15: Discussions, Realizations, and Decisions

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Stranded Chapter 15

Rose's P.O.V:

"Cameron? Cameron? Cameron! There you are," I said, walking to where he was sitting. The sand crunched beneath my feet and the salty smell of the ocean filled my nose. Cameron sat against the edge of a rock as he looked out at the ocean. He was throwing rocks into the quelled water. When he heard me he glanced over his shoulder then back at the ocean, mumbling a soft hey. I took a seat next to him and kicked my feet over the edge. I looked down at the flat, rough sand below me.

"What are you doing way out here alone? It's dark out," I said. He sent me a small smile before shrugging and looking out at the ocean. "Thinking," he answered. "About what?" I asked. "Some things," he whispered. "Well, I want to know," I edged him on. He sighed and looked over at me. "Blondie and I haven't exactly ended on good terms. You can say we couldn't stand each other, but now he may be dead and I feel sort of- you know- guilty," he explained. I faked a gasp and teased him by saying, "Cameron feeling bad?" He let out a half-smothered laugh and playfully pushed me. I laughed out loud.

"I thought it was all a joke between you and him," I admit. "The Blondie part was," he said. "What other parts were there?" I asked. His eyes went wide before he started to stutter over his words. "W-well. Thuh-there well I mean there were a few times we would bicker when you weren't around," he said. "You mean-" "Yes," he cut me off. "Oh," I murmured.

"But you should stay out of this. It has nothing to do with you," he said. "What do you guys bicker about?" I asked. "Oh you know random things." He nervously laughed it off. "So, it is a joking manner when you argue," I said. "You can say that," he said. "Have you and Niall ever went to an extent of being physical?" I asked, curious. "No. I'm being honest with you. We had never went physical before," he said. I could see the truth and honesty in his eyes; I knew then he was telling the truth.

"Promise you guys will never," I whispered and held out my pinky for him to combine his pinky with. He looked down at my pinky then up in my eyes, lightly chuckling. "I promise," he said and combined his large pinky with mine. "A bit childish, would you say?" He laughed. I smiled and said, "No one is looking." "You're right." He smirked. "No one is." He winked. Then, he grabbed my face in his hands and playfully kissed my cheeks. I gasped and burst out laughing as I tried to push him away. My cheeks redden; my stomach did flips from the butterflies from his lips making contact with my cheeks.

He laughed and pulled back. I blushed harder and looked down, then up at the night sky. It fell in a comfortable silence among us. He leaned back on his elbows and looked up at the dark sky. "Isn't it so strange that there is no stars?" I asked. The sky was pitch black with the glow of the moon which gave us light. There was stars out in the middle of nowhere. It was somewhat peaceful.

"I wonder why," he hummed. "Maybe there isn't any stars since there is nothing out here besides a deserted island," I said, shrugging because I did not know what to say. It was a mystery to me. "I should learn more about the ocean and its sky when we get off," he said. "If we get off," I muttered under my breath. He dropped his gaze from the sky and over to me. "Hey! Don't say that. We will." He bumped his shoulders with mine.

A small smile formed on my lips before it disappeared. "Yeah. . ." I trailed off. He sighed and wrapped a hard, muscular arm around my shoulder. "Everything will be fine. We will get off no matter what," he said. "I promise you." I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. "Where do you live?" he asked. "I was born in North Yorkshire but I lived in Ireland for a year then I moved again to London," I said. "Now, who is Niall to you?" he asked. "A friend," I said, sounding unsure. Cameron looked at me, questioningly. "Supposedly I know him." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Do you mean you do not know?" he asked. I shrugged, still unsure about the situation. I am still confused to this very day. He thought for a minute before his eyes widen in realization. "What?" I asked. He looked at me- still shocked- as he thought about what I said (or it was about another thought). His eyes scanned me. "Oh my," he mumbled. "What? Is there something on me? Please do not tell me there is a spider," I panicked, my heart rate accelerating. "No. . . Do not worry. . . There is not a spider." He shook his head and stood up. I looked at him, puzzled.

"Where are you going?" I asked and I stood up. He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows together in thought. "Stay here," he demanded. "Do not follow me. Stay on the shore and do not leave," he instructed. He turned around and began walking back to the hut. I ran to him because he was walking away at a fast pace (more of a running pace). He picked up a flashlight from the pile of supplies Niall had found and stuffed a few supplies in a backpack and threw it over his back. He jogged towards the jungle of towering trees.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Where are you going?" I asked. He sighed and turned his head slightly to look at me. The next few words had surprised me. The Cameron I knew would not say what he said.

"I'm going to look for Niall."

A/n: I am so so sorry for the short chapters! I just finished with some of my tests this week. I had science, Math, and History all crammed back to back. I promise I'll try to make a longer one next chapter. Next chapter may be Cameron's Pov so you will see what he is thinking(; I promise it will get better since Cameron will have a Pov and he just realized something and you will find out that something next chapter!(: X

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