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A/N- Hello everyone! I know I haven't updated in a while. I apologize. We have a few more chapters left before the final chapter. I'm still debating on making a book two. And for those who don't know what beaming is, Here's a video of Coop (PJ, Patience, and Parker's father) using all of his powers. But on with the chapter and happy new year to everyone!

"I can't believe Dan tried to kill aunt Piper." Patience told PJ. They were just coming back from karate practice. "Well uncle Leo scared him away." PJ replied. Patience got a astral premonition. Once it finished she looked at her sister with a huge grin on her face. "What?" PJ asked. "What did you see?" Patience stopped walking. She pointed towards the alley. "I'm going to go over there and beam home." PJ had a confused look on her face. "What? Why?" Patience ignored her question and ran towards the alleyway. Weirdo." PJ said to herself.

She pulled out her phone and started texting Melinda. Someone bumped her shoulder. She quickly looked up and saw Austin the boy from her karate class. "Austin hi." She said nervously. She always had a huge crush on him. Now she knew why her sister left. She wanted her to get some alone time with him. "Hey. Sorry I didn't see you there. But since I did, can I walk you home?" PJ stated blushing as she felt butterflies in her stomach."Sure." She said trying to keep her cool.

They decided to walk the long way. "What does PJ stand for?" "Well my mom named me after my deceased aunt Prue. And she always liked the name Johanna." A small smile crept on Austin  face. "Prue Johanna. Sounds beautiful." He reached for PJ's hand. Her heart started beating faster every moment. "Well this is me." She said as they reached her front door. "Before you go in I was meaning to ask you if you want to go on a date with me tonight?" "I would love too." Austin and PJ turned their head towards the front door. "Sweetie it's time for lunch." Prue said to PJ. She placed her eyes on Austin. "Oh hi." "Hi. I'm Austin . Are you PJ's mom?" "Oh no I'm her aunt Prue." Austin had a confused look on his face. "But I thought you said-" "So I'll see you tonight?" PJ said stepping inside. "Yeah." Austin replied. "Byee." PJ replied shutting the door. "He's cute." Prue told her. "I know right."
Melinda was in the  attic of the Halliwell manor. She decided to make potions just in case someone needed them. Something kept bothering her. She thought about what the twins said the other day at the mall. " Your more of a chemistry, potions kinda of girl." She knew they were right.
She doesn't like making friends. She's the quiet girl who sits in class and ace all of the test. While Wyatt made captain of the basketball team in his current year and Chris captain of the football team, Melinda is just known as Wyatt's and Chris's little sister. She placed the potion vials in the magic potion filing cabinet she made. She had way too much free time.

She thought about what she can do. She really likes Wes but she doesn't want to seem clingy. She always wanted to embrace her inner witch. Her mother and aunts scared off the underworld so there were barely any demon attacks. She had the perfect idea.
PJ and Alex were in the living room of the Cupid-Halliwell residents. PJ was pacing back and fourth. "Would you quit being so nervous?" PJ faced Alex. "Your right I shouldn't be nervous." "Yeah he should be." Alex stood up from the couch. "Not just any boy can date my sister." PJ rolled her eyes. There was a knock at the door. "Omg he's here." PJ fixed her hair as her and Alex walked to the door. She opened the door and saw a smiley Austin. "Hi." PJ gave him a smile. "Hi." Austin replied. "Hi." Alex said in a deep tone. He held out his hand and Austin shook it. "This is my brother Alexander." "Call me Alex. Now I'm expecting Prue to be home at eleven or you will have me to deal with." Austin nodded his head.
Melinda was scrying for evil in the Halliwell manor. "Got it." Melinda said to herself. She orbed to an ally. She saw a demon holding a fire ball in his hand as he kept a young girl huddled in the corner. "Hi." Melinda said causing the demon to turn around. "Who are you?" "Your worst nightmare." Melinda lifted up her hands and melted the demon. Two demons shimmered in behind and in front of Melinda. "Oh boy." Melinda said to herself. The girl stood up and pointed in the sky. A ray of light blinded the demons and Melinda used her combustion power to explode all of them. Melinda placed her eyes on the little blonde girl and walked over to her. She knelt down on one knee. "What's your name?"  "Avery." She replied. "Hi Avery I'm Melinda. How old are you and how did you do that?" Avery placed a hair behind her ear.

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