16: Searching, Accidents, and Acquaintances

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Stranded Chapter 16

Cameron's P.O.V:

Walk around the rock. Climb under two called tree. Jump over the thick vine. Take it step by step: I kept repeating in my head. I'm so stupid. Why would I do this? I am risking my life for someone I hate. It was dark and cloudy out in the middle of a jungle (or forest. . . What ever the place is). It was getting fogy the more I go farther in. I felt as if I'm in one of those horror films: the dumb kid who is alone in a dark area and ends up dying from stupidity. My stupidity is risking my life for someone I hate.

Being stupid is what I feel now. I should head back but I can't. I know I can't. Even though Niall and I have our differences, he is still human and obviously means something to Rose even if she does not remember. I cannot leave him out here, alone. Especially with wild crazy gorillas. I stopped walking and I thought of the incident again. The memory was heart stopping. I shuddered and kept walking.

I walked past a giant tree and heard something shake from up above there. I stopped walking and looked up. No dumbo! Do not look; keep walking. Rule number two in a horror film: never stop walking. "Keep walking," I muttered to myself. I looked down and continued to walk until I heard a bunch of crunching leaves behind me. I turned and looked around but continued walking backwards.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?" I called out. I mentally slapped myself. Dummy, you never do that. . . ever. Rule number one in a horror film: never say hello or ask if someone is there. The results are being killed.

I quickly shut my mouth and walked faster; facing forwards. My hands gripped onto the backpack straps until my knuckles turned pale white from the loss of blood flow. In a quick moment I felt someone hitting me in the stomach; knocking the wind out of me. I sucked in a huge breath and fell to the ground, and moaned in pain. I clutched onto my stomach and wheezed. The pain was excruciating as I felt another hit to the stomach and one to my lip. My lip split open and droplets of blood dripped from my lip. I yelped. My vision became blurry as I felt a hit to the head by my temple.

I tried looking up at the person and when I managed the strength to do so, I saw the familiar hair of blonde with brown roots. "Blondie?" I coughed out blood. He lifted a huge piece of branch above his head but stopped once he heard me say his name. "Cameron?"

My eyelids became heavy and blackness took over me.


I woke up to a crackling sound, and heat hitting my face. My eyes fluttered open, but the pounding headache caused me to close my eyes and hold my head. I moaned and let out a few groans. "Ow. . ." I reopened my eyes to see familiar blue eyes- Niall's eyes- looking at me in concern. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "What happened?" I asked as I looked around. "I hit you with a branch," he muttered with a small chuckle. "In the head and stomach," he added, crouching to my level.

Memories of incident came flooding back into my mind. "I should be more careful next time," I muttered and slowly sat up. "Does it hurt?" he asked as he pressed on my head where the bruise was forming. "Ow! Yes it does," I snarled. He chuckled and walked over the fire. "I know," he said. "Then why did you do it?" I narrowed my eyes. "Because I wanted to," he said, smirking as he sat down from across the fire on a log.

I looked around at my surroundings. We sat in a metal tube- the aisle- and on both sides of the aisle was filled with three seats per row. "Where are we?" I asked. His smirk dropped and he looked around before looking down. "The plane," I murmured. He nodded and muttered, "Yeah." I faced toward him with my legs crossed in my lap. "I know what happened," I said. He shot his head up and looked at me.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked. He frowned and said, "Because it doesn't involve you." "I'm involved now and I want the full story," I said. He sat there, debating whether or not he should say anything. Eventually he reluctantly nodded. "Rose and I were coming back from vacation. We came home early because we fought over something stupid. Some words were exchanged and I said something that ended up coming true.

"When we were coming home on the plane, the plane crashed- as you can see. It was a nightmare coming to reality. Then, I had to watch Rose be tossed around and knock unconscious. The plane finally hit and she didn't wake up until a few days later. I didn't know if she was dead or not until one day I was cooking food- or doing whatever I was doing- and she appeared looking at me with confusion. I thought it was because she was knocked out and the crash messed up her head for a day or so.

"Then. . . Then she told me she did not know who I was. That is when I knew she didn't remember any memories or who I was. She forgot every memory we had ever shared," he explained. I did not say a word after he told me the story. He was in tears at the end, and I felt sorry for him. I didn't know what to do or say but say sorry. There was nothing to say.

"Niall, I'm sorry," I whispered. He let out a sob in his arms and he pulled his knees to his chest. "I did not know how bad it was or what you went through," I admit. He sniffed through his stuffy nose and looked at me with red, glossy eyes. "Who was she to you?" I asked. He shifted in his seat as he took a deep breath. "She was my girlfriend. We were becoming serious after we started talking about marriage and kids for our two years together." He laughed at the memory. I smiled.

"I haven't popped the question. I wanted to on vacation, but I guess it was not meant to be. I'd never get to. . . now." His smile vanished from his once happy face. I bit my lip and nodded. I looked down then back at him. "What did you say which ended up happening?" I asked. His lip quivered but he did not dare cry. "I was dreading this question," he said. I smiled as so did he, but it faded. "I told her I sometimes wished she never knew who I was so I wouldn't have to go through this ever day," he said, referring to the fight.

"It was the anger which took over me. I didn't mean it! But I guess karma gets you back. I regret every word and every fight and I wish I could take it back," he shamefully admit. "Niall, I am truly sorry. Please know I am here. We may have our differences, but I am still here if you need to talk," I told him. I meant every word I told him.

He nodded and looked up at me. "If you don't mind asking me this. . . but why do you care?" he asked. "Not to sound mean or anything." I smirked and said, "I may come off like a hardhead or an unpleasant jerk, but I still care. Even if it is with people I have problems with or in you're case: sometimes cannot stand." He smiled. "So, you cannot stand me?" he asked with a playful smirk. I shrugged and said, "Well. . . I'm pretty sure you cannot stand me either so it's a win win compo." "Compo? What is that?" He laughed. I laughed along and said, "I have no clue."

After a minute of laughing, we both calmed down and it fell silent. The only sound you can hear was the sound of the cracklings of the fire and the hush sound of roaring, crashing waves. "Thank you," he mumbled with a small smile. "You're welcome." I patted his back and grinned. "You're not too bad, Blondie," I said. "Eh you're not so bad yourself, Aussie." His smirk etched its way back onto his lips.

"Funny," I retorted. He smiled and sat back in his seat. I chuckled and sat back also. Maybe Blondie is not so bad. . .

Maybe. . .

A/n: I really enjoyed this chapter a lot. Cameron doesn't seem so bad now does he? Let me know in the comments!! :D btw I know I saw this a lot but you guys are my awesome lovelies! I appreciate you guys so much!

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