Chapter Eleven : I Wish

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After running around Jon's house for a good ten minutes, he finally caught up to me and tackled me to the ground. We spent the rest of the day laughing at each other's foolishness like the immature children we are at heart. I was really happy, and I managed to forget I had an evil twin, and a brother who hates me along with parents who prefer to side with my sister. I think Jon was God's gift to me to make up for my messed up family.

Afterwards we didn't really see much of each other. He just kept me up all night texting for the remainder of the week, like always. I executed my plan to avoid Melina as soon as I stepped foot at home, and have been doing an excellent job of it so far. I haven't spoken to her in over two days!

"Melanie! Time for school!" Dad yelled from downstairs. My mom's still mad at me for some reason, so dad's doing all the talking on her behalf.

"I'm coming." I shoved myself out of bed. I've been awake for quite some time, but I couldn't bring myself from getting up. The covers were comfortable against my skin, and I felt so snug I couldn't force myself to leave it.

"I love you so much, bed baby. I promise I'll come back to you tonight." I gave my bed one last hesitant glance before heading to the shower.

"Melanie." Ashton popped his head in my room. I had to do a double take. Where was the anger that was usually in his face? And the threat that followed the use of my name? Why on earth is he in here?

"Yes?" I looked at him suspiciously.

"I have to leave for work, so I can't drive Melina. You're taking her with you." He half stated, half ordered.

"Ugh!" I groaned, picking up my bag from the hanger. "Fine." I can't put up a good debate in the morning, so I might as well give up.

"As much of an evil witch as always." He muttered before closing the door. I knew it! He can't stand to be in a room with me for more than a minute without an insult, the nice act was only for me to accept taking Melina to school. 

After getting my morning routine out of the way I grabbed some notebooks from the desk and left my room. I wasn't about to break my streak and talk to Melina, so I wrote a note telling her about the new arrangements, ripped the paper from the notebook, and slipped it under her door. The house was unusually quiet as I made my way to the kitchen. Mom and dad must've left for work. I hopped on the kitchen island and munched on a granola bar while thinking of what will happen today. I'm delighted that I have one more year to endure before I can leave to the University of my Dreams (Columbia) and live alone without my past mistakes haunting me.

I opened the door to wait outside. "Hey, Jon!" He was standing in the driveway, leaning against his car, wearing the top two buttons of his uniform top unbuttoned, and his hair ruffled messily like it always looks when he just gets up from bed and doesn't bother to brush it. He looked absolutely amazing.

"Jonathan, nice to see you again!" Melina all but ran to him, stumbling a couple of times on her six inch heels.

"Likewise." Jon nodded, unimpressed.

"Are you taking us to school today?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yep. Don't I always?" He shook his head to adjust his shaggy hair. "Hop in." Jon patted the door he was leaning on.

"Shot gun!" Melina yelled.

"Jeez, calm yourself." I hopped into the back seat.

"So, Jonathan..." Melina grabbed at his arm. Jon being the gentleman he is opened the door for her to go in the passenger seat. Why didn't he open my door?

"This is a nice car." She admired it. That's one thing I do agree with her on. Apart from the slight mess of old receipts and a few empty soda bottles, the car does have a well kept interior. It has this heavenly scent of cherries and chocolate that matches Jon's own scent.

"Music?" Jon tossed me his IPod when he got in.

"Hmm, I'm in the mood for some Coldplay. You?" I selected it, and looked through the list for my favorite song from them.

"Yellow?" He turned his head to the side to look at me.

"Look at the road!" I screamed at him.

"Okay, okay." He focused his attention on what was in front of him again.

I sang along to the song softly while absentmindedly doodling on the first page of my notebook. I remember that on my first day of high school I was so giddy. I kept counting down the months until I would officially be a senior, and here I am. I feel nothing. It's as if we were on an extended break and I'm just going back to class.

When we arrived Melina kept gawking at the school, adding crtiticism to anything and everything. 'The brick wall was cracked here, and there was chipped paint on the stairs there, blah blah blah. So on and so forth she kept babbling. I stopped listening as soon as she opened her mouth again. It's a school for crying out loud, not the queen's palace.

"MELANIE!" Jalissa tackled me when I walked through the double doors.

"Hey, Jalissa." I laughed at her excited expression.

"Oh my god! Can you believe it? We're seniors!" She squealed, jumping up and down.

"Let's go get our schedules!" Jalissa grabbed my hand and began to drag me to our homeroom.

"Ahem." Someone cleared their throat behind us causing us to stop. I turned around to find Melina scowling at us with her arms crossed.

"The office is near the art room." I pointed to the art display on the other side of the hallway. "Don't get lost, princess."

"You're such a loser." She flipped her hair, walking away from me with her heels clicking loudly on the tiled  floor.

"Off to the dragon's lair we go! To slay those evil beings keeping hostage the village people!" I declared, causing a scene.

"No, honey. Think about the children!" Jon played along, kneeling in front of me with his hands clasped together in a pleading gesture.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take for our people." I gave him a mock-sorrowful look before walking away.

"No! No, don't leave me!" He yelled after me.

"Remember to feed the goldfish." I feigned a sob. "And tell the kids their momma loves them."

"You....Guys...Too...Funny!" Jalissa laughed, clutching her stomach, bent over trying to catch her breath.

"That's why you love us." I said in a singsong voice.

Jon came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. Jalissa smirked at us and tilted her head while mouthing an 'aww.'

When we got to homeroom Jon still had his arms wrapped around my waist, and I basically had to pry them off me when we walked inside. We took our seats in the back, near the windows. The teacher was getting our schedules passed out to us when the wicked bitch of the west—Oops, I mean Melina—decided  to grace us with her presence.

Some of the boys were staring at her as if she was the best thing since chocolate. I also noticed how she got glares from most of the girls, which is typical for Melina. She wraps everyone around her little finger, and they believe her to be some goddess.

"Ah, Melina Sommers. You may take a seat next to your sister if you wish." The teacher pointed to where I sat. Everyone turned around to face me. 

"Do I have something on my face?" I whispered to Jon. He shook his head.

"That's your sister?" A guy sitting in front of me questioned.

"Unfortunately." I didn't even try to keep the venom out of my voice.

"She's hot!" He stated, glancing between the two of us, probably looking for similar traits.

"Yeah, I mean not as hot as you, but she's very attractive." A guy next to him pitched in. I shot him a dirty look.

"Why don't you two bother someone else?" Jon snapped at them.

"Sorry, dude. We didn't mean to mess with your girl. We were only stating the obvious." They apologized.

My heart fluttered at him saying that I was his girl... I wish.

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