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Parker flicked her hands as Adam unfroze. "Parker you can't tell anybody." Adam said as he started walking towards Parker. "I wont." Parker lied. Adam crossed his arms. "Wow you were even a horrible liar back then." Parker placed a hand on her hip. "Fine. I won't tell anyone. Just one question. Who's children are you? Is it Wyatt? Cause he kinda has a crush on Courtney." Parker told Adam. Adam shivered. "No I'm not Wyatt's son." Parker started pacing around the attic. "You must be PJ's. Courtney looks exactly like her." "Look I can't tell you." Adam said walking over to Parker. " Can't tell her what?" HJ said as the next generation walked into the attic. "Don't worry about it." Parker walked over to the book. "Everyone ready to get their powers back?" Parker asked. "Aw but I was just having fun with PJ's powers. Did you know you can access your levitation threw your hands?" Melinda asked. She pointed at Adam and lifted her finger in the air. Adam started to lift into the air.

"Woah put me down." Adam said in a shaky tone. "Lift him higher." PJ said threw the laughter. "Put him down!" Parker demanded. All the cousins turned to Parker. "Um problem sis?" Patience asked. "No. I just want my powers back that's all." Parker told her sister. "What mines is yours, what yours is mine, let our powers cross the line, I offer up this gift to share, return the powers threw the air." Parker read. "Did it work?" Kat asked. Wyatt conjured a baseball and threw it up in the air. Melinda froze it in mid air. Chris used his telekinesis to move the ball. Prue used her remote beaming to beam the ball to her.

She then threw it to Parker who levitated into the air and caught it. Parker threw it into the air. "Baseball!" HJ said as the baseball orbed to him. "It worked!" All the cousins said in unison. "What I wanna know is who switched our powers in the first place." Patience said. "It was me." Courtney was standing in between the attic doorway. "I wanted to show Adam that controlling his new power was easy. I guess I accidentally switched all of our powers." Courtney said.

Wyatt walked over to Courtney. "It's fine." He said with a smile. "Look I was wondering if you would maybe wanna go out sometimes?" Courtney's eyes widened. "Um no thanks. But very sweet." Courtney said as she left the attic. Melinda walked over to Wyatt. "Sorry bro." She said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Well I'm not." Chris spoke. "I told him she was out of his league." Wyatt snapped his fingers and Chris went flying and landed on the attic couch. Adam and the cousins started to laugh. "Would you quit doing that?"
Meanwhile In the underworld...

A group of low level demons surrounded the next source. "Master are you sure you want to attack the Charmed ones now?" A low level demon asked. "Are you questioning me?" The master replied. "No it's just that-" The next source threw a fireball at the low level demon. "Anyone else?" He asked. All the demons were silent. The future source waved his hand and a life size visual appeared in front of them. "Patience I don't think aunt Phoebe will be okay with you beaming to France." Melinda
Said. "Calm down I will be back before my mom knows it." Patience replied. "Mom?" The next source said in shock. "Back in a few." Patience said as she beamed out. The next source snapped his fingers as Patience beamed inside of a cage. "What the?" She placed her eyes on the next source. "Who are you? What am I doing here?" Patience demanded.

The next source let out a dark chuckle. "You have no power to be asking questions." Patience jaw tightened. The next source continued. "But if you must know, I'm the next source. Half demon and half witch." Patience eyes widened. "Then that means.." the next source let out another dark chuckle. "That's right sister. Call me Alexander."

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