21: Reunited, Goodbyes, and I Love You's

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Stranded Chapter21

Rose's P.O.V:

The light, chilly sea breeze woke me up and the presence of Niall next to me. His non-injured arm was wrapped securely around my waist as his head was laying on my chest. His broken arm had another splint on it, but this time it was man made. He still had tear stains falling down his cheeks from last night's previous events. He let out soft even breaths. He slept peacefully and I didn't want to disturb him.

I smiled softly at him as I pressed my lips gently on his warm forehead. I pushed back his blonde hair out of his face. "I love you always," I whispered near his ear. I slowly pulled out of his grasp, but his hold on me had tighten. "Don't leave me," he cried. He opened his eyes to have fresh, new tears forming in his eyes. His blue eyes were filled with tears as he cried on me. I wrapped my arms securely around him as I pulled him closer to me. "I will never," I whispered. "Not again." "Please promise that you won't," he cried softly. "I promise," I whispered. By now I had tears slowly falling down my pale cheeks. "I love you Rose. You don't know how much I regret what I've said to you. I promise you I will never say or do anything like that. You probably don't love me anymore," he muttered.

"Niall, I forgive you. Let's move on from it. I can never stop loving you." I calmed him down. He gave me a small smile and nod. "Please. . . Please don't hurt over this anymore. It was out of angered. I've said things too and I'm sorry," I whispered as I looked down. He lifted my chin to look at him. His wide, blue eyes stared back at me. "Don't be sorry. Never be sorry. It was all me, love. I should be apologizing and not you," he said. I shook my head and engulfed him in a hug. "Never do what you did last night. Promise me?" I whispered against his chest. I heard him sigh and nod his head. He was dreading to bring up what had happened last night. "I promise," he whispered before kissing the top of my head.

We sat in silence until we heard a loud, high-pitch scream which caused us to look towards the coming scream. Cameron came running out from behind a rock. He had a huge smile on his face as he was jumping up and down. He was pointing behind him also. He was out of breath from running and screaming that he couldn't tell us what's wrong. He ran over to us and shook us both as quick as he can. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

"What are you doing?" Niall laughed from besides me. Cameron stood in front of us with a huge smile. "A boat! A boat! Niall! Rose! A bloody boat is here!" He started cursing and swearing. He said a few words that I didn't even know from excitement. "It's a boat! I'm going home! We are going home!" He jumped in the air. Niall and I looked at each other with smiles on our face as we laughed.

"Yoo hoo! Niall and Rosie Rose. It's your best mates!" We heard the lads. They came running around the rock and towards us. "Lads!" Niall exclaimed. We stood up and ran towards them as they crushed us in a hug. Louis picked me up and spun me around. Then, gave my cheek a big, wet kiss. "Ewe, Louis!" I giggled, wiping my cheek. "Rose, you're alright! What a sucky vacation!" He laugh as he set me down on the sand. "Well, thanks Louis," I said. Zayn was the next one to come and hug me. "I'm glad you're back. We couldn't stand not knowing where you and Niall were," he said. "We didn't come looking for them until yesterday morning," Harry said, frowning in confusion.

Liam smacked the back of his head. "Ow," Harry muttered while rubbing his head. "Gee thanks lads," Niall remarked sarcastically. "Oh. . . And be careful with your guitar-" The three lads covered Harry's mouth as quick as they can. Niall furrowed his eyebrows in concern. "What happened to my guitar?" Niall asked. They pulled back from Harry as he nervously chuckled. "Well, you see. I was holding it and- Oh hey! Look it's both of your parents," Harry shouted as he pointed to the direction of the rock.

Niall and I tore our gaze from Harry and to the rock. Then, it felt like everything happen so quickly. Niall saw his mum and dad. He took off running to them. And I saw a glimpse of my mum's long brown hair and my dad's light blonde hair and green eyes. A smile formed on my face as I ran towards them like a child running down the stairs on Christmas morning. "Mum! Dad! I missed you guys so much," I cried as I pulled them in a hug. My mum started to cry and I could even see tears forming in my dad's eyes.

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