Chapter Ten : The Wicked Bitch of the West

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I woke up to a loud bang and an equally loud thud following it. My hand was clutched over my rapid-beating heart. Good Lord, I might just have a heart attack one of these days. 

My room was still dark since the curtains were closed, yet light streamed in through the gaps in the blinds. My alarm clock signaled that it was eight in the morning. Ughhh, it's too early for this. I got my lazy butt out of bed and went towards my dresser. I pulled out my purple set of underwear, and striped blue tank top from the drawer next to it. Then I got a pair of black shorts and went to the bathroom down the hall to get ready. 

After my shower I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a braid to make the waves a little bit more prominent. I put on my clothing slowly, without a care in the world right now. I already knew it was her royal highness who just arrived. She was going to get special treatment all week from my parents, I just knew it. I really wasn't in the mood for any of her games, so I decided to avoid her as much as humanly possible.

"Melanie, your sister's here. Come down, and wake up Ashton while you're at it!" Dad called from downstairs. I could hear the happiness in his voice. When I was younger he would always regard to my accomplishments in a professional-like manner, and he didn't show much delight towards me all the time either, unless I was sick and needed cheering up. Melina was always given genuine smiles and encouraging comments from everyone. How one person can deceive so many people is beyond me.

"In a minute!" I yelled back, slipping on my midnight blue flats.

Ashton's door was open, so I assumed he was already awake. I walked leisurely to it and knocked on the already open door before entering. "Ashton, dad wants us to go downstairs. Melina's here." I informed him. 

He was sitting at his desk, reading something. When he heard me he turned around with a fierce glint in his eyes. "Who gave you permission to come in? I heard him already, so leave." He pointed to the door with clear vexation.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving. Jeez, you don't need to throw hissy fit." I held up my hands, backing away from his room slowly. I descended the stairs and as soon as I jumped off the last step I regretted my decision in coming down.

She stood three feet in front of me with four rather large suitcases by each side of her. Her dark curly hair was loose, and she wore a baby blue dress that brought out her hazel eyes more. Her figure was as slim as ever, and her posture had an air of confidence in it.

"Melanie." My name rolled off her tongue as if it was a disease.

"Melina." I put on my poker-face.

"How... lovely." She muttered bitterly, turning her head to the side as if looking for something more interesting.

"Melanie, where's your brother?" Dad asked, picking up some of Melina's luggage. Mom was nowhere in sight.

"He's coming down." I left to get some breakfast. When I began to pour milk into the cereal bowl, she walked in.

"So, how're things going, sister dearest?" She asked. What a fake. 

"They've been better." I responded apathetically, grabbing my bowl and sitting at the island.

"They would be a whole lot better if you weren't here." She complained, picking through the fridge with a scrunched up nose.

"Too bad everything doesn't accommodate to how you wish, your highness." I rolled my eyes when she tried to act all classy glaring at the spaghetti leftovers from yesterday. She came off as a real arrogant fool instead.

"If things accommodated to my wishes you would be de--" She was cut off by Ashton walking into the kitchen.

"Welcome home, sis." Ashton gave her a hug. Ouch, that hurt.

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