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A/N- Lol a very funny clip of when Piper first got her new power. Enjoy!

Adam was pacing around the attic. Wyatt and Courtney has been gone for nearly two hours. He was getting a bit worried. Melinda and Wes walked into the attic. "Oh Adam." Melinda said. He stopped pacing and turned to face them " Yeah?" "We kinda have a date up here." Wes told him. "Oh is that what the picnic basket was for?" He asked. Both Melinda and Wes shook their heads. "I ate everything inside." He said before orbing out. Melinda walked over to the basket. She opened it to see that there was nothing inside. She rolled her eyes. "Well this is ruined." Wes walked over to Melinda. "Not exactly. I asked your family if I can have there permission before asking you to be my girlfriend." Melinda's heart started racing. "Even Chris?" Wes nodded his head. "Melinda would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" He asked. Melinda started to blush. "Yes." She said before hugging him. HJ came into the attic. "Your not asking to marry the girl dude." He said. "A girl like Melinda deserves a special asking out." Melinda locked hands with Wes.

"Special? If you wanna see special I'll show you this SMOKIN HOT babe at my school. She has it all. Down from her-" Melinda flicked her hands and HJ froze. They walked out of the attic.
"Mom they have been gone for three hours." Chris told his mother as they walked into the kitchen. "Chris, Wyatt is eighteen. He can stay out for as long as he wants." Said Piper. Chris did a small sigh. He orbed upstairs into the to find Parker quickly flipping through the book of shadows while Adam watched over her. "Um What's going on?" Chris asked. Parker and Adam looked at each other. "We should tell him." Parker said to Adam. "Uh how about no?" Adam said with a smile. "Adam we have too. We have no other choice." Adam turned towards Chris. "You better go get the rest of OUR cousins for this." Chris eyes widened as he orbed out.
Adam told the cousins about everything. "And Courtney said if she was ever apart from me for more than two hours, I need to worry." All the cousins were silent. "I can't believe you and Courtney are our cousins." Melinda said. "And there's really such thing called the power of four?" Asked HJ. "That's if we get the sisters to forgive each other and join hands the night of the blood moon." He explained. "But in order to do that.." Kat started. "We need to find the moonstone." Tamora finished. "And you think you know where it is?" Chris asked. Adam nodded his head. Someone rung the doorbell. "Who could that be?" HJ asked.

"Probably Alex. I called him over so he can help." Patience said as she went downstairs. PJ sat on the couch quietly. Once Alex got upstairs and Adam told him everything, the cousins decided to spilt into groups. "Okay so let's spilt up." Adam told his cousins. "Kat, Tamora, Patience, Chris, and I will go find Courtney and Wyatt while Alex, HJ, Melinda, Parker, and PJ go find the moonstone." "I'm not going." PJ said bluntly. Everyone turned their heads towards PJ. "What?" Parker asked. "Is this about you being evil in the future?" Adam asked. "Because it's not you. Your being possessed." PJ placed a hand on her forehead. "It's not that. I'm just tired of all of this." "All of what?" Melinda asked in a mean way. "I'm tired of magic ruining my life." She explained. "PJ it was just one date." HJ told PJ. "It doesn't matter."

She stood up from the couch. "I'm getting rid of my powers." She told them. "WHAT!?!" They all said in unison. "I don't want magic ruining my life and if I get rid of my powers then Zaraya won't have any powers in my future body. It's killing two birds with one stone." "Alex talk some sense into her." Patience told her brother. "As a witch I say your making the worst decision ever. Magic is a gift. But as your brother I say go with what ever you feel is right." PJ nodded her head. "Thanks bro. I'm going to get rid of them." She said before beaming out. "Nice going." Said Patience as she hit her brother in the arm. She then got a astral premonition. This wasn't any normal astral premonition. Random wind blew her hair around as she clenched her eyes closed.

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