New Developments

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Amber and I have been talking to each other every other day. She's really smart but she's just so naive. We've invested some of her money into stocks,bonds and other business ventures.

"Thank you so much for everything. I don't know how I will ever be able to repay you. How about I take you and Toni out for lunch or dinner"? Amber asked eagerly. "Um you don't owe me anything I'm just being a good samaritan". I chuckled nervously. "She doesn't know does she"? Amber smiled. "No she doesn't I'm going to tell her though". I laughed.

"You have a very nice smile Kenny". Amber said playing with her fingers. "You do too". I replied.

Amber looked at me and started giggling. "Whats so funny"? I asked surprised. "You finally gave me a compliment after avoiding it for these last couple of days". Amber said laughing.

"Oh I didn't notice that I do that". I trailed off. "Yeah you do and it's kind of cute". Amber whispered. "Look you have to stop flirting with me". I said getting mad.


"I don't know why Kenny keeps playing with me. He knows he wants me. What am I doing Amber stop it. He's a good guy that's in a relationship with the person you need to save your life. Stop being loose and be the woman you know you can be". I wondered.

"I'm so sorry I promise you it'll never happen again". I sincerely look at Kenny. "Okay I'll see you later". Kenny hugs me and leaves.

"God he smelled so good. Amber stop before you get yourself hurt". I thought to myself.


"Kenny are you okay"? I asked for the 10th time. "Huh? Yeah I'm okay I just got a lot on my mind". Ken trailed off again into his thoughts.

"Can I ask you something Tone? If the shoe was on the other foot would you help me? Would you do what I did for you"? Ken asked nervously.

"Um..I don't know where this is coming from but yeah I would. I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I went through. Why do you ask"? I looked at Ken with concern and he looked away.

"The other day that wasn't the delivery boy it was the girl we saw Jake with awhile back". Ken softly spoke.

"WHAT! She knows where we live that means he knows where we live". I yelled.


"Tone the girl needs help she's pregnant and he has threatened to kill her after she has the baby". I walked towards Toni but she pulled away.

"We can't". Toni whispered under her breath. "I didn't hear what you said Tone". I quickly replied.

The room grew quiet and Toni just looked at the floor. She finally looked at me and took a deep breath.

"I said we can't help her". Toni stared me in my eyes. "Baby you just need to think it over". I hate I said that because her face gave me a look of disgust.

"Jake is capable of anything! If we didn't have Adrian I would say yes. I've seen him kill before and I don't want to go through that again. Just give me time to think about it". Toni calmly said.

"I've been helping her". I slowly backed away from Toni. "Kenny now why would you do something like that before talking to me". Toni walked towards me. "Baby I felt sorry for her". I continued to back up and hit the wall. "Well next time talk it over with me first". Toni can close and put her finger in the center of my chest.

I kissed Toni and she intensified the kiss.

"Jacuzzi or pool". Toni mumbled into the kiss. I pulled away from Toni and looked at her shocked.

"Are you okay"? I put my hand on her forehead. "Ha ha yes I'm fine Ken". Toni sarcastically replied. "Well in that case lets do it everywhere.

Sex scene or no sex scene

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