6: Starting Over and Obliviousness

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Stranded Chapter 6

Niall's P.O.V:

The sound of a twig snapping behind me had caused me to jump in fright and to turn around in a quick movement, only to see Rose was awkwardly walking over to me. "How'd you find me?" I asked with curiosity. She blushed and looked away when she replied: "I followed your footsteps." She spoke with shyness and I found it adorable. I nodded and watched as she walked over to the edge of the cliff and too a seat next to me. In all honesty, I was Very surprised that she would come sit down next to me because of our past issues.

We sat in silence. The since was uncomfortable and not one where people do not mind it. You can sense the awkwardness in the air and so I shifted in my seat and looked out at the calm waters. Seagulls were flying above the surface of the water. They would dive to try and catch their food- the fish.

"Look and listen," she said and snapped me out of my train of thoughts. I looked over and raised a questioning eyebrow at her. "I've left you alone for quite some time now and I want to apologize for what had happened," she said. I reached my hand out for her to shake my hand. All I did was chuckle in response. "It's fine. I understand you," I said. "No! It's not fine," she examined with a frown. I glanced at her before retrieving my hand and looking out at the water. "I know you are hurting on the inside because your best friend does not remember you," she stated.

My heart sunk a little. If only she knew that are feelings towards each other were much more than friends. "No. Really, it's fine," I said and forced a fake smile. "I don't even know your name for crying out loud. How is that fine?" she asked. I shrugged as my answer. "I know nothing about you," she said and let a small sigh escaped her plump, pink lips. She licked her dry lips before speaking again: "And that's why I'm going to change it." She spoke as if she was making it a goal and her life depended on it.

I stared back at her, confused and lost. "Wuh-what do you mean?" I stuttered. "What I mean is that I want to change about me not knowing you," she said. "How about we start over? Let us get to know each other all over again," she suggested. I was speechless. At first she doesn't remember me and wants nothing to do with me and now she wants to start over. "So, after everything you've said and done. . . you want to start over?" I asked, clearing everything she said. A slight frown formed across my features.

She cautiously nodded in an uptight way, but relaxed when a smile formed across my lips. A real smile I've had in awhile. "I'd like that," I said. A smile crossed over her lips. "Really?" she asked with astonishment. "Yeah. I think it's a good idea," I said. She blushed and held out her hand. "My name is Rose," she said. I looked at her hand before looking in her eyes and I gladly took her small, soft hand in my large one and I shook it. "Niall," I said. She threw her head back in laughter as she closed her eyes in a tight close with her eyes crinkling at the corners. I smiled as I watched her. It truly was a real smile that I've had since we became stranded on this island. She was happy and so was I.

"So. . . what's for lunch?" she asked after calming down from her laughter. I sighed and said, "You do not have to be shy, anymore." "I know. . . I know. It will take me some time to warm up to you but I will eventually," she admit. "There is no need for an explanation," I assured her. "And to answer your question. . . fish," I said. She groaned and nodded. "We will be having fish until we get off this stupid island," I said. "Do you think anyone is looking for us?" she asked.

"I'm sure our friends and family are worried about us. I know our friends are looking for us right now."

Third Person P.O.V:


"Harry! Put that back before you break it or something! Niall would hate it if he knew you had his guitar," Zayn hollered at his best mate, Harry, as he chased him around. Harry's long hair flown back in the wind from the speed he was running at. His green eyes gleamed with joy and humor. "What Niall doesn't know will not hurt him," Harry said, he smirked as he ran around the pool that was in the back yard of the house.

Louis sat off to the corner, shaking his head in disappointment with his eyes closed shut. He pinched the bridge of his slender nose and let out a loud groan of irritation. His eyes opened and his baby blue eyes met with an annoyed filled brown eyes that belonged to his best mate, Liam. Liam stood at a height of six-foot and had broad shoulder and a fit body which made Louis want to look like him. "Harry, put the guitar back!" Louis scolded. Harry abruptly stopped running, causing Zayn to bump into him and to drop the brand new guitar in the pool.

Harry's eyes went wide as leaned forward and his long body dived into the pool and swam down to grab the guitar. Everyone one of the lads, besides Niall, came running to the pool. Harry swam above water and pulled himself out of the pool with the guitar in his hand. Everyone was examining the wood material instrument. "Is it ruined?" "What happened?" "Ooh. . . Niall is going to kill you!" Everyone yelled out different sayings and questions. "Shush! It's not ruined. That is very good," Harry said in relief.

He handed Louis the guitar and pulled himself to his fee. "Go dry it up, Liam," Louis ordered and handed Liam the guitar. Liam nodded and took off jogging to go inside of the house. Harry sent Zayn a playful, yet warning, glare. "Hey! Don't look at me. I did warn you," Zayn defended and held his hands up. Harry burst out laughing before getting serious and said, "No one saw anything." "Understood," Zayn and Louis said at the same time. Harry nodded. Liam came back running out with a smile on his face.

"The guitar is good!" He clapped his hands together. "Good! You didn't see anything, Liam. Got it?" Harry questions. Liam nodded with a mischievous smile. "Where is it now?" Louis asked. "Please let it be somewhere safe," Zayn pleaded. "Don't worry. It's back where it was before. Safely in Niall's guitar case," Liam said. "When Niall gets back, nothing happened," Harry said. "Speaking of which. Wasn't Niall and Rose suppose to be back yesterday?" Louis curiously asked.

"Strange. . . but yes they were," Zayn said. He ran his tan finger through his raven black hair out of nervousness. They all looked at each other before shrugging and said, "Oh well." They ran back inside to have lunch, not even knowing what is really going on with Rose and Niall.

A/n: Hello everyone! I am back and will be leaving again this Saturday on the 27th but I will still be updating while I am in Colorado! I will be busy but I'm still updating! Next chapter should be up soon(:

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