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"Okay so first you two open a time portal in my kitchen and then tell us we can't know why and then you don't tell us your part whitelighter?" Piper threw her hands in the air. Patience, Wyatt, Chris, Melinda, Piper, Courtney, and Adam were in the living room of the the Halliwell manor. "We just didn't think it was important." Adam spoke. "Not important? What do you mean not important?" Melina placed her hand on her hip. "Okay look. You had Phoebe use her empathy power on us. What more do you want?" "I WANT your asses out of my house and back to the future." Piper demanded. Adam and Courtney looked at each other. "Fine." They said in unison. "Aunt Piper wait." Everyone's heads turned to Patience.

"Let them stay." Patience spoke. Piper turned her head back to Courtney and Adam. "ONE more chance. If I find out anymore secrets then your butts are out of here." Piper turned to the cousins. "Okay lets go look in the book to find the demons who attacked you." All the Halliwells began walking out of the living room. "Patience wait!" Courtney called out. Patience stopped and turned around. "Thanks." Courtney said. Patience flashed her a smile before leaving the room.

"That was too close!" Adam sat down on the couch. Courtney used her telekinesis to hit Adam with a pillow. " What was that for?" Adam asked. "You almost blew our cover that's why." Courtney whispered so nobody else wouldn't hear. "Well what did you want me to do? Let Patience die? Calm down they don't suspect a thing." Courtney folded her arms. "Because of Patience. Okay look we need to do what we came here for. We need to get the next generation at the top of the golden bridge tonight." Adam shook his head.
Later that night
The next generation were sitting in the attic of the Halliwell manor. Courtney and Adam walked in. "Hello everyone." Courtney waved to the Halliwells. The cousins said hello. "We were going to orb to the golden gate bridge to look over the city. Wanna come?" All the cousins looked at each other. "I'll pass." Prue spoke. "Me too." Parker chimed in. "Me three." Tamora and Kat said in unison. "Maybe another time ." HJ walked out of the attic. Prue, Parker, and the twins followed. "What about you guys?" Adam asked. "Sure we'll go. Last one there is the next source." Wyatt said as he orbed out. Chris orbed him and Melinda. "Okay Patience you got this. Just concentrate and beam to where you wanna go." Patience told herself before she beamed out.

"Well now what? All the Halliwells aren't there." Adam told Courtney. "Four Halliwells are better than no Halliwells." Courtney replied before orbing out. Adam followed.

"Took you guys long enough." Melinda said. "I finally know how to beam." Patience said in a exited tone. "It was actually quite simple. All I had to do was-" Patience shoulders risen up and her eyes clenched close. "What is she doing?" Courtney asked. "She's having an astral premonition." Wyatt replied. Patience opened her eyes as her mouth dropped open in shock. "What did you see?" Chris asked. "That." She replied as she pointed to the blue vortex that formed on top of the golden gate bridge. A women jumped out of the vortex.

She looked at the kids and jumped off the golden gate bridge landing on a magical hover board that formed out of mid air. "Did I just see what I think I just saw?" Patience asked. "It can't be." Wyatt replied. "It was aunt Prue." Melinda placed her hand over her mouth.

A/N- I hope you guys are enjoying my book! Make sure to favorite, follow, and comment. It means the world to me.

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