This Cant Be Part II

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I opened my eyes the next morning to a smiling Toni.

"Why are you so happy this morning"? I asked pecking her lips. "Because I have the best man any woman can ask for"! She squealed happily. "Meet me in the shower in 15 minutes". I shout jogging to Adrian's room.

I checked on Adrian and he was still fast asleep. I went into my office and checked my emails and read them. I saw Brittany's last email she sent me and my mind started to drift.

Soon I saw Toni standing in the door entrance in her robe. "Are you okay"? Toni asked curiously. "Uh yeah I'm fine. I was just about to come back". I said getting up. "No relax". Toni said closing the door and locking it.

She walked to me slowly and sexy while biting her lip.

"Hahaha"! I laughed uncontrollably. "Really Ken I was trying to be sexy". Toni stomped her foot. "Baby your automatically sexy you don't have to do that". I said pulling her on my lap.

Toni got off my lap and stood in front of me with this mean mug on her face. I pushed her back on the desk while picking her up, knocking everything to the floor.

"Ken your so aggressive..I like it". Toni mumbled on my lips. "Great because I don't want to make love right now". I whispered into her neck. "What do you want to do"? Toni asked moaning. "I want to fuck you". I pecked her lips.

Toni pulled back in shock. "What? Too much"? I asked nervous. "No. I'm just shocked by how much I'm turned on". Toni replied blushing.

For the next 3 hours there was intense kissing, bites, and thrusting all over my desk.


"Ken look at all these hickeys you put on me"! I said shocked. "Well just put on a turtleneck and some jeans". Ken laughed. "Boy it's 94 degrees today"! I quickly searched through my closet.

As we were just finishing up breakfast the doorbell rang. I answered it and there stood the detective that's over Brittany's case.

"Did you find any leads yet"?! I instantly asked. "Well good morning to you too ma'am". He said chuckling. " I'm sorry. I just you know". I tried to say. "I completely understand ma'am. Can I speak to Mr. Kenny"? He asked looking around. "Sure. Kennn we have company"! I yelled.

"We do. Who is it"? Ken asked walking out of the kitchen. "Hi Mr. Kenny could you come down to the station for a while for some questioning"? The detective replied sternly.

"Sure. I'll be down in half an hour". Ken said with this strange look on his face".

The closed and locked the door behind the detective, I turned around and Ken still standing in the same place lost in his thoughts.

"Ken are you okay"? I asked quietly. He looked up at me with this clueless expression on his face. "Yes beautiful I'm okay. Let me get ready to head to the police station". He quickly said.

"What do you think they want"? I asked confused. "I have no clue baby". He said walking into the kitchen. "Be a good boy for mommy Adrian". Ken said ruffling Adrian's hair. "Okay daddy". Adrian said grinning. "I'll call later beautiful". Ken kissed my lips and smiled before leaving.

Kenny has been gone for 5 hours and I'm starting to get worried! As I was about to worry myself to death an unknown number called me.

"This is a collect call from *say your name sir* Kenny at the NY Police Station. Do you accept"? The operator asked.

"Yes I accept". I quickly say. "Hello". I hear Ken say. "Hey baby are you okay". I shouted sadly. "Uhhh no Tone I need you to call my lawyer". Ken said softly. "Baby can you tell me what happened"? I asked confused. "They think I killed Brittany". Ken said making my heart beat fast.

"Tone are you still there"! Ken semi yelled. "Yes I'm still here we'll get you out okay baby. I love you". I quickly said. "I love you too baby". Ken said then we got disconnected.

I called Kenny's lawyer and we planned on meeting at the police station. I dropped off Adrian at his babysitters house. I prayed all the way to the police station.

"Well I talked to the detectives and I doesn't look good Ms. Toni". Ken's lawyer said sadly. "What do you mean Mr. Clarence"? I asked confused. "They have evidence. A diary entry from the victim stating an affair". He said holding my hand.

"No way. Ken would never cheat on me"! I semi yelled. "I know but right now they're just going with the only lead they have". Mr. Clarence sighed. "I put his bail up before you got here so he'll be released in a while. I talked to him and he's just as lost and confused as you are. I want you guys to try to go back to normal. Don't let these lies ruin your relationship". Mr. Clarence said looking in my eyes.

"Thank you". I said hugging him.

2 hours later Ken was released. I was so happy to see him. I hugged him and didn't want to let him go. We finished talking to his lawyer and went home.

"Where's Adrian"? Ken asked breaking the silence. "He's staying at Natalie's tonight". I answered. "Oh". he said drinking his beer.

We laid on the bed staring at the ceiling.


Tone I would never cheat on you especially with your friend. I'm not that type of man". I said sitting up looking at her. "I know Ken". Toni sighs.

"I love you and I love Adrian. I would never do anything to hurt or loose you two". I said kissing Toni's forehead. "Ken I know and we love you too". Toni kissed me and cuddled into me.


"Did you see they got a lead in the case". Amber said happily. "I saw I'm so happy hopefully that sick bastard gets what he deserves". I say happily.

"I knew this shit would work. I got everybody believing that this fool really killed her. Now hopefully Toni will soon believe he had something to do with it". I think to myself.

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