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Melinda and PJ sat on the porch of the Halliwell manor. "Do you really think Alex is good now?" Melinda threw up a tiny pebble and froze it in mid air. "Yup." PJ replied while popping the p. Phoebe, PJ, Patience, and Parker were affected the most by Alex's change. "PJ-" Melinda started to speak but PJ cut her off. "Melinda don't." Awkward silence filled the air. "PJ he's your brother. It's okay if you want to hang out with him." PJ stood up. "What am I suppose to say Mel? You were once evil and I made you good by stripping your demon side?" Melinda thought for a moment. "Your right Awkward conversation." Alex came walking down the street and turned into the Halliwell manor. "Hey Mel." Alex waved towards Melinda. She flashed him a smile. "Look I wanna apologize for everything. How's your stomach?" "Don't apologize. It wasn't you." Melinda just remembered a energy ball was thrown at her stomach. "I forgot about that." She lifted up her shirt and saw a tiny scar. "I better get Wes to heal it." Melinda said as she stood up from the porch and walked inside. The scar was barely noticeable. Melinda just wanted an excuse to talk to Wes. Alex sat on the porch next to PJ.

"Hey Prue." PJ giggled. Alex raised an eyebrow. "Everyone calls me PJ." "Why?" Alex asked. "Well everyone used to call me Prue but when my-" PJ corrected herself. "Our dead aunt Prue came back I told everyone to call me PJ so there's no confusion." Alex nodded his head. "What does PJ stand for." "Prue Johanna." PJ told him. "Who named you Alexander?" She asked curious. "My carrier. Alex replied as he picked up the pebble that Melinda left in mid air. "What happened to her?" PJ asked."Oh I killed her." PJ bust out laughing. Alex moved the pebble with his telekinesis. Even though his demon side is gone he is still the twice cursed child. He possesses as much powers as Wyatt. PJ beamed the rock back into Alex's hand. "What are your powers?" Alex asked. "Beaming, Remote beaming, Premonition, and Levitation." "Amateur." Alex replied as he did a fake cough. PJ laughed as she playfully hit him in his arm. "What are your powers Mr. I have better powers than everyone else." "Lets see. I have Telekinesis, Empathy, Levitation, Telepathy, Astral Projection, Conjuring, etc." 'Show off." PJ thought to herself. "I heard that." Alex told her. PJ and Alex started to laugh.

Phoebe came out of the Halliwell manor and sat down behind PJ and Alex. "Hi." Phoebe said to Alex. Alex's smile quickly faded. "Hey. Um I gotta um go." Alex stood up and started to walk away. "Later Prue." "It's PJ." "Whatever." He replied causing PJ to laugh. "Looks like you two are getting close." Phoebe said to PJ. She was hurt. Ever since Alex became good he avoided Phoebe at all cost. PJ placed her head on her mother's shoulder. "Don't worry mom. He will come around."
"Thanks for healing me." Melinda said to Wes smiling like a idiot. "No problem." Wes gave her a smile revealing his pearly whites. Melinda wanted an excuse to talk to him but thought of nothing. "Well your all good so I guess I'll see you later?" "Wait I actually wanted you to teach me how to orb." Melinda already mastered orbing. "Oh okay well it's pretty simple. You just think of a place you wanna go and really wanna be there." Wes orbed behind Melinda. "Now you try." Melinda purposely orbed a few feet above ground so she can fall on Wes. She was no on top of him. They locked eyes with each other as Chris and Wyatt walked into the living room. Chris waved his hand and Wes went sliding across the floor causing Melinda to fall. Both Melinda and Wes stood up. "Oh hey Wyatt.. Chris" Wes told them. "I think you should get going Wes." Wyatt told him. Wes looked at Melinda and orbed out. Melinda looked at her brothers with anger in her eyes. "What was that for?" Melinda asked as she walked towards her brothers. "Oops my hand slipped." Chris told Melinda as both him and Wyatt began to chuckle. Melinda flicked her hands and her brothers froze.

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