I'm The Cause

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Jake in the MM.

I turned over on my back and just stared at the ceiling. I was lost in my thoughts for awhile, but then I noticed that Kenny was just staring and waiting for me to start talking.

"I want to be your wife one day. I want to be yours forever without knowing or fearing anything. I spend my days worrying about our safety and how we can never truly love each other. I want to make that promise under God in front of our families. And we can't because I'm a coward". I said sighing.

"In due time everything will fall together perfectly. Get some shut eye and stop worrying". Ken said smiling.

"Really that's all you can say. I need to get from under his hold so I can feel complete and fully happy". I said sitting up folding my arms.

"So when are we leaving to head back to Cali so you can file for divorce"? Ken asked fluffing his pillow. "...... Ummmm well". I said nervously playing with my fingers. "Exactly"! Ken said laughing.


"Welcome to New York baby"! Amber screamed at the top of lungs. We got our luggage and finally got a cab. "We need to set some ground rules. Number one don't be extra we aren't getting engaged, married or buying anything together. Number two we aren't in love in any kind of way. Number three my business is mine so don't be running your mouth". I said looking out the window.

The rest of the day was silent I guess I hurt her feelings but I don't care. "What do you want to eat for dinner"? I tried to ask nicely. "I'm not hungry". Amber said with tears in her eyes. "Please don't get all emotional on me you know what this is. Until my family comes back I chose you to occupy my time". I yelled.

I order room service and ate then went to bed. When we get to Cali Amber ass might suddenly disappear.
Next Day

The one thing I hate about New York is the fact that everyone walks everywhere. Or they ride in those germ infested cabs. You won't catch my ass in one of those I'm Toni The Braxton Bitch!

"Ken I have to run to the store to get a couple of things! Do you need anything back"? I asked semi yelling. "Yeah beer,  chips, apple juice and oh yeah... condoms". Ken said watching the game.

"Get dressed because your going with me if you want those last things back". I said rolling my eyes. "Tone it's easy to do just put them in the buggy and then pay for them". Kenny said laughing.

"Its easy until you get to the register. Then you put them on the counter then the person in front and behind  you looks. The cashier, bagger, security guards, the people in the back stealing, everybody sees Ken". I said whining.

"Okay okay. I'll go crybaby". He said laughing. We were stopped at a red light and I was looking out the window. A car pulled up and I looked down and I saw the devil. "Ken...baby...its its its" I  stuttered in fear. "Tone what's wrong"! Ken asked in shock. The light turned green and all I could do was point at the car as it drove off.

"Huh? What's going in that car. Tone say something..anything baby"! Ken asked terrified. "It's Jake". I said confused. "Jake? Are you sure maybe you saw someone that looks like him"? Ken said trying to calm me down. "No that was that asshole Ken. I look directly at him". I said shaking my head trying to get the image of him out of it.

As Ken drove down the road he grabbed my hand and soon I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and realized we were in the parking lot of Target. "Why are we just sitting here"? I asked Ken suspiciously. "That car you pointed out pulled in after us. It's parked over there. I'm waiting for them to get out to see if it's really Jake". He answered not taking his eyes off the car.

Finally the door opened and behold the devil appeared. I grabbed Ken's  hand tightly while I looked down. "See I told you he wasn't going to change". Ken said rubbing my thigh. I looked up and saw his new punching bag.

"Let's get out of here". I whispered. The car ride home was quiet. "I don't think I'm never leaving this house again". I said sadly. "Aww don't worry. I'll go get the stuff we need I'll just go to another store". Ken said kissing my forehead. "Okay be safe". "I will you just calm your nerves". Ken said rubbing my shoulders.


"Damn Amber why we got to go to all these different stores"? I asked annoyed. "Because we're having fun and running errands for my mom"! Amber said excited. "Fun more like suffering. Hurry your ass up I'm getting tired"! "I am just relax a little". Amber said rolling her eyes at me. "See there you go again getting comfortable bitch. Please don't make me hurt you"!


I ended up going completely out of my way to shop. I got to the store, found everything then paid. As I was packing everything up I heard a very familiar voice.

"Yo Kenneth is that you"? I heard Jake asked. I quickly put the last bags in the truck then turned to him. "Hey man! Long time no see! What are you doing here"? "Just with one of my hoes? What about you"? Jake asked suspiciously. "I live here. So you've moved here"? I asked quickly. "No no no just visiting her family or something stupid like that". Jake said annoyed.

"Can I ask you a question"? Jake ask whispering. "Sure. What's up"? "Have you seen or heard from Toni"? Jake asked leaning towards me. "No I haven't. She left and didn't tell you"? I said laughing. "That's exactly what I said I treated her ass so good then she takes my son too. When I find her ass I got something for her though". Jake says grinning.

"What's that"? I asked nervously. Jake says nothing but grin. He was about to say something but his phone rings. "Nice seeing you man. I got to go". I said quickly opening my truck door. "Yeah maybe I'll see you around"! Jake said walking away.

I can't tell Toni this she'll never be able to function again. I know what I got to do to help her but after this earlier situation I really don't know.

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