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(Photo- HJ)

"How did you find me?" Zaraya asked in rage. "Don't worry." Adam said. "Okay look how about you just let my cousins go, get back to the future, and get out of my cousins body." Kat said. Zaraya let out a dark chuckle. "Ah I remember when I killed you." She then turned to Tamora. "Or was it you?" Chris waved his arm and Zaraya went flying into a bookshelf. "Untie them." Chris told the twins and Patience. They both nodded their heads. Zaraya got up. "So you wanna go?" She asked. She levitated into the air and kicked Chris in his face causing him to fall. Adam hyper speeded around her making it hard for her to breathe. The last thing Zaraya saw was a blue blur before passing out. The twins finally untied Wyatt and Courtney. "Something isn't right. That was way to easy." Kat told her cousins. "Who cares. Let's get out of here." Tamora replied before all the cousins orbed out. Patience then beamed out. Zaraya got up as she let out a dark chuckle.
Melinda flicked her hands towards a demon and he exploded into flames. "When Adam said he knew where the moonstone is, I didn't know he was going to send us to eight different locations." Melinda said. HJ electrocuted a demon. There were four more guards guarding a small brown box. "This is actually relaxing." HJ said. '"I needed a break from magic school." A demon threw a fireball at Alex hitting him in his chest. He looked down at his chest and back up at the demon. "Ouch?" He said as he waved his hand throwing the demon into the wall. Parker used her empathy power to throw energy balls at the last two demons. Melinda walked over towards the box and placed her hand out. A force field knocked her across the room with a explosion. "Melinda!" Alex said as he placed his hand out.

She froze in mid air. "Thank god you used your empathy power in time." Parker said to her brother. "I didn't use my empathy power. I think it was Power Mimicry." He helped Melinda out of the freeze to get her out of the explosion. "So now you permanently have Melinda's power?" Asked HJ. "I guess so." He shrugged his shoulders. "Let me break the force field." HJ placed out his hand using his elctrokinesis to break the force field. Melinda walked over to the box and opened it slowly. "We don't have all day." HJ said as he orbed the box into his hands. He opened it and picked up the red mooonstone. "Alright let's go." HJ and Melinda orbed out and Parker grabbed Alex's hand beaming him out.
"Alright we got everything." Courtney told her cousins. "All we need is for the sisters to join hands the night of the blood moon." Melinda observed the moonstone. "It's incredible. Research says that this stone belonged to a Warren witch. Her and the Halliwell coven including Melinda Warren, all used their power to enchant and bless the moonstone making the object an unstoppable power. The Power Of Four." Melinda explained. "Um yeah you didn't need to get all geek mode on us." Kat said as both her and Tamora started to laugh. Melinda blinked her eyes and the twins froze. "Mel come on, can you unfreeze them?" HJ asked. Melinda rolled her eyes and lifted two fingers up. The twins un froze still laughing about what Kat said. "Can we talk about this situation please?" Adam told the twins. They immediately stopped laughing. "I have a question." Patience asked.

"In the future, Am I married? Or someone really successful?" She asked. "Really Patience?" Wyatt asked. "What? I personally saw the universe splitting open. It's going to happen so why not know the future?" Patience replied. "Fine you wanna know?" Courtney asked standing up from the living room couch. "In the future you are DEAD. So is Melinda, so is Chris, so is HJ, and so is Kat." All the cousins were silent. "Courtney." Adam said softly. "NO Adam." Courtney hissed. "You guys OBVIOUSLY don't understand the gravity of this situation." Courtney told the cousins. "There is a crazy 583 year old woman inside of PJ's future body. And if we DON'T get my mom and aunt Paige to FORGIVE each other then we CAN'T create the Power Of Four, Can't stop Zaraya, Can't stop half of you guys from getting killed, and can't stop the FREAKING UNIVERSE from RIPPING open." All the cousins faces were shocked. As if they had just seem a ghost. "What?" Courtney asked.

Chris pointed behind her. Courtney and Adam turned around to see all four sisters standing behind them. "How much did you hear?" Adam asked. "All of it." Prue said above a whisper.
"You guys are really my kids?" Prue asked. Both Courtney and Adam nodded their heads. "Woah deja vu." Phoebe said out loud. "What do you mean?" Paige asked still staring at Courtney and Adam in shock. "Remember when future Chris told us he was Piper and Leo's son?" "Oh yeah." Paige told Phoebe. "I'm sorry what about future me?" Chris asked. "Not important." Piper told him. "Okay this is all crazy." Piper said as she started to laugh. "Are you guys punking us?" She asked as she's pointed to the cousins. "Punking?" Wyatt asked. "Ya know. Joking, playing a trick." "No mom." Melinda replied. The cousins explained everything to Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige. There was only one question running through Phoebe's mind. "Where's PJ?" "She went home mom." Parker told her. "Yeah and she wants to give up her powers." Patience added. "Patience honey we all wanted to give up our powers at one point." Prue told her. "Yeah she'll come around." Paige told the cousins.
PJ had the power stripping potion in her hand. She observed it by moving it side to side. She thought about life with no powers. Not being able to teleport where ever she wants when she wants. Not being able to see her future anymore. Not being able to levitate and get the dust in the top corner of her room. She giggled to herself as she realized how ridiculous the last one sounded. She realized that she wouldn't be able to help people anymore. "What am I doing?" She said to herself as she remote beamed the power stripping potion into a volcano. She then beamed into the manor. All the cousins heads turned to PJ. "I'm ready to help."
"I forgive you." Paige said accepting Prue's forgiveness. "You don't mean it." Adam told his aunt. "How can you tell?" HJ asked. "Because just like the power of three, a light from the chandelier will glow." Said Courtney. "But instead of blue, the light will be red." Adam added. "Look Melinda." PJ said softly to the point where only Melinda can here. "It's okay." Melinda replied. They then hugged. "You see!" Chris said excitedly. "That's how you do it." He said pointing to Melinda and PJ. Prue turned to Paige. "I'm sorry." She said as she gave Paige a hug. Everyone looked up at the chandelier. "Nothing." The twins said in unison. "We will work on that later." Phoebe said as Prue and Paige quickly stopped hugging. "Okay let's talk about a plan people." Piper told everyone.

While the sisters and cousins were rambling, nobody seemed to notice Leo walk through the front door. "We can trap her in crystals until we finish the ritual." Wyatt suggested. "No she can break out of that." Courtney told him. No one notice that Leo's shirt was half ripped. "What's going on?" He asked. Piper turned towards him. "Serious business honey. You should go upstairs." She turned back to everyone else who was rambling. "You wouldn't believe what just happened to me." Leo told everyone. "Not now daddy." Melinda told Leo. "Yeah this stuff we are dealing with is very dangerous." Chris added. "So let me help." He demanded. "Leo your a mortal. Leave this to us." Phoebe said as everyone started rambling again. Everyone stopped rambling as they heard a loud howl. They turned their heads to see Leo with claws. "I'm not mortal."

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