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Piper, Paige, and Prue surrounded an unconscious Phoebe on the couch. "I think she's starting to wake up." Phoebe heard as she opened her eyes. "Hey how you feeling?" Prue asked. Phoebe started to laugh. The sisters had a confused look on their faces. "I had the weirdest dream. Patience got kidnapped by my suppose to be dead son and PJ and Parker went to rescue her. Then when they came back Cole became a whitelighter." Phoebe said as she started to laugh more. Orbs filled the room. Phoebe turned around to see Cole standing next to her. "Oh no no no no no." Phoebe said as she got off the couch and started backing up. "Phoebe relax." Piper told her."Relax? Cole is standing right there." She said as she pointed at him. "We know. He's PJ, Patience, and Parker's new whitelighter." Paige told Phoebe. "Is this some sort of sick joke?" Phoebe asked. She closed her eyes. "What is she doing?" Prue asked Piper. "I think she's calling Coop." She replied. Coop beamed in right next to Cole. "What is it honey?" He placed his eyes on Cole. "Who's this?" He asked the sisters. "This is Cole." Phoebe told him. "The elders made him the girls whitelighter." Coop's face started turning red. Cole started to laugh. "I really don't think a cupid could-" Cole was cut off by Coop punching him in the face. Cole fell on the floor. "Oh my god." Piper and Paige said in unison. "Nice hit!" Prue said as she clapped her hands. Cole got up holding his face. "Okay cupid you wanna go? Lets go." Cole swung at Coop but he ducked and tripped Cole with his foot. "Not so tough without your demonic powers aren't you?" Coop said as he held his fist in the air and started jumping in place. Cole got up and punched Coop in the stomach. He then punched him in the face. Coop fell to the ground but beamed behind Cole and kicked him in his back causing him to fly across the the fly across the room. Cole got up and walked over to Coop. Piper flicked her hands and both Coop and Cole froze. "Phoebe are you going to let them fight?" Piper asked. Phoebe started to smile. "Coop looks so hot when he's angry." Prue used her telekinesis to separate Coop and Cole. Piper flicked her hands and Coop and Cole unfroze. "Look Coop sweetie I know your mad but you can't beat the crap out of your daughter's whitelighter." Piper told Coop. He turned his head to Cole.

"Sorry." He told him not wanting say it. Cole shook his head. "I feel much better." Phoebe said with a smile. "Why? Is it because Cole got beat up?" Paige said. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe started to laugh. "Yup." Phoebe replied.
Courtney and Adam were in the attic of the Halliwell manor. "I can't believe Parker knows about us." Courtney told Adam. "Not everything. Just that we're Halliwells." Adam said trying to calm down Courtney. "Ugh. This is all your fault." Courtney said as she used her telekinesis to hit Adam with a book. Adam placed his eyes on duct tape that was sitting on a table. He used his hyper speed to grab the tape. The last thing Courtney saw was a blue blur before she clenched her eyes closed. When she opened them her feet, hands, and mouth were taped. Adam stood in front of her. "My fault?" Adam said above a whisper."YOU switched the cousins powers when I told you it was a bad idea. YOUR the reason why Parker was able to freeze me." Adam said as he pointed his finger at Courtney. She tried to talk but the tape was still on her mouth.

Adam rubbed his hands together and ripped the tape off. "OUCH!" Courtney yelled. She continued. "Your right. I shouldn't have blamed you. It kinda is my fault." "Kinda?" Adam asked. Courtney rolled her eyes. "Okay all my fault. Now can you get this tape off of me?" Adam gave her a smile as he placed the tape back on her mouth and orbed out. Wyatt walked into the attic. 'Oh great just what I need' Courtney thought to herself. "Courtney what happened?" Wyatt rushed over to Courtney and ripped the tape off of her mouth. "OUCH!" Courtney yelled once again. "Who did this? I swear I'll kill them." Courtney rolled her eyes. "It was Adam. Do you mind?" She asked referring to the tape on her feet and hands. "Tape!" The tape orbed to him. "Thanks." She said as she began to walk out of the attic. "Courtney wait." She turned around. "So would you like to-" She cut him off. "Wyyyat." She said. "I'm flattered but-" "She would love too." Adam said standing in between the attic doorway. "Really?" Both Courtney and Wyatt said in unison. Adam walked over to them. "She was just telling me how much she likes you but was just so scared to tell you." Hearing this made Wyatt blush. "So how about Saturday night?" Wyatt asked

Courtney was about to decline but Adam beat her to it. "She would love too!" Wyatt orbed out with a huge smile on his face. "What the hell was that for?" Courtney asked her brother. "We tried things your way and they didn't work now it's my turn." Courtney was about to speak but Adam cut her off. "We don't have much time to save this family Courtney. If Prue and Paige still hate each other by next week then you know what happens." Courtney started looking to the ground. She knew her brother was right. "Fine."
"Mom I don't want a whitelighter." Melinda told her mother as they walked into the kitchen. "Mel honey you have too. The three P's have their whitelighter and HJ and the twins will be getting their whitelighter." Piper started getting the ingredients to start cooking. "But we don't need a whitelighter. Wyatt is part whitelighter. So is Chris and so am I." Piper turned to Melinda. "Mel honey you don't even know how to orb." Melinda rolled her eyes. "Fine. When will he get here?" Melinda asked. Orbs started to form behind Melinda. "Now." Piper said as she left the kitchen. Melinda turned around to see a handsome boy behind her. "Melinda?" He asked. She started to blush. "Um yeah I'm Melinda." He gave her a smile that melted her heart. "I'm Wes. Your whitelighter."

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