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HJ demonstrated the new trick he learned at magic school for his mother Paige. He placed his hand out flat in the air as a tiny orb shield appeared in his hand. It went from blue and white orbs to red orbs to green orbs. "Wow honey that's a cool trick." Piper came into the Halliwell kitchen. She placed her eyes on HJ's orb shield. "Is that green orbs? Now I seen everything." Melinda and Chris orbed into the Halliwell kitchen screaming at each other. "Hey, Hey, Hey. What's the matter with you two?" Piper asked. Both siblings started to explain what happened. Piper raised both hands in the air as both Chris and Melinda stopped talking. She pointed to Melinda. "Wes and I were on a date at the food court and Chris literally came out of nowhere and punched him in the face." Melinda told her brother. Piper sighed. "Chris sweetie you can't punch your whitelighter in the face because he's on a date with your sister." "But mom they were making out." "WHAT!?!" Piper yelled.

Paige and HJ looked at each other. "Um we better get going." HJ said as him and Paige orbed out. "Piper I heard screaming." Leo came into the kitchen. "What's the matter?" Leo asked. Piper pointed to Melinda. "Your daughter." Melinda rolled her eyes. "What did she do?" "She was kissing Wes." Chris told his dad. Leo had a confused look on his face. "That's it?" Piper raised an eyebrow as she folded her arms. "What do you mean that's it?" Leo let out a small chuckle. "Piper she's a teenager. They do these kinds of things." Piper looked at Melinda who was nervously smiling."I guess your right." Piper said talking to Leo but staring at Melinda. "Yay thanks daddy!" Melinda rapped her arms around Leo and kissed his cheek. "Your welcome princess." Melinda orbed out. "That's not fair." Chris told his parents.
Later that night

The next generation were in the attic of the Halliwell manor. An elder orbed in. "Hello Halliwells!" All the cousins waved. "I came to tell you all that Alexander is eligible to become a Charmed one." All of the cousins nodded their heads except for Wyatt. "What? He is a demon!" "Ex demon Wyatt." PJ corrected him. "Prue is right Wyatt." The elder orbed out. "Okay am I the only one who sees that Alex is still a evil, slimy son of a-" "WYATT!" Patience yelled. "You know what. I'm sick and tired of you talking about my brother like that. I'm out of here." PJ stood up from the couch. "You guys coming?" She asked her sisters. They nodded their heads and beamed out. "Nice going Wyatt." HJ told him.
Later that night

Wes was sitting on the couch in the living room of the Halliwell manor. "No kissing, no touching inappropriately, and definitely no sex or I will blow you into a million pieces." Piper told him. Melinda came downstairs. "Hey are you ready to go?" Melinda asked. Wes slowly nodded his head. "Mom what did you say to him?" Piper stood Wes up from the couch. "Oh nothing. Now you two have fun." Piper said pushing Melinda and Wes out of the door. Piper walked into the kitchen and started cooking. "She's sixteen Phoebe. It's only fair that she can start dating." Piper told her over the phone. "Oh yeah I already gave him that talk... Yeah I'll talk to you later." Piper hung up the phone.

Leo was at Magic school, Melinda was on her date, the boys were at a concert, and she had no idea where Courtney and Adam were. Piper was home all alone. The lights went out in the entire manor. "Crap." Piper said to herself. "HJ!" She called out. She knew HJ was very good with technology and stuff. She thought he can take a look at the breaker. "HJ?" She called out a second time. Once she realized he wasn't coming she started to walk to the breaker that was in the backyard. Once she reached the front door she saw that it was open. "Hello Piper." Dan said stepping in front of the door. "Dan? Did you do this?" Dan slowly started walking towards Piper. Piper started backing up. "You know it makes sense now. All the weird stuff in the past. How you died and mysteriously came back to life. Your a witch." Piper flicked her hands expecting for Dan to freeze but he didn't. "I'm sure you heard of a witches talisman. I placed them all around the house."

It all made sense to Piper now. That's why HJ couldn't hear her call. She was desperate "PAIGE! KAT! TAMORA! WYATT! CHRIS! MELINDA! WES!" Piper backed into a wall. "Why are you doing this?" She asked. "Your a abomination." Dan reached into his jacket a pulled out a gun. To his surprise the lights came back on. He quickly turned around and saw Leo standing behind him. "Surprise." Leo punched him in his face causing him to fall on the floor dropping his gun. Dan reached for the gun but Leo kicked it away from him. Leo pulled Dan up by the shirt and repeatedly punched him in the face till he had a bloody nose and lip. He slammed him into the wall. "Your gonna get the hell out of my house and never come back or I swear to god I will kill you." Leo let go of Dan. He ran out of the house. He turned to Piper. "Are you okay?" Piper pulled Leo in for a long kiss. "Did we miss something?" Chris asked as he and Wyatt walked in.

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