect".

4 Hours Later


"Could you not drop me off in front of the house I want to surprise my girl". I asked the officer. "Aww that's so beautiful. I wish June Bug was more like you. His ass don't do nothing but eat and watch tv". Officer Jones stated running through a red light.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. He'll come around eventually". I said clenching the seat. "Ohhh the hot sign is on". Officer Jones said excited.

We crossed over 6 lanes which was full of traffic that consisted of 7 big trucks. I closed my eyes and held on to the seatbelt. It was quiet for the longest. I thought I was dead until I heard.

"Welcome to Krispy Kreme! How may I help you"!

"Let me get a dozen jelly filled doughnuts and two coffees"! Officer Jones screamed through the window.
"Here you go Mr. Edmonds now lets get you home".


"I'll be back in a little while"! I yelled walking out the house.

Today is the day my plan all comes together. I'll be getting my family back and Kenneth ass will be rotting in prison.

I rode to the house with the biggest grin on my face. As I was about to get out the truck I saw a cop car.

"Damn what the hell is going on now"! I madly whispered to myself.

Then out of the blue like a ghost Kenneth ass appeared. I was so shocked I had pinched my self.

"What this can't be happening he's suppose to be in jail right now"! I shouted.

"Fuck it! I've killed before and this probably won't be my last! I should go in there right now and kill both of they asses! I could kidnap Adrian from his daycare and raise him as Jake Jr". I grinned thinking about my new plan.

As I was about to get everything ready I spotted the cop heading my way. I quickly pulled off and leaving the community.

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