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(Photo- Courtney)

Courtney was getting ready for her date with Wyatt. Just the thought made her sick to the stomach. Melinda was straightening Courtney's hair. "Are you nervous?" Melinda asked. Courtney raised an eyebrow. "I guess you can say that." Wyatt knocked on Melinda's door. "Come in." Melinda said. Wyatt opened the door. He placed his eyes on Courtney. "Wow you look beautiful." Courtney wore a red chic dress with black heels. "Thanks. Should we go?" She asked. Wyatt nodded his head. "You two kids have fun." Melinda told them as they orbed out.
"I'll have the steak with a side of mash potatoes, and the lady will have-" Courtney cut Wyatt off. "I'll have the seafood salad." She said as she gave the waiter the menu. The waiter nodded his head and took Wyatt's menu before walking away. "You look absolutely stunning. I can't take my eyes off you." Courtney gave him a awkward smile. He moved his hand closer on the table aiming for Courtney's hand. She moved her hand off the table. Wyatt pushed his eyebrows together. "You seem like you don't wanna be here." Courtney bit her lip knowing that he was right. She couldn't blow her cover. Adam would kill her. "No it's not that. This is just technically my first date." Wyatt gave her a smile. "So what's up with your aunts? Prue and Paige." "Well aunt Paige was upset that aunt Prue threw HJ off the building." Courtney nodded her head.

"Don't you think you should do something to get them to like each other?" Wyatt placed a hand on his neck. "Well I guess. But we tried with a truth spell but it didn't go so well." "So try again." Courtney told him. Wyatt cocked an eyebrow. "Why are you so concerned?" "Because I care about you Wyatt." Courtney said in a sweet tone. Wyatt smiled. "I guess your right." Wyatt told her. 'So gullible.' Courtney thought to herself as she took a sip of her water. "I'm sorry what?" Wyatt asked. "What do you mean?" Courtney asked. "You just said I was gullible." Courtney must of accidentally used her telepathy power and sent Wyatt a mind message. It wasn't her fault, she had just got the power the day before she came back to the past. Courtney was speechless. "Who are you?" Wyatt asked. Courtney looked down at the table. "Who are you?" Wyatt asked again using his deep voice changer power. Courtney was a little scared. She knew what Wyatt was capable of. If she didn't tell him what she was doing here, then he would probably kill her.

"Okay I'll tell you everything. It all started a couple minutes before Adam and I arrived."
Courtney and Adam's Future

Adam astral projected behind the demon and kicked him in his back. Courtney then used her telekinesis to throw the demon into a wall. "Come one we don't have that much time." They orbed out of the small two story house and into the manor. "What took you so long?" A girl asked. "We had some trouble but it's all taken care of." Wyatt orbed into the manor. "Dad." The girl said as she gave Wyatt a tight hug. "I missed you so much." Wyatt let go of his daughter. "Come on we gotta go up to the attic before-" Wyatt was interrupted by PJ beaming in. "Looking for me?" She asked. Courtney waved her hand and PJ went flying into the wall. All four of them ran upstairs into the attic. In the attic was Prue, Tamora, and Parker. "Mom." Courtney said as her and Adam hugged Prue. Once they let go Prue placed one hand on Courtney's shoulder and her other hand on Adam's. "It's up to the both of you to fix all of this." She told them. "What can we do?" Adam asked. "Find the moonstone, go back in time, and create the power of four." Parker told them. "And do not blow your cover under any circumstances." Tamora added.
The Present

"Wait PJ tries to kill us?" Wyatt asked shocked. "Well not exactly." Courtney told him. "She was possessed by Zaraya from the shadowland." Wyatt closed his eyes and opened them in shock. "Wait your my cousin?" Courtney nodded her head. Wyatt had a look of disgust on his face. "Eww." He said to himself. "I know right." "Wait so there was me, you, Adam, my daughter, Prue, PJ, Parker, and Tamora. Where's everyone else?" Wyatt asked. "Dead." Courtney said in a hurt tone. Wyatt looked down at the table and back up at Courtney. "What's the shadow land? And what's a moonstone?" He asked ignoring what Courtney last said. "The shadow land is the most terrifying place you can ever go. Your powers won't work, You get weaker every time you breathe, and there is no way out."
Courtney and Adam's Future

"How do you expect us to find the moonstone?" Adam asked. "And how do we create the power of four?" Courtney added. "To create the pour of four you need to have past me, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige together at the manor holding hands the night of blood moon." Prue told her children. "You also need the moonstone." Wyatt told them. "How do you find it you ask?" Parker told them. "That's up to you guys to figure out." Tamora told them. Wyatt's daughter hugged both Courtney and Adam. "Be careful." She told them. Wyatt started drawing the time portal. PJ beamed into the attic. "Hurry say the spell." Wyatt told them. PJ waved her arm and Wyatt went flying. Wyatt's daughter placed out her hand as ice came out trapping PJ in a huge ice cube.

"Hurry that won't hold her." She told them. " Hear these words, hear the rhyme, Heed the hope within my mind, Send me back to where I'll find, What I wish in place and time." The time portal opened up. Wyatt got up from the ground. "Remember. Don't blow your cover." PJ broke out of the ice cube. "GO!" Prue told them. Courtney and Adam walked threw the time portal and ended up in the Halliwell kitchen to see Wyatt, Chris, Melinda and PJ staring at them.
The Present

Wyatt cut off a piece of his steak and plopped it in to his mouth as he listened to Courtney's story. "Wait, my daughter seemed really happy to see me. And you guys seemed happy to see aunt Prue. Where did we go?" A small smile crept on her face. "You, mom, Parker, and Tamora had just been rescued from PJ's shadow land cave." "Rescued? By who?" Wyatt asked curious. "Avery." Courtney told them. Wyatt's eyes widened. "Wait Melinda's charge? But she's a witch. I thought a witches powers didn't work in the shadow land." Courtney ate some of her seafood salad. "Well Avery is special. Her power is Photokinesis." "The ability to control light." Wyatt said. "Exactly." Courtney said. "And as we know light beats dark." Her phone beeped.

Adam: I know where moonstone is.

"Adam knows where the moonstone is." She said getting up from the table. Wyatt placed the money down and followed Courtney outside. "That's good right? Now all we gotta do is get the sisters to join hands and the power of four is created and we can stop Zaraya." Courtney turned to Wyatt. "Look there is no we. It's only me and Adam." "You can't expect me to not do anything when my family is in danger. Lets just tell my brother, sister, and cousins. I promise they can help." "Fine but Parker already knows." Courtney said as they walked into a alley so they can orb home. "I can't believe it. But wait who's your dad?" Wyatt asked. Just when Courtney was about to speak she was knocked out. PJ appeared. "PJ? what the hell?" She let out a dark chuckle. "I'm not your PJ sweetie." She said before punching Wyatt and knocking him out cold. She then shape shifted back into her future self.

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