Chapter Twenty-Four : My Letter of Resignation

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I slipped back into my depressive habits after what happened with Jonathan. I couldn't force myself to get out of bed and the holidays passed in such a blur that it wasn't until Melina came in to pull me out of bed that I noticed school was back up. I didn't argue with Melina either. I just let her drag me to the bathroom and back-she didn't trust me to stay alone in the bathroom anymore, so she stayed in there until I was done. She made sure I got dressed and semi-decent for school. Only thing she didn't accomplish was getting me to eat breakfast.

"C'mon, you have to eat something or you'll starve yourself to death!" She complained, shoving a breakfast bar in my face.

"I'm not hungry. I'll just take a granola in case I get hungry later." I grabbed a bar from the pantry and stuffed it in my backpack. This seemed to please her.

"Let's head out. I'll walk with you today." She grabbed her over-sized purse in one hand and her phone in the other as she motioned me to get out.

"I like this version of you, Melina. I didn't know you had it in you." I smirked.

"When I stopped being envious of you I realized I needed my sister. You're a wonderful person, Melanie. I want to find my own way so that we can be wonderful together." She stood back to say. It was really deep coming from her. I was touched. Who is this stranger?

"Let's go. We'll be late." I gave her the best smile I could manage before grabbing my things and heading out the door with her.

On the way to school I saw Jonathan's car zip by and get faster after passing by me. I flinched at the thought of him telling me he wanted me out of his life. It was the most devastating thing that could have happened to me. He left because it's all my fault that Allen isn't around anymore. It's all my fault that Jonathan had to suffer alongside his parents. It's all my fault our love had to end.

"Ugh, c'mon, I thought you were done with the tears." Melina groaned beside me.

"I guess I still had a few leftover from this morning." I wiped the stray tears on the corner of my eyes.

"Anyways," Melina rolled her eyes at me. "I got a text from this girl in my Chemistry class. She said they are going to shut down the make-up tutorials we were going to do in the theater to host some career fair or whatever. Totally lame if you ask me. I was so looking forward to teaching these girls some classy techniques."

"A career fair, you said?" I inquired. The clock is ticking faster towards graduation and I haven't decided what I'd do yet.

"Yeah, some stupid table set-up thing where they talk about all these jobs and stuff." She explained, rapidly typing something away on her phone.


"Do I look like I care? Honestly, Melanie, are you listening to me?" She looked at me to scoff and then back down to text someone it seems. As much as her attitude improved, her demeanor could only change so much. She's still as snappy as ever. Regardless, she gave me an idea of something I could do.

We got to school right on time and I was able to find a seat far away from Jonathan. I felt a deep sigh of relief to be secluded in the very back of the classroom. I didn't have anything to occupy myself with, so I looked out the window and drew faces in the clouds. I tried to think of beautiful flowers and butterflies, but every single cloud morphed into his face. I groaned and put my head on the desk.

"Penny for your thoughts?" The petite girl sitting next to me said.

"It's complicated." I muttered, not in the mood to talk about my messy life.

"When I get frustrated with life I write a letter and bury it in the backyard." She said randomly. "Maybe it will help you to do that."

Do I really look so pathetic other people feel the need to give me advice on how to live my life?

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