This Cant Be

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The next morning I woke up groggy and mad. I pulled myself out of Ken's grip and headed to the bathroom. I did my daily morning routine then headed to my closet. I was standing in my bra and panties when Ken scared me.

"Morning beautiful". Ken wrapped his arms around my waist. "Morning". I replied coldly. "What wrong with you"? Ken turned me around and stared into my eyes. "Nothing". I snapped back quickly moving my head. "I was thinking we could start off the day with a little morning sex but I see not". Ken rolled his eyes walking off. "Whatever". I said under my breath.

I waited for Brittany for 10 minutes and she hadn't come out the house. I walked over to her house and realized the door was slightly cracked. I ran back home to get Ken.

"Ken can you come over to Brittany's with me"? I asked nervous. "Baby what's wrong"? Ken asked noticing my actions. " I don't know her front door is cracked but she's not responding". I quickly said breathing hard.

"Calm down baby. Breath nice and slow for me". Ken said hugging me. "Better". I smiled up at him. "Okay lets go. When we go in be completely quiet and follow me". Ken said looking into my eyes. We kissed and went back over to Brittany's.

When we got in the house it was completely quiet. I followed wrapping my arms around Ken as he slowly walked in front of me.  We looked everywhere down stairs and found nothing. We stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up. I grabbed Ken and pulled his ear to my mouth.

"Baby I'm so scared and nervous". I whispered. "Me too". He whispered back holding me close. He pulled me in for a quick passionate kiss then led the way up the stairs.

We walked into Brittany's room and saw that her bed was a mess. We then went into her bathroom and saw nothing. As we were walking out the bathroom Ken immediately stopped walking.

I ran into his back. He just stood there frozen and staring straight ahead. I peeped around him to see Brittany dead in her bed.

I screamed out in horror and pain as I saw my best friend. Ken grabbed me and held me tight as he walked me out of the house. Ken quickly took off running to our house and came out seconds later with his cell phone to his ear.

All of a sudden I heard sirens. The ambulance and police officers soon everywhere. As I stood crying into Ken's chest a detective came to talk to us.


Toni is completely broken right now. This detective started asking us questions and she couldn't even tell them anything. They asked me some basic questions and told us they would keep in contact with us.

"I don't understand who would do something like this"! Toni screamed at the top of her lungs. "Baby calm down. They'll find the sick bastard". I hugged Toni tight.

2 days has passed and Brittany's death is all over the local news channels. Toni has been crying her eyes out everyday. I took off from work for a while to be with her. She doesn't talk, won't eat or sleep. She just stares at the ceiling in our bedroom.

"Baby you have to eat something". I say pushing a fork to her mouth. "I'm not hungry". Toni finally replied. "It's really nice to hear your voice". I smiled making her blush.

"Yeah it's nice to talk again. I've accepted that she's gone". Toni said teary eyed. "Well when you're ready to get everything off your chest I'm here". I pecked Toni lips.

Toni got up and sat in my lap and stared into my eyes.

"I'm sorry about being mad at you earlier that morning". Toni sighed. "Apology accepted baby now lets finish what I wanted to do that morning". I said kissing Toni's neck.

"Kennnnnnn stop I can't my best friend is gonnnnnneeeeeeeee. I shouuulddddd". Toni moaned loudly.

Toni pushed me back and stared at me with lust in her eyes.

"Ken stop before you get yourself in trouble". Toni bit her bottom lip. "What if I want to get in trouble"? I slid my hand up the back of her shirt and unhooked her bra.

Toni attacked my face with kisses while unhooking my belt. We made out while throwing each other clothes through the dining room.

"Adrian"? Toni softly whispered in my ear. "He's sleep baby". I quickly replied back. "What if he wakes up? I'm not comfortable doing it in the dining room with him in the house". Toni glared at me. "Fine". I said picking Toni up.


Ken picked me up and carried me upstairs. He softly laid me on the bed taking the rest of my clothes off. Within a matter of seconds Ken was sending me to ecstasy with his mouth. I was crying and begging for him to stop but he wouldn't. My body shook from the releasing of my juices over and over again.

As I was about to reach my climax again Ken came up kissing me passionately. He rubbed my body with his hand making sure to trace every curve with detail. He slowly slid into me connecting our bodies sending me to Heaven.

We were on a cloud and on level 10 of passion. Ken has always satisfied me sexually but this moment was different. I guess it was the fact that my mind and body was finally letting go of the hurt and pain.

Ken and I made love for the next 2 hours and then glowed from the aftermath. We would had stayed in that perfect moment if we didn't have to patent duties.


All over the local news channels I see Brittany's murder. I lightly frown as I see the fact that they have no leads yet.

"Oh you will in due time. Dumb ass ducking cops they never can do anything right". I quickly snapped hitting my blunt really hard.

"That's so sad what happened to that poor woman. What monster would do something like that". Amber said sitting down.

"I don't know. Aye could you go get me a beer out the fridge". I said turning to the game.

Amber quickly got up and came back seconds later.

"I miss California". Amber said pouting. "So what the fuck you telling me for"? I asked. "Well I want to go back to Cali now". Amber said softly. "Well you can go but I'm staying here. All those trips made me get use to the Northeast". I laughed and waived Amber off.

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