2: The Impact

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Stranded Chapter 2

Niall's P.O.V:

It all went by so quick. It was a blur to me. One minute I was angry at Rose and I had fallen asleep. Then, the next I was awaken to her and the plane was crashing. So, seeing her being tossed around like that had punctured a hole in my heart. In other words my heart had filled with regret and guilt. I was afraid she was going to die and I will never forgive myself.

"Rose!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. She lain unconscious on the ground -ceiling- of the plane. I panicked and un buckled my seat belt. My body fell with a loud thud when I hit the plastic ceiling. The oxygen mask was ripped off of me due to gravity and my body pulling it off. Everyone around me was upside down besides the attendant who was rushing to me with caution.

"Sir!" she shouted. "Sir! Sit get in your seat!" I ignored her and ran to Rose. My eyes never left the still body. "Sir!" The lady grabbed my arms and tried to pull me back. "Let go!" I screamed. I snatched my arms back and dropped down next to the girl I love. I picked her head up in my arms and laid her down on my lap.

"Sir! Sit back down!" a man yelled from above. I ignored him and pushed a strand of hair behind Rose's ear. Her hair was still up in a bun and the bandana was still on, but it was messy and tangled from the hit. "Rose. Please wake up," I pleaded. "Rose, please. . . I love you! Please don't give up!" I shouted through the fallen tears. My tear drops slid down my cheek and traced along my jawline before it dropped onto her cheek.

I turned her head to see it was flowing with blood, her lip was split open and bleeding, and her left eye was purple and swollen. Seeing her being tossed like that had scared me. I began to cry right there. I was scared that she was be gone and we weren't going to make it. I was filled with anxiety, guilt, and anger. I was angry at myself but was filled with regret from her. I didn't care if the plane was going down. I wanted to stay there and wrap Rose in my arms as I sobbed.

The plane spun again, causing us to fly to the ground. I cradled her to my chest and spun our bodies in mid-air, so I will land on my back and not crush her. I landed with a cry and a pain shooting up through my back. I coughed up blood, but I managed to pull myself and Rose to our aisle.

Through the loud sirens and screams, I could hear her steady, slow breathing and that was all it took to give me hope. I looked down at her. Her chest was barely rising up and down but she was still alive! I couldn't give up. Not now or ever. I picked her up and hurried back to our seats. I sat down first and pulled her down on my lap and buckled the seat belt around us. I wrapped my arms around her waist as I felt the plane began to spin again and go down. I kissed the side of her head and held a strong grip on her. I am not giving up on her. Or us.

The red lights were still flashing until one shattered and broke from someone being thrown into it. People were filled with fear and worry. Many questions through everyone's head. Were we going to make it? Were we a few seconds away from our death? Will we live? Rose and I will. We had to. We are going to make this. If not me, then I want Rose to survive this. I don't care if I do or don't, as long as she lives.

I wrapped an arm around her head to cover it as much as I can from the impact. "We are going to get through this, Rose," I whispered in her ear. She responded to me with silence. "I repeat do not panic. Do not panic," the lady said over the intercom. "Do not-" "Well people are!" I shouted which caused her to shut her mouth. I rolled my eyes but stopped once I heard thunder outside. The pain shook and bounced up and down.

I was jerked to the side and hit my ribs and arm. My ribs were now sore and going to be for awhile. I looked out the other side window too see the lightening struck the other wing. Now, both wings were kindled and we were falling at full force. Gravity pulled us, faster and faster. The plane leaned forward and I felt my body fall forward but the seatbelt caught my body. I looked out the window to see we were almost crashing.

"You fall. I fall," I whispered in her ear, remembering the words we say to each other. "I love you Rose," I cried out. I gripped onto her hand and held her tight against me. I kissed her lips one more time before shielding her body, so my body will take most of the impact. I closed my eyes and made sure I had Rose for the last time. That's when we hit. Everything around me went silent. My head slammed against the seat and everything around me went dizzy for a second before I blacked out.

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter! Next chapter will be longer I promise! Make sure to check out my other stories and keep an eye out for other stories that will be coming! Also make sure to vote and comment!

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