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"Okay there's no way you guys saw aunt Prue. She's dead." HJ said. The next generation, Courtney, and Adam were in the attic of the Halliwell manor."It was defiantly her." Wyatt replied. "What was that blue vortex all about?" Melinda was pacing back and fourth. "All ready checking the book." Kat replied as her and Tamora looked through the Book Of Shadows. "And you guys said she jumped on a hover board?" Prue asked. "Yup." Chris said popping the p.

"You two have been very quiet." Parker said referring to Courtney and Adam. "Found it!" Kat called out. "No I found it." Tamora said. "Not the time guys." Wyatt said as he walked over to the book. "It says blue vortex's can only be opened from something called the destiny plane." All the cousins looked at Wyatt expecting him to finish. "And?" Patience asked. "That's it." Wyatt replied.

Piper came into the attic in her night gown and slippers. "What are you guys doing here? It's 12 am." All the cousins looked at each other. "Well tell her Wyatt." HJ said as he pushed him upfront. "Mom I know this is going to sound crazy but Melinda, Chris, Patience, Courtney, Adam, and I saw aunt Prue." Wyatt told his mother. "Stop it." Piper replied. "Mom it's true. She jumped out of this blue vortex thing." Melinda said defending her big brother. "Stop it." Piper replied again."Yeah aunt Piper and then she jumped on a hover board." Patience added.


"I knew she wouldn't believe us. We will figure all of this out tomorrow after training." HJ said as he orbed out. Tamora and Kat followed. "Well were gonna go crash downstairs. Night." Courtney said as her and Adam walked out of the attic. Prue and Patience beamed out. "Hey guys I don't trust them." Parker told Melinda, Wyatt and Chris. "Why not?" Chris asked. "Well don't you find it funny that it was their idea to go to the golden gate bridge? And when we were all talking about what happened they didn't say a word." Parker told them.

Parker always trusted her instincts. They were never wrong. "Well your mom already used her empathy power on them." Melinda said. "Maybe they found a way around it. My empathy power is stronger than my moms. Tomorrow I'll use it and prove it to you guys." She said before beaming out.
The Next Day...
"Do you really think they saw Prue?" Phoebe asked. The three sisters were sitting in the kitchen. "Of course not. She's dead." Piper replied as she bought cups of coffee to her sisters. "Well I don't think they would make something up like this." Paige sipped her coffee. Piper started to get upset. "Okay people if Prue was alive wouldn't you think she would come here?" "Piper sweetie we didn't mean to get you upset." Phoebe said. "Lets just get ready for training." Piper walked out of the kitchen.

The next generation, Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Courtney, and Adam were in the basement. "Okay we decided to break you up into groups. Mel, Parker, and the twins are up first." Phoebe said. The other cousins moved back as Melinda, Parker, and the twins jumped into their battle stances. Wyatt waved his hand and 7 fake demons spawned. "Go!" Paige called out. Two energy balls were thrown at Parker. She levitated and did a side kick in the air knocking one demon down. Once she was on the ground she tripped the other demon with her foot. A fire ball was thrown at Melinda. She ducked and flicked her hands at a demon. The demon froze.

She flicked her hands again and a wooden table exploded. "Melinda you have to concentrate. Just picture the demon exploding or melting in your head and then do it." Adam told her. She nodded her head and imagined the frozen demon melting. She flicked her hands at the demon and he turned into lava. She then flicked her hands at another demon and it exploded. She froze another demon then melted him. "Yes yes yes. I finally got the hang of my powers."

Piper turned her head towards Adam. "How did you know that?" She asked him. "One of my charges in the future have these powers." He replied. Piper nodded her head with a smile. "Heart." Kat called trying to orb the demons heart to her. The demon fell to the floor and started screaming. He then exploded. Tamora orbed behind a demon and kicked him in his back as hard as she can causing him to fall on the floor. "Okay good job guys." Piper said.

After training the next generation were hanging out in the living room. "Tamora that's my top." Kat told her sister. "Well it's mine now." She replied. "If you don't give me my top back I'm going to rip your blonde hair out your pretty little head." Tamora stood up from the couch. "Do it!" Kat looked around the room and placed her eyes on a vase. "Vase!" Kat sent the vase flying towards Tamora. "Vase!" Tamora sent it flying back. "Vase!" Kat sent in flying back once again. "Okay that's enough." HJ stood up. "Vase!" He called out as the vase orbed to him. "We have to figure all of this out. We don't need you too arguing and fighting." HJ told his little sisters.

"Figure what out?" Leo asked coming from out the kitchen. All the cousins looked at each other. Melinda flicked her hands at Leo and he froze. "We should go to the attic." Wyatt said as all the cousins headed towards the stairs. Half way up the stairs Melinda flicked her hands and Leo unfroze.

Wyatt started to flip through the Book Of Shadows. "What are you looking for?" HJ asked as he moved next to Wyatt. "A spell or a potion or something." "How about the to call a lost witch spell?" Prue suggested. "Good Idea." Wyatt replied. Chris and Patience started to set up the altar. "Power of the witches rise course unseen across the sky come to us we call you near come to us and settle here." Wyatt took a knife and poked his finger. A few drops of blood fell into the pot. "Blood to blood I summon thee." The cousins waited for a few minutes and nothing happened.

"Well that was a bust. How are we going to find her now?" Parker asked. "Scrying!" Both twins said in unison. "Do we even have anything to scry with?" Chris asked. "Mom placed all of aunt Prue's stuff in that chest." Melinda said pointing to the chest HJ was now sitting on. Chris waved his hand and the chest flew open causing HJ to fall on the ground. "I'll get you back for that!" HJ got up from the ground. Chris started to chuckle.

Patience grabbed Prue's Camera from out the trunk. Coop beamed in. Patience quickly put the camera behind her back. "Hi daddy. What is it?" Parker asked. "Me, your mother, your aunts, and uncles are going to Barclay's. Wanna come?" Barclay's was a very fancy restaurant. Their food was amazing. Not better than Piper's restaurant of course. "Awesome i'm In!" HJ said walking towards his uncle Coop. Chris squinted his eyes and HJ moved backwards. "On second thought I'll pass."

Coop pushed his eyebrows together in confusion. He placed his eyes on the alter. "What are you guys doing up here?" He asked. "Just brushing up on our wiccan skills." Melinda said nervously. "Oh okay. Wyatt your in charge." Coop beamed out.

Adam and Courtney walked into the attic. "Hey guys." Courtney said. "Just the two people I wanted to see." Parker started to slowly walk to Courtney. "What are you doing in this time?" Parker asked. "Now that's a secret." Courtney replied. Parker walked over to Adam. "Your nervous Adam. Why? Hiding something?" Parker asked. All the cousins heads turned to Adam.

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