Chapter Six : Hate Hate Hate

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"Who are you?" I asked the handsome guy standing behind me. He had messy dirty blond hair and dull hazel eyes. His wide smile was awfully familiar.

He shrugged. "A friend."

"Can you be more specific?" I asked him sarcastically. I really can't help the sarcasm embedded into my words; I'm just naturally sarcastic. He really does look yummy, though. Is that drool in the corner of my lips? Oh my.

"Is that any way to talk to the bestest friend in the whole wide world?" He asked mockingly. I remembered well enough who I had told it to more than a million times in the past. Jon must have been pissed at that, he doesn't take kindly to people trying to take his place.

"JULIAN!" I squealed happily, tackling him in a hug. I could feel the rush of excitement taking over. How long has it been since we have spoken to each other in person?

"Hey Melanie." He smiled at me with perfectly aligned white teeth when we pulled away.

"How? When? Why?" I asked excitedly while fidgeting with my fingers, as I always do when I'm nervous around people.

"Your mom invited me over when she called my mom. Apparently she knew you would be happy if I came to visit you or something like that." He explained shrugging.

I love you mom! This is great; I can't believe she arranged for me to be able to meet this amazing man again. I really should give her more credit.

"Oh, hey Jonathan." Julian greeted Jon and he nodded in acknowledgement. Wait, how did these two know each other? I'll have to ask them later, but for now...

"So...Do you guys want to go do something? Like hang out or..." I trailed off with hope that he'll stay for a while longer. I thought we could do something together, all three of us.

"Yes, but I think you have a bit of a dilemma downstairs." He pointed his head in the way of the stairs where shouts echoed through the house.

"Hide me!" I jumped behind Jon, squealing like the school girl I am.

He laughed loudly and instead of letting me use his body as a human shield, he grabbed me by the waist and put himself behind me.

"Karma's a bitch, you should know that by now." He whispered in my ear, tightening his grip around my waist. I heard heavy footfalls in the wooden staircase. I'm screwed.

"Let me go!" I hissed at him. I need to find a different hiding place, and fast. My head shook from left to right trying to pinpoint a good location.

"Nope, not going to happen." He said putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Julian, help me out here?" I pleaded struggling helplessly around in Jon's arms.

"Nah," He smirked, backing up into the hallway wall.

"Who let you in anyway?!" I shouted at him angrily. I'm not pretty when I get pissed, and he isn't making things any better.

"Ashton. He and Anna were talking about something downstairs and told me to come and get you, but I see Ashton got tired of waiting." As if on cue Ashton stormed upstairs with the deepest frown known to mankind. I could almost see the rain cloud and lightning above his head.

"Hey big bro," I smiled hoping for him to lessen the shouting if I put up my best innocent face.

"You little bitch! How dare you do that?!" He fumed over to where I was and jabbed an accusing finger at me.

"Don't call her that!" Jon defended me.

I bowed my head. "No, Jonathan. He's right," I sighed before looking at Ashton's livid eyes. "I didn't mean to do anything bad to you, I swear. I just needed you to stay in there long enough so you can fix things with Anna." I whispered not trusting my voice with a louder tone.

"Who asked for your help?! If I wanted you snooping around my business I would have said so! Who the hell do you think you are to meddle in my personal life?" Ashton spat out while waving his hands around exasperatedly. "You never think of anyone else and what they want, do you? You are the most selfish, conniving, evil slu--"

"That's enough!" Jon interjected.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered with the tears brimming in my eyes. They stung and as the sob rose in the back of my throat the harder it became to hold them back. Do you know how hard it is to hear the person who was once your idol, friend, and number one supporter bad mouth you? I should be immune to it by now, but it still hurts every time. Especially since I know I could've prevented this and it is my entire fault he hates me.

"You're wrong Ashton, because if I was really that selfish girl you speak of, then things would be completely different and I would be dead." I told him wiping a stray tear away with the back of my hand. Jon's grip loosened and I took it to my advantage to move away from them.

"You are not leaving now! What the hell are you talking about Melanie Ann Sommers?!" Jon grabbed my arm to prevent me from leaving now. I didn't dare move because when he uses my full name he means business.

I let out a bitter laugh. "I'm not that happy-go-lucky girl you think I am. I'm very disappointed that you didn't get the hint of what thoughts circulated around my head after it happened, Ashton."

"What?" Ashton looked at me dumbfounded.

I turned to face Julian. "Julian, can we talk later? Wait for me downstairs or something, but right now I need to talk to my brother dearest." I told him as calmly as I could with all the control I had left in me.

"If it's what you want, alright. Good luck." He hugged me giving me a small smile before leaving.

"You can leave too if you want, Jonathan."Ii fixated my gaze on the burgundy carpet lining the middle of the hall.

"No, I want to be here to support you." Jon smiled down at me as he gripped my hand in his. He's such a great friend.

"So are you going to answer or not?" Ashton spat out bitterly crossing his arms across his chest.

"No, I'm not. Like you said, I'm not allowed to snoop in your business and this has everything to do with you."

"Dammit, Melanie. What the hell do you mean you would be dead?!" He persisted.

"Melanie, please don't tell me you were considering suicide..." Jon looked down at me with a pleading look in his eyes. Bless his soul, he worries over me too much.

I stayed silent.

"Please tell me Lani," Jon begged when I wouldn't answer.

I shook my head. "Ashton, why would you care if I was alive anyway? You couldn't possibly care less of my well being!" I exclaimed with as much venom as he has been directing towards me for the past two years.

"You're right, I don't care. I'm not going to be there for you anyway," He shook his head walking away with his hands in his pockets. The storm cloud still hovered over his head with all the agitation and frustration radiating off of him.

I couldn't take it anymore. I'm sick and tired of this! Every time I've tried to make amends it always ends in war and petty remarks.

I sprinted down the stairs when I remembered something at his use of words. Something he promised me when I was ten. I needed to find it! It's the only thing that can calm me, the promise of yesterday.

I ran to the large oak tree across the street. I looked on the other side of the majestic tree to find the small rusty handheld gardening shovel I hid here when I was younger. I can't believe it's still here! I dug at the dirt for a minute before I hit something solid. My shoe box.

My grimace transformed into a small smile. At first I believed every single bitter remark he would throw at me, but looking at this old box makes me hope they were all lies. These past years all the insults really hurt. I know Ashton; he's very impulsive and doesn't think things through at all. A trait we inherited from our mother.

I started walking back down the street not paying the least bit attention to my surroundings. All I knew was that I needed to fix things with my older brother. I couldn't take any more hatred between us. Not anymore. This ends now.

Suddenly, a loud screech impacted my eardrums and I fell over, pain exploding my body. And then everything faded.

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