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A/N-Here's a little bonus chapter of the fight between Leo and Zaraya.


Zaraya kicked open the double doors of the Halliwell manor. "Hello. Zaraya is it?" Leo asked. Behind him stood Henry, Darryl, Barbas, Zankou, Shax, and Belthazor. She let out a dark chuckle. "what are you all suppose to be? The bodyguards?" She asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Something like that." Leo replied as he, Darryl, and Henry showed their claws and blue eyes. A small smile crept on her face as she cracked her knuckles. Henry jumped in front of Leo with his claws out aiming for Zaraya's face. She quickly bended backwards dodging the attack. She then got up and used her premonition power to flutter Henry's mind with memories. He sunk to his knees in pain. Darryl let out a growl as he punched Zaraya in her stomach causing her to fall on the ground. Leo jumped into the air landing on top of her. Zaraya levitated into the air bringing Leo up with her. She jammed her knee in Leo's mid section causing him to let go of her and hit the floor with great force. She then fell back on the ground. Darryl and Henry both charged at Zaraya. She levitated causing them to run in to each other. Leo got back up and Zaraya hit him with a round house kick. Barbas walked up to Zaraya. 'Let's see your fears." He waved his hand in front of her face. She let out another dark chuckle. "I don't have any fears sweetie." She beamed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed it into Barbas's stomach as he vanished in a yellow glow. Shax threw a energy wind blast at Zaraya. She ducked as the wind blast hit Darryl causing him to fall back on the ground. Zaraya did a back flip landing in between Shax and Belthazor. Belthazor conjured a fireball and threw it at Zaraya. She ducked as the fireball hit Shax causing him to vanish. She then tripped Belthazor with her foot and jumped on top of him stabbing him in the stomach. She turned around to see Henry charging at her. She took the knife and stabbed him in the stomach as he dropped to his knees. "You werewolves are pathetic." She said as she walked further into the house. Darryl and Leo quickly got up. "OH MY GOD WHAT DO WE TELL PAIGE, HJ, AND THE TWINS?" Darryl asked nervously. "I don't know." Leo replied. "OH NO. OHHH NOO." Darryl started pacing. Leo placed his eyes on Henry's wound. He pulled the knife out as he started to heal. "Look he's healing."

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