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A/N- I decided to tell you guys which actors will be playing the next generation and other characters.

Wyatt: Wes Ramsey
Chris: Drew Fuller
Melinda: Jana Karmer
PJ: Phoebe Tonkin
Patience: Selena Gomez
Parker: Maiara Walsh
HJ: Jake T. Austin
Kat/Tamora: Emma Roberts
Courtney: Shelley Henning
Adam: Steven R. McQueen
Wes: Taylor Lautner
Alex: Logan Lerman
"That has been the longest three days ever." Wyatt flopped down onto the couch. "You think you had it bad?" Chris asked his brother. "One of my students threw me into the wall." Chris told his brother as he held an ice pack on his right shoulder. Wyatt, Chris, and HJ were sitting in the attic of the Halliwell manor. Today was the last day of their punishment. While Wyatt and Chris rambled about how hard their experience was, HJ sat quietly on the couch texting. "Why are you so silent loud mouth?" Chris asked HJ. "Oh I'm just texting one of the guys from my class." Wyatt and Chris looked at each other in confusion and and looked back at HJ. "Why?" Both brothers said in unison. HJ placed his phone down. "Well after I threw a orb shield at him, All the other guys started respecting me." HJ explained. "I even asked uncle Leo if I could continue teaching the class on the weekends and he said yes!" Wyatt conjured a water spraybottle and repeatedly sprayed HJ in his face. "Bottle!" HJ said as the bottle orbed to him. "What the hell?" HJ asked pissed off. "What about the concert we were suppose to go to Saturday night?" Chris asked. "There will be more concerts dude." HJ replied as he continued texting.

"Chris waved his hand and HJ's phone flew out his hand." HJ orbed his phone back."You know what? I'm leaving." HJ orbed out.
Later that night

A man stepped out of the dark as he watched the Halliwell manor. He slowly walked up one step at a time. He finally reached the door and slowly raised his hand to knock. Once he knocked Piper answered the door 10 seconds later. Her mouth dropped open. "Dan?" Piper said with a huge smile on her face. He flashed her a smile. "Piper." He gave her a hug. "What are you doing here?" "Well I was in the neighborhood and I decided to stop by. Can I come in?" "Uh sure." Piper stepped aside to let Dan in. "Piper honey who was at the-" Leo came from out the kitchen as his eyes widened when he saw Dan. "Dan!" Leo said in a sarcastic excitement. He walked over to Piper and placed his arm around her.

"What are you doing here at MY house. Since you know, Piper and I are married and have three children." Dan caught Leo's drift. "Ouch." He simply replied. "Don't worry Leo. I'm married." Leo gave Dan a fake smile as he pulled her closer to him. "So Dan can I make you some coffee or tea or-" Piper was rudely cut off by Dan. "I'm actually interested in the attic." Piper felt Leo tense up. "What do you wanna know about the attic?" Leo asked rudely. "What he meant to say was that nothing interesting happens up there." Piper started laugh to nervously. "It will only take a second." Dan walked past Piper and Leo and started walking towards the stairs. Piper flicked her hands and Dan froze. She ran past Dan and made her way to the attic door. She slowly cracked it open and her eyes widened.

She saw Wyatt and Chris using telekinesis to throw a football back and fourth, Parker sitting on a pillow that was spinning while it was levitating into the air, Melinda making potions, HJ making tiny orb shields, PJ using remote beaming to beam her cellphone from her hand to the Book Of Shadows and back to her hand again, Patience playing Simon says with her astral self, and Kat and Tamora playing orb tag."Oh boy." Piper said to herself. She slowly closed the door and made her way back downstairs. "Well?" Leo asked. "It's like magic central up there." Piper flicked her hands and Dan un froze. "Chris." Piper whispered. Chris orbed downstairs. He was about to speak when Piper placed her finger on his mouth.

She pointed to Dan and waved her hand. Chris shook his head understanding what she was saying. Chris waved his hand and Dan fell backwards falling down the steps. Chris quickly orbed out. "Oh my god Dan!" Piper ran over to him and helped him up. "Be more careful next time." "I don't know what happened." Dan saw bright white and blue lights coming from the kitchen. "What is that?" "What is what?" Piper nervously laughed. "Hey Piper, Leo." Paige said as her and Henry came walking into the living room. "Who's this?" Paige asked. "Paige this is Dan my old next door neighbor, Dan this is Paige my half sister." Dan's eyes widened. "Wow I never knew you had a half sister. Quick question. Where did you two just come from?" "I think you should go." Leo said. "I'm not leaving until someone answers my question." Dan told Leo. "They don't have to answer your question. Now get out before I throw you out." Dan let out a chuckle. "And If I don't?"
"If you don't I can l let Leo here kick your ass or I could just arrest you for trust passing." Henry told Dan.

Dan looked at Piper and walked out of the front door. "I have a feeling that isn't going to be the last of him." Piper said. "What did he want?" Henry asked. "Who knows." Leo replied.
Dan walked up to a black van and opened the door. A women with long blonde hair turned in his direction. "Did you kill them?" She asked Dan. "No I needed proof first." The women slammed her hand on the keyboard that was in the high tech van. "Their witches Dan. We can't take no chances." She slowly walked over to him and placed her hand on his chest. "I just don't want anything happening to you. I know you have a close relationship with them but we're witch hunters and their witches." "I'll kill them tomorrow." Dan replied.

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