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The four cousins stood in astonishment as the two individuals emerged from the time portal. One was a girl with lustrous dark brown hair, while the other was a boy with brown hair. Locking gazes with the cousins, they mirrored the same curiosity. Breaking the silence, Prue voiced the question that lingered in everyone's mind. "Who the hell are you?" The mystery guests exchanged glances before addressing the cousins. "I'm Courtney, and this is my brother Adam. We're from the future," Courtney revealed.

The cousins exchanged uncertain glances, their minds filled with questions. Melinda finally voiced their collective inquiry. "And you opened a time portal in our kitchen because...?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity. Adam responded, "We can't say." The cousins let out sighs of frustration. "What do you mean you can't say? For all we know, you could be demons," Wyatt challenged, crossing his arms. Courtney and Adam exchanged amused glances before Courtney spoke up. "Demons? You think we're demons? That's hilarious." Their response only deepened the cousins' skepticism. "Prove it!" Chris demanded. Without hesitation, Courtney waved her hand, causing all of Melinda's homework to lift off the table. "HEY!" Melinda protested. In the meantime, Adam projected his astral form, further convincing the cousins of their authenticity. The Halliwells could literally sense the magical Wiccan energy in the air. "I guess they're telling the truth. Still, that doesn't explain why they're here," Prue remarked. Melinda hurriedly ran upstairs to fetch her mother, Piper. Once downstairs, Piper cast an incredulous gaze at the two strangers. "Who the hell are you?" she questioned. Before Courtney or Adam could respond, Piper called for Paige, who promptly orbed into the room, her eyes fixated on Courtney and Adam.

"Who the hell are you two?" Paige demanded. "Prue, go and get your mother," she instructed. Prue nodded and teleported away. Within seconds, she reappeared with her mother, Phoebe. Phoebe's eyes darted between the two strangers and her sisters as she voiced her own question. "Who the hell are they?"

Adam, unfazed, took a defensive stance and responded, "Okay, we are from the future. And no, we can't tell you why. But no, we are not demons. We are witches. You guys just have to trust us." The three sisters exchanged glances, unsure of what to make of this revelation. Piper then suggested, "Phoebe, use your empathy power to see if they are telling the truth." Phoebe approached Adam and stared intently at him. "He's telling the truth," she confirmed. She then shifted her focus to Courtney. "So is she."

"Okay, well, that's settled. Who wants lunch?" Piper nonchalantly changed the topic. Prue couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Wait, that's it? No questions? We're just going to let them stay here?" she protested. Piper calmly explained, "Well, when Chris came from the future, we learned that most things can't be told. Phoebe used her empathy power, and they are innocent." Prue's confusion only grew as she heard her cousin's name mentioned. "Um, I'm sorry, what did you say about me coming from the future, Mom?" Chris inquired. The three sisters exchanged glances once again, and Piper dismissed the topic with a simple, "Not important."

1 week Later

Patience, Tamora, and Parker were hanging out in the attic of the Halliwell manor. "I think I've finally got the hang of this beaming thing," Patience announced to her sister and cousin. "Well, then give it a try!" Tamora encouraged her. Patience stood up from the couch and attempted to beam. To her surprise, she successfully teleported but ended up on the top of the ceiling. "Couch!" Tamora quickly orbed the couch over to where Patience was about to fall. Patience landed safely on the couch. "Okay, I could use a little more practice," she admitted, while Parker and Tamora chuckled.

Just then, Courtney and Adam entered the attic. "Hey, guys," Adam greeted the cousins. "Hey," Tamora and Parker replied, but Patience remained silent. She couldn't bring herself to trust Courtney or Adam. Her gut feeling warned her against it. Yeah her mom was a powerful charmed one and used her empathy power on them but maybe they had found a way around it. Still don't trust us?" Courtney questioned Patience. "Oh, I don't know. Care to enlighten us about why you're here?" Patience responded, her eyes fixed on Courtney. Courtney glanced at her brother, silently urging him to explain.

Suddenly, a demon shimmered into the room, startling everyone. "Demon!" Parker shouted in alarm. Without hesitation, the demon launched a fireball at Patience. "Fireball!" Tamora called out instinctively and used her orb power to redirect the fireball, causing it to explode on impact, vanquishing the demon. But their moment of victory was short-lived as three more demons shimmered in, ready for a fight.

Reacting quickly, one of the demons hurled an energy ball towards Parker. Unleashing her empathy power, Parker redirected the energy ball back at the demon, sending it crashing to the floor. Patience, using her astral projection ability, swiftly projected herself and tripped another demon with her foot. Seizing the opportunity, Courtney took hold of the demon and threw it across the room with her formidable strength.

However, their advantage was soon shattered when another demon launched an energy ball directly at Patience, striking her in the stomach. She fell to the floor, writhing in pain. The demons, sensing their weakened opposition, shimmered out of sight, disappearing as Adam hurried over to Patience's side. "Oh my god, Patience," he exclaimed, concern etched on his face. Parker and Tamora rushed to join them, their voices filled with panic. "Tamora, heal her!" Parker pleaded desperately. But Tamora's voice trembled as she replied, "I can't. Kat and HJ are the healers."

Adam, determined to help, placed his hand over Patience's stomach as her wound began to heal before their eyes. "He healed her. Did he just heal her?" Parker questioned in disbelief. As Patience slowly got up from the ground, her voice filled with a mix of relief and surprise, "Did I forget to mention that we're half whitelighters?" Courtney admitted, shedding light on their mysterious abilities.

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