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Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Paige, and Leo were in the living room of the Halliwell manor. Piper and Phoebe shed tears of joy. They were happy that they were giving another chance to have a happy life with their sister. Both of their sisters. Paige on the other hand was furious. From the story she was told, her son was thrown of the bridge by Prue. "I just can't believe your back." Piper said through the tears as she held Prue tightly. She wasn't going to let anything happen to her this time. Once she let go Phoebe hugged her tightly. "I am SO glad your back." Phoebe told Prue.

"For good." Leo added. Prue gave him a smile. "Phoebe you got so successful. I seen you on almost every billboard in the city." Prue told her sister. Phoebe started to blush. "Yeah I have a tv show about finding love. It's really popular." Paige was standing against a wall. "Oh Prue there is someone we want you to meet. Well we know you guys meant on the bridge but this is our sister-" Before Piper can finish she was cut off by Prue. "Paige." Prue said finishing Piper's sentence. Prue walked over to Paige and held her hand out. "Nice to meet you." "Wish I can say the same." Paige replied. Once Prue realized Paige wasn't going to shake her hand she placed it back down.

"Piper. Paige feels really angry." Phoebe told Piper. A concerned look appeared on Piper's face. "And what is that suppose to mean?" Prue asked Paige. "You threw my son of of a bridge. That's what it's suppose to mean." A look of sorrow crept on Prue's face. "I'm so sorry about that. I thought he was a demon." "She's telling the truth." Phoebe added. "I can feel it." Prue's head turned to Phoebe. "What do you mean?" "Oh I'm an empath now." Phoebe told Prue. "Yeah Paige it's not that big of a deal. HJ is okay." Piper said. "NOT A BIG DEAL? HE'S YOUR NEPHEW FOR GOD SHAKE." Henry came into the house looking pissed. "Is this her?" Henry asked Paige pointing to Prue. "Yup." Paige replied.

"Your a natural with teenagers Prue. Who would of ever thought to throw one off the bridge." Henry said. Prue crossed her arms. "And you are?" Prue asked in a mean tone. "I'm the kids father." Henry told her. "Guys calm down before things escalate." Leo said in his calm soothing voice. "Leo this crazy bitch threw my son off the bridge." "What did you just call me?" Prue asked. "PAIGE!" Piper yelled. "Oh so she can throw my son off a bridge but Paige can't call her a-" Piper flicked her hands and Henry froze. "Watch your mouth." Prue said getting defensive.

Paige moved closer to Prue. "Make me."
Prue pushed Paige on the ground. "PRUE WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!?!" Phoebe asked pissed off. "Stay out of this." Paige got up from the ground and placed her eyes on a flower pot. "Flower pot!" The flower pot came orbing at full speed towards Prue. Prue waved her hand and she turned invisible. The flower pot hit the wall. She became visible and waved her arm as the carpet from underneath Paige moved causing her to fall. Prue started walking to Paige.

"Prue stop!" Piper demanded. Prue was in front of Paige and was about to kick her. Paige orbed behind Prue and turned her around and was about to punch her when both of them froze. Phoebe automatically looked at Piper. "You know I can't freeze them." Piper replied. "But I can." Melinda said standing at the top of the stairs. "What's going on?" Piper ignored her and pulled Paige away from Prue. Melinda flicked her hands and Paige and Prue both unfroze. "What the hell is the matter with the both of you? Your sisters." Prue started to laugh. "She is not my sister. SHE was just a replacement. Thanks for keeping the seat warm but I'll take it from here." "PRUE!" Piper yelled. "Fine." Phoebe walked over to Paige. "Paige no." "Why not? You have your precious Prue back so I'm taking the next orb out of here. KAT, TAMORA, HJ!" Paige yelled upstairs. HJ and the twins stood next to Melinda at the top of the stairs. "Yeah mom?" The twins said in unison.

"Were leaving." Paige said looking directly at Piper. "Mom is this about me going off the bridge? I told you it's fine." HJ told his mother. "Now." Paige simply replied. "Fine." All three siblings said in unison. All three siblings walked to the bottom of the stairs next to their mother. "Do you mind unfreezing my husband?" Paige asked. Piper took a deep breath and flicked her hands towards Henry."bitch." Henry said finishing his last sentence before he froze.

Henry looked confused as Paige grabbed his hand. They orbed out and so did their children. Piper started to shed tears. Not sad tears but tears of anger. She was angry that her big sister fought her little sister. It wasn't suppose to be like this. "PRUE WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?" Piper yelled threw the tears. "Piper I-" "HOW DARE YOU? HOW DARE YOU FIGHT OUR LITTLE SISTER? A HALLIWELL?" A look of regret appeared on Prue's face. "Woah Piper chill. Paige did call her a bitch." Phoebe said siding with Prue. "SHE THREW HJ OFF THE BRIDGE. PAIGE WAS UPSET AND CALLED HER A BITCH. SHE HAD EVERY RIGHT." Piper said now yelling at Phoebe. "AND IF YOU DON'T SEE THAT THEN BOTH OF YOU CAN LEAVE." A look of hurt appeared on Phoebe and Prue's face.

"If that's what you want." Phoebe said to Piper. She then turned to Prue. "Come on. You can stay at my place." Prue nodded her head as Phoebe called her daughters and beamed out. Piper and Leo were the only two in the living room. Piper placed her eyes on a small table with a lamp on it. She flicked her hands and the lamp and table exploded. "Piper look-" Piper froze Leo before he can finish. She didn't want to hear one of his pep talks. Chris stood at the top of the stairs. "Mom are you okay?" Chris asked. "Yeah sweetie I'm fine." She replied. "Okay well do you remember when the elders said that they were going to give Mel a surprise for gaining control of her powers?" Piper slowly shook her head. "Yeah?" She said sounding a bit skeptical. "Well I think she got that surprise." "What makes you say that?" Piper asked curious. Before Chris can say anything Melinda orbed right in front of Piper. "Hi mom. Uh- oh I feel a orb coming. Bye mom." Melinda said before she orbed out. Piper's eyes widened in shock. "That." Chris said to his mother. "They made he part whitelighter."

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