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Courtney used her telepathy powers. 'Don't let her make you nervous. Just relax.'

"No." Adam simply replied. Parker didn't feel any vibe from Adam. "Oh. Okay." She walked back over to Prue. "Well now that that's settled. You guys should go." Prue spoke. Wyatt orbed him and Melinda to the Golden Gate Bridge. HJ orbed himself.

Once there the cousins saw Prue looking over the city. She looked worried. "Um Prue?" Wyatt said. She quickly turned around as her mouth dropped open. She turned back around and jumped off the bridge. "Oh no you don't." Melinda flicked her hands and Prue froze in mid air. "Woah how did you do that? You can't freeze other witches." Wyatt said in shock. "Your powers must be getting stronger. How did you know that will work?" HJ asked. "I didn't." Melinda replied. "Aunt Prue!" HJ said as Prue orbed back on to the Golden Gate Bridge. Melinda unfroze her. Prue looked confused. "Now I can keep freezing you OR you can tell us what the destiny plane is and how you got there." Melinda folded her arms.

"Nice." Wyatt whispered to his sister. "Look I don't know who you are but you shouldn't mess with me." Prue replied bluntly. All three cousins looked at each other in confusion. "You seriously don't know who we are?" HJ asked. Prue shook her head. "Why should I?" Melinda took a deep sigh. "I'm your niece and these are your nephews." She said pointing to Wyatt and HJ. They smiled big as they waved to her. Prue waved her hand and HJ went flying off the Golden Gate Bridge. He screamed until he orbed back on the bridge. "WHAT THE HELL LADY?" HJ screamed at Prue. "HJ don't talk to our aunt like that." Melinda demanded. "She just threw me off of the freaking bridge." Prue placed a hand on her forehead.

"Wait your seriously telling the truth? Your really Halliwells?" Prue asked. All three cousins nodded her their heads. She pulled all three of them in for a hug. "I'm so sorry." She said to HJ as she let go of them. HJ put a smile on his face. "It's okay aunty."

Prue put a smile on her face as well. "Are you guys from the future?" Melinda looked at Wyatt with a confused look on his face. "What do you mean?" Melinda asked. "Well that's how you got in my time. You came from the future." Prue spoke. "Aunt Prue what year do you think it is?" Wyatt asked. "2001" Prue said.  "Its 2027." HJ replied. A look of confusion was all over Prue's face. "That's- that's impossible." Prue said in a shaky tone. "What's the last thing you remember?" HJ asked. "I remember being attacked by Shax and then I was In some black space with other witches and a few wizards. Together we opened up a vortex and we went our separate ways." "And the hover board?" Melinda asked. "Oh I got it from a wizard." Prue replied with a smile.

"Well that clears everything up I guess." Melinda said sounding exactly like her mother. Prue gave her a smile. "Your Piper's daughter right?" Melinda smiled. "Yeah." Prue walked towards Wyatt. "And you must also be Piper's." Wyatt smiled. "How did you know?" Prue started to place her long black hair into a ponytail. Once she was done she looked back up to Wyatt with a smile. "You look exactly like Leo." She walked over to HJ. "And your Phoebe's son right?" "Um no." HJ replied. "Oh so another one of Piper's, the future Charmed Ones?"

All the cousins looked at each other. "Well not exactly. Possibly. There's a small chance." Wyatt replied. "Oh and I'm not Piper's son. I'm Paige's son" HJ added. Prue pushed her eyebrows together in confusion. "Paige? Who's Paige?"  She asked. Just then Prue (cousin) beamed in. "Guys what's taking so-" she stopped once she saw Prue. "Wow so this is the women I'm named after. Nice too meet you." Prue bobbed her head to a side. "I'm sorry who are you?" "I'm Phoebe's daughter Prue. Well since your back I guess everyone will call me PJ." Prue examined PJ and a smile appeared on her face. "Your so beautiful. You look exactly like her."  PJ smiled.

"Thanks. But how are you here? Your suppose to be dead." PJ asked. "Dead? What do you mean dead?"  Wyatt looked at PJ with death eyes. He turned his head back towards Prue. "We will explain all of that later. But come on everyone will be happy to see you. Well...freaked out but happy." HJ held out his hand. "I'm not going." Prue replied. "Not going? Why not?" Prue took a deep sigh and turned her back to the cousins. "I don't know. Every time I wanna go something keeps pushing me back."

An elder orbed on top of the Golden Gate Bridge. "I can answer all of your questions." Everyone's heads turned to the elder. "Prue you were killed by Shax. We placed you in the destiny plane so you wouldn't fully die. Us elders knew you would find a way to escape." Melinda walked up to the elder. "Why didn't you just let her die?" She turned her head to Prue. "No offensive." Prue was to shocked to notice Melina's comment. "Well we were trying to save the power of three. We told Penny and Patty Halliwell to tell Piper and Phoebe that you were dead."  The elder explained. "But what we didn't know was that there was another sister."

Prue's eyes widened as she tried to process the information she was hearing. She then looked at HJ. "Paige." She said above a whisper. "Yes." The elder replied. "The power of three was recreated and-" "and you forgot about me." Prue said to the elder. "How could we forget about the most powerful charmed one?" The elder said causing Prue to smile. "Once your placed in the destiny plane we don't have the power to take you out. You gotta find a way out yourself. You can go into the Halliwell house once your invited in by one of the Halliwells." "That's easy I invite you in to the Halliwell manor ." PJ said to Prue. "By a current resident." The elder corrected. "I invite you into the the Halliwell manor." Melinda said to Prue. A yellow glow started to form around Prue. Once the glowing stopped the elder started to smile.

"You are now reincarnated. Everyone's memory of you being dead is now erased Except your family of course. I will now turn you into your current age since time stops in the Destiny Plane." The elder waved her hand at Prue she shifted into her current age. The elder turned to Melinda. "Melinda I see you have full control over your powers." The elder said. Melinda proudly shook her head. "I'm proud. You will be expecting a surprise from us very soon." The elder orbed out. "A surprise? Do you think that surprise is making me a future Charmed One?" Melinda asked excitedly. "We all know my sisters and I are going to be the power of three. We are all girls after all." PJ said as she flipped her hair. "What I have more nieces and nephews?" Prue asked as a smile appeared on her face. "Well yeah! There's me, Wyatt, Melinda, Chris, PJ, Kat, Tamora, Patience, and Parker." HJ told Prue.

"And the rest can't wait to meet you." Wyatt added. "I'm not going back." Prue said. "What why not?" Melinda asked. "They have Paige." Prue said sounding hurt. "Aunt Prue your family." HJ told her. Orbs started to fill the Golden Gate Bridge." Prue held out her hands and all the cousins and herself turned invisible. "Paige why did you bring me here?" Leo asked. "Well from all the home videos Piper and Phoebe showed me I could of sworn I heard and sensed Prue." Leo gave Paige a look of disbelief. "Paige that's impossible." Leo told her. "Your right." Paige started to giggle. "I forgot how beautiful up here was." Paige took a few steps forward.

"Hey watch it." Paige heard. "Melinda?" Paige and Leo said in unison. All the cousins turned visible. "What in the- what are you guys doing here?" Paige asked. Everyone was silent. "Henry Jr Mitchell Halliwell tell me NOW!" Paige demanded. "They were looking for me." Prue said as she turned visible. Paige and Leo's mouth dropped open. "Prue?" Leo said in a shocked tone.

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