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The next generation just finished training and are now hanging out in the living room of the Halliwell manor. PJ just beamed out to grab something from her house."I'm telling you my mom has the best powers".  Wyatt told HJ. "Wow freezing and blowing stuff up." HJ said as he mocked Piper by flicking his hands in the air. Melinda rolled her eyes. "Did you forget my moms powers requires aim?" Chris told HJ. "All aunt Paige does is call for stuff. Big deal." Tamora stood up from the couch. "My mom is known in the magical community." Tamora said trying to help her big brother out. "Duh all of our moms are. Their the Charmed ones." Parker told her. "But our mom has the best power." Patience added. The other cousins started to laugh. Patience and Parker gave each other a confused look. "No offense guys but aunt Phoebe has the worst powers." The cousins started to laugh more. "Yeah premonition, Levitation, and Empathy?" Kat told Patience and Parker. They simply rolled their eyes. Courtney walked into the living rooma paying no attention to the cousins. "Courtney!" Both Wyatt and Parker called out in unison. They looked at each other. "Yeah?" She said as she changed her direction from the attic to the living room. "Who do you think has thr best power out of all the Charmed ones?" HJ asked. Courtney thought for a moment. "Um what's her name? Prue?" The cousins had a confused look on her face. "Why?" Melinda asked. "Her powers are handy. Telekinesis, Astral projection, Invisibility. Very cool." She then orbed out. PJ beamed back in. "Where have you been?" The twins asked in unison. "You will never believe what I just heard." She said in a worry tone. The cousins looked at PJ. "What?" Patience asked.

PJ's premonition power was really advanced. She was able to show other people her past, present, and future. She turned to a wall and placed her hands out. A white glow started forming on her hands. A large visual appeared on the wall. It showed Phoebe and Cole talking in Phoebe's kitchen. "Phoebe he's our son." Cole told her as she angrily placed dishes into the dish washer. Phoebe turned her head to Cole. "He captured my daughter Cole. He needs to be stopped before he takes any other kids." "He's half demon Phoebe. Just like I was. He can change. Like I did." Phoebe let out a chuckle as she threw her head back. "Cole you never changed." She said as she turned her attention back to the dishes. "Obviously I did if the elders made me a whitelighter. Just let me talk him into stripping his demon powers." Cole begged Phoebe. Phoebe thought about it. She simply nodded her head. Cole placed his hand on Phoebe's shoulder. "Cole I'm an empath. I can feel your emotions. You need to stop. I'm married." Phoebe moved Cole's hand off of her shoulder. Cole grabbed Phoebe by the waist and pulled her close to him. "I'll never stop loving you." He told her. Phoebe held out her hand and a bolt of electricity came out hitting Cole right in his chest. "Cole stop. I mean it." Phoebe said as she walked away. The visual ended. "Woah when did aunt Phoebe get a new power?" Wyatt asked amused. "It doesn't matter. We need to stop Cole from talking to Alex." PJ told the cousins. "Why?" They all said in unison. "Because if Alex sees that Cole is a whitelighter then he would probably kill him." PJ said. All the cousins looked at each other."So?" Melinda said to PJ. "I for one grew a close bond with Cole. So have you two." She said as she pointed to her sisters. "She's right." Parker said as she stood up. "Okay I agree but we can't stop Cole from going." Patience told her sisters. "But we could have aunt Prue turn us invisible." Wyatt said. "And spy on them to see what happens." All the cousins nodded to the good idea.
"No way forget it." Prue said as she walked out of Phoebe's kitchen and into the living room. "Aunt Prue what if something happens to Cole?" Parker told her. Prue let out a chuckle. "Parker sweetie. I don't like Cole." She told her. Parker gave her the puppy dog face. Prue couldn't resist. "Okay fine." She said as Parker jumped up and down.
Later that night

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