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A/N- The video above shows some favorite Chris Halliwell moments. Enjoy!

HJ was teaching his second class of eight year olds. "It all depends on how large you open your hands when you wanna make a orb shield attack." He opened his hands half way and a tiny orb shield came out and floated in mid air. He snapped his fingers and the orb shield disappeared. A little girl raised her hand. "Mr. Halliwell." "Call me HJ. What is it?" "Do you know how to do this?" The little girl stood up and placed her hand out facing flat in the air. HJ a little skeptical about the idea stepped back. He knew what his students was capable of. A tiny orb shield appeared in her hand. It went from blue and white orbs to red orbs to green orbs to purple orbs. HJ eyes widened.
Wyatt and Melinda were training in the basement of the Halliwell manor. "Hey sis look what I have." Wyatt conjured two swords. "Are those the swords Alex made that day we battled him?" Wyatt nodded his head and threw Melinda her sword. "Now that sword has your combustion power. Be careful using that thing."  Melinda pointed the sword at the wall and a explosion came out. "Cool." "I know right. This one is HJ's. It's a elctrokinesis sword." Melinda raised both eyebrows into the air which only meant she had an idea. "I know that look. What are you thinking?" Melinda walked closer to her brother. "Maybe we can make a sword like this for everyone." Wyatt nodded his head with a smile. "But how would we-" Wyatt stopped in his sentence. "No way forget it." "But Wyatt he can make these swords. We can really use them." 

"No Melinda. He tried to kill us."  Wyatt told Melinda. "That was his demon side. PJ stripped that side. Wyatt please." Wyatt thought about it for a moment. "Parker has empathy right? Maybe she can make them." "And if she can't?" Melinda folded her arms. Wyatt folded his arms.
Courtney and Adam were in the attic of the Halliwell manor. " Courtney we are running out of time." "I know." Courtney replied. "Alex isn't suppose to be alive." "I know." "And HJ was suppose to hate Magic school not apply to be a teacher." "I know." "The whole course of history is changing." Courtney stood up. "Don't you think I know that?" She walked over to her brother. "I also know that if we don't get Prue and Paige to forgive each other than we can't create the power of four." "The power of what?" Parker asked standing in between the attic doorway. "Nice going." Adam told his sister.
Kat and Tamora were having lunch at a local mall food court. "I mean, it's not like I care but when are we getting our whitelighter?" Tamora took a bite of her chicken sandwich. "I don't know." Kat replied. "Lets just hope it's a fifteen year old boy. It's not fair that Melinda got a cute whitelighter." Tamora closed her eyes. She felt a strong connection around the area. She placed her eyes on Melinda who was standing at the entrance. The twins walked over to Melinda in a fast pace. "Hi what are you doing here?" Kat asked. "Uh." Melinda quickly tried to think of an excuse. "Can't a girl just hang out at the mall?"  Tamora folded her arms. "Every girl but you. Your more chemistry, potions kinda of girl." "Yeah Mel. You hate coming to malls. Spill it." Melinda did a small sigh.

"Okay this is the only place Wes and I can hang out without Wyatt or Chris around." She placed her eyes on Wes was was at the other entrance of the food court. "And there he is now." She walked away from the twins. "Should we spy?" Kat asked. "Nah let her have fun. It's not that often you see her out of geek mode."
Alex and PJ were in the attic of the Halliwell manor. "Thanks for making these swords." PJ told Alex. "No problem. Which power do you want your sword to be?" PJ thought for a moment. "What about levitation?" Alex waved around the sword he was holding. "What about premonition?" PJ lifted an eyebrow. "Premonition? How could that help in battle?" "How good are you at premonition?" PJ sat on the couch. "Well I can get one whenever I want, I can show people their past, present, and future, I can show them my past, present and future, oh and I can project my premonitions." Alex nodded his head. "Have you ever used your premonition to get into someone's head? To flutter their minds with so many thoughts and memories to the point where their mind is fried." PJ's eyes widened. "Um no. How do you that." Alex closed his eyes as the sword he was holding started to glow. "Now we just need someone to test it on." PJ stood up. "Try me." Alex gave her a not so sure look.

"Oh come on just for a second." Alex looked at the sword and pointed it to PJ. She sunk to her knees and started to scream. All she saw was memory after memory. Wyatt walked into the attic. "Son of a bitch." Wyatt waved his arm and Alex went flying out of the attic window. PJ got up from the ground and remote beamed Alex back into the attic. "Wyatt what the hell?" "PJ he was hurting you." Wyatt said while looking at Alex with a death eyes. "Cause I asked him too. We were testing out my sword." Wyatt felt so dumb. He wasn't going to apologize. He felt that a demon as strong as Alex wouldn't loose their powers with one potion. "Isn't their something you should say to Alex?" PJ folded her arms. Wyatt orbed out.
" you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." Wes told Melinda. She couldn't help but blush. "Aw thanks." A concerned look appeared on his face. "What's wrong?" Melinda asked. "This is the fifth time we had to come here. I'm tired of sneaking around." Melinda did a small sigh. "My brothers are just very protective of me. Between. Demons and Warlocks and Ghost, they don't want anything happening to me." Wes grabbed Melinda's hand over the table and started deep into her eyes. "I will never hurt you." He spoke in a low tone but loud enough to where she will hear him. Her heart started beating rapidly. They both got up and leaned into each other lips about to touch.

"I just don't understand why you couldn't come here yourself." Chris told Parker as they entered the food court. "Ugh I told you. I'm only fourteen and mom won't let me go places alone unless I'm fifteen." Chris let out a chuckle. "Your one of the most powerful witches in the world." He told her. "That's what I'm saying." Parker's eyes wondered around the food court. She placed her eyes on Melinda and Wes who were making out over to table. Parker's eyes widened. "What is it?" Chris asked. "Um nothing." Chris looked around the food court and saw his sister making out with their whitelighter. Chris cracked his knuckles and started walking towards them in a fast pace.

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